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Bree, Královna Hradu Smrti

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Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, there lived a beautiful and kind-hearted queen named Bree. She ruled from the magnificent castle of Hradu Smrti and was loved and respected by all her subjects. However, the queen’s happiness was short-lived as an evil sorcerer threatened her kingdom’s peace and harmony. Bree knew that she had to act fast and stop the sorcerer’s sinister plans if she wanted to preserve her beloved kingdom. Little did she know that her journey would take her on a magical adventure filled with danger, love, and unexpected twists. This is the story of Bree, Královna Hradu Smrti.

Once upon a time in the land of Bohemia, there lived a young princess named Bree. She was a beautiful princess with long golden hair and big bright blue eyes. She was known to be kind and generous to everyone she encountered, but she was also extremely brave and fearlessly faced any danger that came her way.

As she grew older, Bree became very curious about the world outside her castle walls. She wanted to explore and see the wonders of the world, but her parents were worried about her safety. They feared that if she left the castle, she would be in danger of being captured by their enemies.

But Bree was not one to be stopped by fear. She decided to set out on her own to explore the world she so desperately desired to see. With her trusty horse by her side, she traveled through forests, across rivers, and over mountains until she came to the land of the dead.

H2 – The Land of the Dead

As Bree approached the land of the dead, she could feel the chill in the air. The sky was darker than she had ever seen it, and the trees were bare, with no sign of life. As she rode on, she saw a castle in the distance – the Castle of Death.

As she approached the castle, Bree could see the Královna Hradu Smrti, the queen of the castle, walking in the courtyard. The queen was a terrifying woman with white hair and a face that looked like it had been carved out of stone. She wore black robes and carried a staff that glowed with an eerie light.

H3 – The Encounter with the Queen

Bree approached the Queen, and the Queen spoke to her.

“Who are you, and what do you want?” asked the queen.

“My name is Bree, and I am a princess from the land of Bohemia. I am on a journey to see the world and explore the unknown. I have heard of your castle and wanted to see it for myself,” said Bree, bravely.

The queen was impressed with Bree’s bravery and invited her to stay in the castle. Over the next few days, the queen showed Bree around the castle and introduced her to the ghosts who lived there. Bree was fascinated by these ghosts and their stories of their lives on Earth.

H3 – The Promise

One day, Bree approached the queen and asked her a question.

“Queen, I have been here for some time. I have seen the wonders of your castle and met your wonderful ghosts. I am very grateful for your hospitality, but I must ask what you want from me. Why have you been so kind to me?” asked Bree.

The queen looked at Bree and said, “I have a wish, princess. I am old, and I know that my time is coming to an end. I want you to promise me that you will be kind to everyone, just as I have been kind to you, and that you will never turn anyone away who needs your help, no matter who they are.”

Bree thought for a moment, then replied, “I promise, Queen. I will always be kind to everyone, just as you have been kind to me. I will never turn anyone away who needs my help.”

H2 – The Return

Bree stayed with the Queen for many more days, but eventually, it was time for her to return home. The queen wished her a safe journey and reminded her of the promise she had made. Bree promised to keep her word, and she set off on her journey back to Bohemia.

As she rode, she thought about her promise and wondered how she could fulfill it. When she arrived home, she started working with the people of her land to make the world a better place. She went out into the towns and villages and met with the people, listened to their stories, and helped them with their problems.

H3 – The Legacy

Bree’s fame grew, and people began to tell tales of her kindness and bravery. She became known as the most generous and compassionate queen in all the land. Her legend lived on, and people still tell stories of her acts of kindness to this day.


And that is the story of Bree, a brave and kind princess who conquered fear and traveled to the land of the dead, where she met Královna Hradu Smrti, who showed her the true meaning of compassion and kindness. She returned home to become the greatest queen in the land and fulfill her promise to always be kind to everyone. Her legacy lives on to this day, reminding us all to be compassionate and brave like Bree.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Příběh Bree slouží jako připomenutí důležitosti soucitu a odvahy. Bree, mladá princezna z Bohemie, má odvahu opustit hrad, aby viděla svět a potkala Královnu země mrtvých. Královna ji učí o slova soucitu a laskavosti, což se stane Breeiným závazkem a posláním. Po návratu domů Bree plní svůj slib, pomáhá lidem a stává se největší a nejmilostivější královnou v zemi. Její legenda připomíná důležitost laskavosti a odhodlání být užitečný pro všechny.

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