Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Březová smrt (The Birch Death)

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V dávných dobách se na podzim na okrajích lesů objevoval podivný jev – Březová smrt. Nikdo nevěděl, odkud přišel a proč se takhle chová. Každý rok se však opakoval a lidé se báli vstupovat do blízkého lesa a vesničané raději stavěli své domy dál od něj. Jednoho dne se však našel odvážný mladík, který se rozhodl objasnění Březové smrti. Jaká dobrodružství ho čekala a co se mu podařilo zjistit, se dozvíte v této pohádce.

Once upon a time, in the heart of the Czech Republic, there lived a young girl named Markéta. She lived in a small village at the foot of a majestic mountain range called the Krkonoše. Markéta was known in the village for her sharp mind, her curious spirit, and her unwavering kindness.

One day, while exploring the forest that surrounded her village, Markéta stumbled upon a clearing that she had never seen before. In the center of the clearing stood a tall and imposing birch tree, with silvery bark that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. But as Markéta approached the tree, she noticed something odd. The leaves that once adorned its branches had withered away, and the ground around the base of the tree was dry and cracked.

Markéta was puzzled by this sight, and she decided to ask her grandmother, who was known in the village as a wise woman, for an explanation. Her grandmother told her that the tree was suffering from an ailment known as Březová smrt, or The Birch Death. According to the legend, the Birch Death was a curse that had befallen the birch trees of the region long ago, as a punishment for the greed and arrogance of the people who lived there.

Markéta was determined to save the birch tree from this affliction. She spent the next few days gathering herbs and plants from the forest, consulting ancient texts about healing, and seeking advice from the elders in the village. Finally, she came up with a plan.

She would make a potion using the plants and herbs she had gathered, and she would climb to the top of the tree to pour it onto the roots. The potion would not only heal the tree, but it would also break the curse that had befallen the birch trees of the region.

The next morning, Markéta set out on her journey. She climbed to the top of the tree, armed with her potion and a sense of determination. As she poured the potion onto the roots of the tree, she felt a strange sensation. It was as if she was not alone – as if some unseen force was watching over her.

Suddenly, a voice boomed from the sky. “You have shown great courage and compassion, young one,” it said. “You have broken the curse that has plagued this land for generations. As a reward, I bestow upon you the gift of wisdom, so that you may help others as you have helped this tree. And know that you will be remembered as a hero in this land.”

With those words, the voice disappeared, and Markéta was left alone atop the tree. She climbed down and returned to the village, where she was greeted with excitement and admiration. The birch tree, too, was restored to its former glory, and its leaves once again adorned its branches.

And so, Markéta lived the rest of her life as a wise woman, using the gift of wisdom granted to her by the voice from the sky to help those in need. And the tale of her bravery and compassion, and the healing of the cursed birch tree, spread throughout the land, becoming forever known as a story of hope and courage in the face of adversity.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

V srdci České republiky žila jednou malá dívka jménem Markéta. Byla známa pro svoji bystrost ducha, zvídavost a neochvějnou laskavost. Jednoho dne, při průzkumu lesa, objevila Markéta mýtinku, kterou nikdy předtím neviděla. V středu ní se tyčil vysoký břízový strom s lesklým stříbřitým kůrem, který se třpytil na slunci. Nicméně Markéta si všimla, že listy na stromě zvadly a zem kolem kmene byla suchá a popraskaná. Její babička jí řekla, že strom trpí nemocí zvanou Březová smrt, kletbou, jež postihla břízy regionu. Markéta se rozhodla strom před zkázou zachránit a poté co vyhledala rady starousedlíků a prozkoumala staré knihy o zdraví, připravila lektvar z rostlin, které shromáždila v lese, a vyšplhala na strom, aby ho ošetřila. Utržila také kořeny, což vedlo ke zlomení kletby, která na stromy regionu dopadla kvůli chamtivosti a aroganci těch, kdo tam žili. Markéta také slyšela hlas z nebe, který jí řekl, že odmění ji dary moudrosti a věčnou památkou na statečnost a laskavost, kterými pomohla navrátit život stromu a osvobodit ho od kletby. Poté žila jako moudrá žena a využívala dary, aby pomohla druhým.

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