Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Král, který naslouchal

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Bylo jednou jeden král, který měl velmi zvláštní schopnost – dokázal naslouchat. Nejenom běžným zvukům života kolem sebe, ale i hlasům neviditelných bytostí. Král se tímto daru užíval den co den a nesmírně si ho vážil, až se jednoho dne stalo něco nečekaného. Jeho schopnosti naslouchání mu otevřely dveře do kouzelného světa a začal se o něm dozvídat věci, o kterých se nikdy předtím ani nesnilo. Sledujte jeho putování k moudrosti ve skvostné pohádce „Král, který naslouchal“.
Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there was a wise and just king named Jan. He was known throughout the land for his fairness and his ability to listen to his people’s concerns. He was known as „Král, který naslouchal.“

Rádce Krále

Král Jan was fortunate to have a wise chief advisor, who helped guide him in the governance of the kingdom. The advisor, whose name was Tibor, was a man renowned for his sagacity and his honesty. Král Jan knew that he could trust Tibor to give him the best advice, no matter what the situation.

Králův Syn

Král Jan had a son, a boy named Jakub, who was curious and adventurous. Jakub loved to explore the kingdom and was always asking questions about how things worked. His father, Král Jan, was proud of his son’s curiosity and encouraged him to learn as much as possible.

The Mysterious Stranger

One day, a mysterious stranger came to Král Jan’s court. He was tall and thin, with a long, pointed beard and bright blue eyes. The stranger refused to give his name, but he claimed to be a great sage who could solve any problem.

Králův Dům

Král Jan was intrigued by the stranger’s claims and decided to put him to the test. He asked the stranger to solve a particularly difficult problem that had been troubling the kingdom for some time. The stranger agreed and went to work.

Král a Královna

Král Jan and his wife, the Queen, watched the stranger work with great interest. They were amazed at the speed with which he solved the problem. When he was finished, Král Jan thanked the stranger and asked him to stay at the palace as a guest.

The Strange Demands

The stranger agreed to stay, but he soon began to make strange demands. He asked for exotic foods and rare wines, and he demanded to be treated like a king. Král Jan was taken aback by the stranger’s demands, but he felt that he owed the man a debt for solving the difficult problem.

Králova Naděje

As the days went by, the stranger’s demands became more and more outrageous. Král Jan began to worry that he had made a mistake by bringing the stranger into his court. He confided his worries to Tibor, his chief advisor, who advised him to be careful around the stranger.

Král a Syn

Král Jan also talked to his son, Jakub, about the stranger. Jakub was curious about the stranger and asked to meet him. Král Jan agreed, but he warned his son to be careful.

The Truth Revealed

One day, while Jakub was talking with the stranger, he noticed that the man’s suit had torn. When Jakub asked about it, the stranger admitted that he was not a great sage after all. He was just a common thief who had been looking for an easy mark.

Král a Královna odpuštěná

Král Jan was furious when he learned the truth about the stranger. He ordered him thrown out of the kingdom and swore to never again be taken in by someone’s claims to be a great sage. Král Jan also apologized to his wife, the Queen, for risking their safety by bringing the stranger into the court.

The Lesson Learned

Král Jan learned a valuable lesson from his experience with the stranger. He realized that he should always be careful about who he let into his court and who he trusted. He also realized that it was important to listen to the advice of trusted advisors like Tibor.

Jakub se poučí

Jakub also learned a lesson from his experience with the stranger. He realized that not everyone who claimed to be a great sage was trustworthy. He also learned the importance of being careful when dealing with strangers.

Král Jan and Královna had a newfound respect for Tibor for his wisdom and council, and as a result, Tibor became Král Jan’s most trusted advisor. And so, Král Jan’s reputation as „Král, který naslouchal,“ the king who listened, continued, and his kingdom prospered under his wise and just rule. The end.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Králem se stal moudrý a spravedlivý Jan, který byl znám svou spravedlností a schopností naslouchat lidem. Jeho rádcem byl Tibor, který mu pomáhal v řízení království. Jan měl syna Jakuba, který byl zvědavý a dobrodružný. Jednoho dne přišel do královského dvora záhadný cizinec, který tvrdil, že dokáže vyřešit jakýkoli problém. Jan mu tedy dal těžkou úlohu, aby vyřešil složitý problém v království. Cizinec úkol zvládnul a Jan mu vděčil, ale později začal požadovat zvláštní věci. Nakonec se ukázalo, že cizinec byl zloděj a Jan ho nechal vyhnat z království. Jan se poučil, že musí být opatrný, komu dává důvěru. Jakub si také uvědomil, že ne každý, kdo tvrdí, že je moudrý, je důvěryhodný. Janovi rádce Tibor se stal jeho nejvíce důvěryhodným poradcem a království pod jeho vedením prosperovalo.

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