Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Příběhy lorda Tarbata a jeho nevlastních sourozenců (Stories of Lord Tarbat and his step-siblings)

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Byl jednou jeden lord, jehož jméno bylo Tarbat. Žil sám na svém statku a netoužil po ničem jiném než po klidu a pohodě. Nicméně, osud se rozhodl zasáhnout do jeho života, když mu zemřela jeho nevlastní sestra, která zanechala po sobě tři nevlastní sourozence. Od té chvíle začaly Příběhy lorda Tarbata a jeho nevlastních sourozenců, které nás provedou nebezpečnou cestou plnou lásky, závisti a zrady.
Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a nobleman named Lord Tarbat. He was a wealthy and powerful man who ruled over a vast kingdom. Though he had everything a man could ask for, there was one thing he yearned for – the love and affection of a family.

One day, Lord Tarbat decided to take a wife. He married a beautiful woman named Eva and together they lived happily for many years. But Eva was unable to bear children, and Lord Tarbat was left alone once again.

Desperate for a family, Lord Tarbat decided to adopt children. He went to the orphanage and chose five siblings – Karel, Marie, Josef, Klára, and Lukáš – to become his children.

At first, Lord Tarbat was overjoyed to have a family. But he soon realized that his new children were not like him at all. They were disobedient, lazy, and lacked respect for authority.

Lord Tarbat did everything he could to teach them manners and discipline. He hired tutors, nannies, and even a personal chef to keep them in line. But nothing seemed to work. Their behavior only grew worse with time.

One day, while Lord Tarbat was away on business, his children snuck into his private study. They were curious about the strange artifacts and books that lined the shelves. But when they stumbled upon a magical book, things took a dark turn.

The book was old and bound in leather. Its pages were filled with strange symbols and arcane writings. As the children flipped through the pages, they came across a page of spells. It was then that Marie got an idea.

She convinced her siblings to try out one of the spells. They chose a simple one – a spell to turn themselves into birds. They had no idea what they were doing, but they were eager to try.

As they chanted the spell, something miraculous happened. Their bodies began to morph and twist until they became birds of various colors and sizes. They flew around the room, chirping and cawing with joy.

When Lord Tarbat returned home, he was shocked to find his study in disarray. The strange artifacts and books were scattered about the room, and his children were nowhere to be found.

With growing panic, Lord Tarbat searched the castle and grounds for his children. He looked high and low, but they were nowhere to be found. He feared the worst – that they had been kidnapped or killed.

But the truth was stranger than fiction. For out in the garden, he heard the chirping of birds. As he approached, he was amazed to find five colorful birds sitting on the branches of a tree.

At first, Lord Tarbat didn’t believe it was his children. But as he drew closer, he saw a glimmer of recognition in their bird-like eyes. He realized that his children had turned themselves into birds using the magic they had found in his study.

With tears in his eyes, Lord Tarbat begged his children to return to their human forms. He promised to love and cherish them as his own, no matter what they did or who they were.

After a few moments of hesitation, the children agreed to turn back into humans. They chanted the spell in reverse, and once again their bodies began to twist and morph. Before long, they were standing before Lord Tarbat, human once again.

But something had changed in them. They were no longer lazy or disobedient. They had learned the value of discipline and self-control, and they had grown to love their adoptive father with all their hearts.

From that day forward, Lord Tarbat and his step-siblings lived together in harmony and love. They grew to be wise and kind rulers, each taking up a different role in their father’s kingdom. And though they were not born of the same blood, they were a family in every sense of the word.

And so ends the story of Lord Tarbat and his step-siblings – a tale of magic, love, and the power of family.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V daleké zemi žil majetný a mocný muž jménem Lord Tarbat. Měl všechno, co si mohl přát, ale stále toužil po lásce a rodině. Proto se rozhodl vzít si ženu a adoptovat děti.

Adoptoval pět sourozenců, ale zjistil, že jsou velmi neukáznění a neuposlechnou autority. Snažil se je vychovat pomocí učitelů, chův a osobního kuchaře, ale nic nepomáhalo. Jednoho dne se děti dostaly do jeho soukromé studovny, kde nalezly kouzelnou knihu. Maria je přesvědčila, aby zkusili kouzlo, které je mělo proměnit v ptáky.

A tak se to stalo. Když se Lord Tarbat vrátil domů, nenašel své děti, ale slyšel ptáky v zahradě. Tyto ptáky byli ve skutečnosti jeho adoptovaní sourozenci. Lord Tarbat je přesvědčil, aby se proměnili nazpět v lidi, a tím se naučili hodnotě sebeovládání. Tímto způsobem se celá rodina naučila žít v míru a lásce.

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