Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

O štěstí a kráse pohádka

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Byla jednou jedna pohádka o štěstí a kráse. V zemi, kde se odehrává naše příběh, vládl král, který měl jedinou dceru. Ta byla tak krásná, že by si ji chtěl vzít každý princ z celého světa. Králova dcera ale toužila po něčem víc než jen po kráse – toužila po štěstí. A tak začala neuvěřitelná cesta plná dobrodružství a kouzel, která v této pohádce teprve začíná.
Once upon a time, in a faraway land of Czechia, there lived a beautiful young maiden named Lucie. She was known as the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. Her beauty attracted all the eligible bachelors, and every man wanted her to be his wife. She had many suitors, but she refused them all as she was waiting for her true love.

H2: Nádherná Lucie a její touha po pravé lásce

Lucie lived in a small village with her parents. She was a kind-hearted girl who loved to help the poor and needy. Her beauty was not just skin deep, and she had a pure heart. All the villagers loved her, and she was the apple of her parents’ eye.

One day, a handsome prince came to the village. His name was Jan, and he was searching for his bride. As soon as he laid his eyes on Lucie, he fell in love with her. He knew in his heart that she was the one he was searching for. Jan approached Lucie, and they started talking. They found out that they shared many interests and had a lot in common.

H3: Láska na první pohled

Lucie was also attracted to Jan’s looks and his charming personality. They spent a lot of time together, and each day, their love grew stronger. Jan proposed to Lucie, and she accepted his proposal. They decided to get married in a grand ceremony.

The villagers were very excited about the wedding, and they all came together to celebrate the union of the two lovers. The wedding was grand, and everyone was happy. The couple exchanged their vows and promised to love each other for eternity. The kingdom was blessed with happiness and love.

H2: Štěstí a radost v mladém manželství

Jan and Lucie lived a happy married life together. They loved each other unconditionally, and their bond grew stronger each day. Lucie supported Jan in all his endeavors, and he became a successful ruler. They were the epitome of a perfect couple.

One day, as Jan was on his hunting trip, he got lost in the woods. He wandered around for hours, but he couldn’t find his way back home. He was tired and hungry, and he thought he would never see his beloved wife again.

H3: Ztracený princ Jan a jeho cesta zpět k Lucii

Just as he was about to give up, he saw an old woman who was picking berries. He approached her, and she offered him some food and water. Jan ate and drank, and he felt better. The woman asked him where he was going, and he told her that he was lost.

The old woman told him that she knew a shortcut to his kingdom, but he had to pass through a dangerous forest. She warned him that there were many beasts and evil creatures in the forest. But Jan was determined to get back to his kingdom, so he decided to take the shortcut.

H2: Nebezpečná cesta přes temný les

Jan walked through the dark and dangerous forest. He saw many scary creatures, but he kept on walking. He was calling out Lucie’s name and hoping that she would hear his voice and come to his rescue.

Suddenly, he saw a light in the distance. He followed the light and reached a rustic cottage. He went inside and found an old man who was sitting by the fire. The old man welcomed Jan and offered him a warm meal and a bed to rest.

H3: Setkání s tajemným staříkem

The old man told Jan that he was a wizard and that he knew everything about the forest. He asked Jan why he was walking through the forest, and Jan told him about his lost way back to his kingdom. The wizard knew Jan’s story, and he told him that he needed to trek through a mountain range to reach his kingdom.

Jan thanked the old man and left the cottage. He trekked through the mountains, and finally, he reached his kingdom. He was exhausted but happy to be back home.

H2: Návrat krále a jeho lásky

Lucie was overjoyed to see her beloved husband back home. She welcomed him with open arms and hugged him tightly. They both wept with joy and thanked the heavens for bringing them together again.

From that day on, Jan never left his kingdom alone. He always took Lucie with him, and they ruled the kingdom together. They enjoyed each other’s company and loved each other for eternity.

H3: Štěstí a krása pohádkové lásky

And so, the tale of Jan and Lucie became a legend in the kingdom. Their love was like a fairytale, and their story inspired many young couples. They lived happily ever after and reminded the citizens of their kingdom that true love conquers all.

Ponaučení z O štěstí a kráse pohádka

Byla jednou jedna nádherná dívka jménem Lucie, žijící v malé vesnici v České zemi. Její krása přitahovala mnoho nápadníků, ale ona odmítla všechny, čekajíc na svou pravou lásku. Jednoho dne přijel do vesnice krásný princ Jan, hledající svou nevěstu. Hned jak uviděl Lucii, zamiloval se do ní. Poté, co se seznámili, zjistili, že mají mnoho společného a Jan Lucii požádal o ruku. Slavnostní svatba se konala ve vesnici a Jan a Lucie žili šťastně spolu. Jednoho dne se Jan ztratil v lese a musel projít nebezpečným lesem, aby se vrátil domů. Poté, co cestoval nějaký čas, dorazil k domu kouzelníka, který mu ukázal cestu zpět k domovu. Jan a Lucie vládli království společně a jejich láska připomínala lidem, že pravá láska přemáhá všechny překážky.

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