Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Příběh holičova šestého bratra

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Dávno, dávno dávno, v hlubokém lesíčku, bydlel hodný holič se svými šesti syny. Nejmladší z mužských potomků byl však něčím zvláštního – měl dar rozumět zvířatům a mluvit s nimi. Tento dar se mu stane osudným, když je královským loveckým psem ztracen a malý holičův syn se rozhodne mu pomoci. Takto začíná příběh holičova šestého bratra.
Once upon a time, in a small village in the Czech Republic, there lived a barber and his six sons. The barber was a hard-working man, but he was also very proud of his sons. He treated them all equally and loved them dearly, but he was particularly proud of his youngest son, who he called his „little angel.“

The six brothers grew up to be fine young men, and each of them followed in their father’s footsteps to become a barber. They were all skilled craftsmen, but the youngest brother was the most gifted of them all. He had a special way with his clients, and they would all leave his shop feeling refreshed, relaxed and happy.

One day, the six brothers were approached by a wealthy merchant who wanted them to cut his hair for a special occasion. He promised to pay them a handsome sum of money if they would agree to his terms. The brothers were excited and agreed to the offer, but they didn’t realize the trouble they were getting themselves into.

As they began to cut the merchant’s hair, they noticed that he was a very demanding and difficult customer. He kept changing his mind about what he wanted, and would often criticize their work, even though it was flawless. The six brothers tried their best to satisfy him, but he was never happy with their work.

As the day wore on, the brothers became tired and frustrated. They couldn’t understand why the merchant was being so difficult, and they began to argue amongst themselves. The youngest brother, however, remained calm and collected, and he continued to work silently and diligently.

Finally, after a long and exhausting day, the merchant was pleased with his hair and left the barbershop with a small smile on his face. The six brothers were relieved that their ordeal was finally over, but they were also ashamed of how they had acted towards each other.

The youngest brother, however, was the only one who had kept his composure and remained focused on his work. The older brothers realized that they had been foolish to argue and fight amongst themselves, and they were ashamed of how they had treated their youngest brother.

From that day forward, the six brothers worked together in harmony and cooperation, thanks to the example set by their youngest sibling. They became known as the best barbers in the land, and people would travel from far and wide to have their hair cut by the skilled and happy group of brothers.

In the end, the six brothers learned that it was better to work together than to be divided, and that pride and envy were the enemies of a good working relationship. They also realized that the true secret of their success lay in the skill and dedication of their youngest brother, who had not only taught them to work together, but had also shown them the value of humility and hard work.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Šest bratrů následovalo po svém otci, kadeřníkovi a stali se skvělými řemeslníky. Jejich nejmladší bratr jako jediný zůstal klidný a pracoval soustředěně, i když hled velmi náročný a nepříjemný. Starší bratři si uvědomili, jak byli hloupí, že se hádali a bojovali mezi sebou a začali spolupracovat a pracovat v harmonii se svým nejmladším bratrem. Tím si uvědomili, že úspěch spočívá v pokornosti a tvrdé práci, a že je lepší spolupracovat než se dělit. Stali se nejlepšími kadeřníky kraje a lidé cestovali z daleka, aby se jim nechali ostříhat.

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