Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Pohádky o mašinkách večerníček

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Aktualizace pohádky:

“Byla jednou jedna země plná železných kolejí a parních lokomotiv. V této zemi žily neobyčejné stroje, které dokázaly překonat největší překážky a pomoci lidem v nejtěžších chvílích. Toto je příběh o těchto strojích, jejich dobrodružstvích a přátelstvích. Vítáme vás v pohádkách o mašinkách večerníček.”
Once upon a time, in a small village tucked away in the Czech Republic, there lived a young boy named Janek. Janek’s favorite thing in the world were the stories his grandmother would tell him about magical trains and cars that could talk and go on incredible adventures. Every night, Janek would wait eagerly for his beloved “Pohádky o mašinkách večerníček,” or bedtime stories about fantastic machines, featured on Czech television’s popular “Večerníček” program.

As soon as the clock struck eight, Janek would rush to the living room, eager to hear the latest story from his grandmother. She would light a fire in the hearth and nestle into the armchair with a twinkle in her eye. With every new tale, Janek’s imagination would run wild, dreaming of hopping aboard a locomotive with a personality all its own or taking a ride in a car that could fly.

One night, something magical happened: as Janek was drifting off to sleep, he heard a faint whistle in the distance. When he looked out his window, he saw a puff of smoke rising from a nearby hill. He felt a shiver of excitement run up his spine – could it be that the stories his grandmother had told him were true?

Following the sound of the whistle, Janek found himself at the bottom of the hill, where a train engine appeared before him, glistening in the moonlight. The engine’s eyes twinkled and its mouth curved into a friendly smile. “Hop aboard,” it said in a kind voice, “we’re going on an adventure!”

Janek could hardly believe his ears – he was riding on a magical machine, just like in his grandmother’s stories! The train chugged along, carrying them over majestic mountains and across glittering rivers. Janek’s heart swelled with excitement as he explored every nook and cranny of the cabin, marveling at the intricate details and the machinery humming beneath him.

As the night wore on, the engine slowed down and came to a stop. “We’ve reached our destination,” it said, gesturing towards a small village in the distance. “We’re here to help the townspeople, who are in desperate need of a new water pump. Can you help us?”

Janek eagerly jumped at the chance to help. Together, he and the train engine searched the village for the parts they needed, and worked tirelessly through the night to fix the pump. When they were done, the townspeople were overcome with gratitude, and Janek’s heart swelled with pride. The train engine gave him a pat on the back and a friendly smile, and steamed off towards the horizon.

Janek returned home with a newfound appreciation for the machines that had captured his imagination for so long. He regaled his grandmother with tales of his adventure, and she beamed with pride. From that day on, Janek knew that anything was possible – as long as he kept an open mind and an open heart.

The end.


“Pohádky o mašinkách večerníček,” or bedtime stories about magical machines, have captured the hearts and imaginations of Czech children and adults alike for decades. Through tales of trains that can talk and cars that can fly, these stories have helped spark a love of engineering and technology in countless people.

As this fairy tale demonstrates, the power of these stories lies in their ability to transport us to a fantastical world where anything is possible. By fostering curiosity and imagination, these tales inspire us to explore new ideas and seek out adventure in our own lives.

So the next time you hear the whistle of a train or see a car taking flight, don’t be afraid to let your own imagination run wild – who knows what kind of adventure you might find yourself on!

Ponaučení z Pohádky o mašinkách večerníček

Pohádky o mašinkách večerníček, nebo podvečerní pohádky o kouzelných strojích, zachvátily srdce a představivost českých dětí i dospělých po desetiletí. Díky příběhům o mluvících vlacích a auta, která dokáží létat, tyto příběhy pomohly vyvolat lásku ke strojírenství a technologii u nekonečného počtu lidí.

Jak tento pohádkový příběh dokazuje, síla těchto příběhů spočívá v jejich schopnosti přenést nás do fantastického světa, kde je všechno možné. Těmito příběhy podporujeme zvídavost a představivost, takže nás inspirují k objevování nových myšlenek a hledání dobrodružství v našich vlastních životech.

Tak příště, když uslyšíte pískání vlaku nebo uvidíte auto, které se zvedá do vzduchu, nebojte se nechat svou vlastní představivost běžet volně – kdo ví, jaké dobrodružství byste mohli najít!

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