Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Kamínek v kohoutí hlavě (The Stone in the Cock’s Head)

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Byla jednou jedna malá vesnička, ve které žil chudý medvěd. Jednoho dne se vydal na procházku do lesa a tam narazil na kohouta, který se povaloval na zemi. Medvěd se ho zeptal, co se mu stalo a kohout mu odpověděl, že má kámen v hlavě a nemůže se hnout. Medvěd mu nabídl, že mu kámen vyndá, když mu za to dá zvonek ze stáje. Kohout souhlasil a medvěd mu kámen opravdu vyndal. Od té doby se však začaly dít věci, které vesničané nikdy nezažili. Kamínek v kohoutově hlavě byl totiž kouzelný a přinášel do života nevídané záhady i zázraky. Toto je příběh o Kamínku v kohoutí hlavě.
Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a young prince named Jakub. He was the son of the powerful king and queen, and he had everything he could ever want. But despite his wealth and privilege, Jakub was unhappy. He longed for adventure, for travel beyond the borders of his kingdom, and for a life that was free from the constraints of his royal station.

One day, as Jakub was walking in the woods near his castle, he came across an old man who was sitting on a log, whittling a stick with a small blade. Jakub greeted the man respectfully, and they struck up a conversation. The old man told him stories of his own youth, of travels to distant lands, and of the amazing things he had seen.

Jakub’s heart leapt with excitement at these tales, and he begged the old man to tell him more. In response, the old man leaned in close and spoke to him in a low, conspiratorial tone. “I know of a place where you can find the greatest treasure in the world,” he whispered. “It is a magical stone that lies hidden inside the head of a rooster. But be warned: the journey to find it is treacherous, and many have lost their lives in the attempt.”

Jakub was undaunted by this warning. He knew that this was the adventure he had been seeking, and he resolved to set out at once to find the stone.

With the old man’s guidance, he set off into the wilds, searching for the cock that held the stone in his head. For weeks he traveled through dense forests, across treacherous mountains, and through scorching deserts. All the while, he kept a sharp eye out for any sign of the elusive bird.

One day, as Jakub was crossing a narrow bridge over a deep ravine, he heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. He drew his sword and crept closer, his heart pounding with excitement. Suddenly, the trees parted, and there before him stood an enormous rooster, its feathers gleaming in the sun.

Jakub leapt forward, brandishing his sword, but the rooster was too quick for him. It darted this way and that, dodging his blows and flapping its wings in his face. Finally, with a triumphant cackle, the rooster took off into the sky, leaving Jakub standing on the bridge, breathless and empty-handed.

For many weeks, Jakub wandered the countryside, searching for the cock that held the stone in his head. He grew thin and tired, and his clothes became tattered and worn. But still, he did not give up hope.

At last, he came to a small village on the edge of a vast forest. There, he found an old man who claimed to know the whereabouts of the mysterious bird. The old man said that the rooster could be found in a nearby clearing, but that it was surrounded by a dense thicket of bushes and vines that made it all but inaccessible.

Jakub thanked the old man and set off at once for the clearing. When he arrived, he discovered that the old man had spoken the truth: the thicket was thick and tangled, and it was nearly impossible to see through to the other side. But Jakub was determined.

He waded into the thicket, hacking his way through the branches with his sword. At last, he broke through the other side and found himself in a small clearing. And there, standing in the center of the glade, was the majestic rooster with the stone in his head.

With great care, Jakub approached the bird, holding out his hand in a gesture of peace. The rooster regarded him warily, eyeing him up and down. But after a few moments, it seemed to sense that Jakub meant it no harm, and it lowered its head, allowing Jakub to take hold of the precious stone.

Jakub felt a rush of excitement as he clutched the stone in his hand. He had done it! He had found the greatest treasure in the world! But as he turned to leave, he heard a sudden noise behind him. It was the sound of a thousand birds taking flight, each one more powerful than the last.

Jakub felt a moment of panic as he realized that he was surrounded. But then he remembered the sword at his side, and he drew it out, poised and ready to strike.

The battle that followed was fierce and bloody, with Jakub fighting against wave after wave of the magical birds. But with the stone in his hand, he felt a newfound strength coursing through his veins. He fought on, his eyes blazing with fury and determination, cutting down bird after bird until the ground was littered with their bodies.

At last, the sun began to rise over the horizon, casting a soft glow over the clearing. The last of the birds took flight, flying off into the distance. Jakub looked up, panting and exhausted, and saw in the sky a flock of tiny black birds, their wings beating softly in the dawn.

He smiled to himself, knowing that he had succeeded where so many others had failed. The stone in his hand glinted in the sunlight. He knew that this precious gem would make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But more importantly, he knew that he had found the adventure he had been seeking, and that he would never be the same again.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V pohádce “Kohout a kámen” se setkáváme s mladým princem Jakubem, který touží po dobrodružství a cestování, a hledá život svobodný od omezujících kralovských povinností. Potkává starce, který mu vypráví o magickém kameni ukrytém v hlavě kohouta, ale varuje ho, že cesta k němu je plná nebezpečí a mnoho lidí již zahynulo při pokusu. Jakub se rozhodne tuto výzvu přijmout a vydává se na dlouhou a těžkou cestu, kde čelí mnoha výzvám a nalézá různé strategie, jak jimi překonat. Nakonec se kamenem odvážněji bojuje proti kohoutovi a jeho hlavním soupeřům, dokud nezíská svůj cíl. Toto dobrodružství ho nejen změní a uspokojí jeho touhu, ale naučí ho také mnoho důležitých životních lekcí. Jedna z nich je to, že cesty k cíli jsou často těžké a plné nebezpečí, ale pokud máme odvahu a pevnou vůli, můžeme překonat i ty nejtěžší překážky.

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