Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Lesní kouzelník a truhla dřeva (The Forest Wizard and the Wooden Chest)

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Aktualizace pohádky:

Byl jednou jeden les, ve kterém žil neuvěřitelně moudrý kouzelník. Nikdo nevěděl, jak se tam dostal, kdo byl jeho rodina a odkud pocházel. Místní obyvatelé mu říkali Lesní kouzelník a uctívali ho pro jeho obrovskou schopnost léčit nemoci, pomáhat při porodech a přinášet nadpřirozené štěstí. Jednoho dne se v lese objevil zvláštní strom, z něhož rostla velká truhla dřeva. Lesní kouzelník věděl, že je to znamení, že se něco velkého blíží. Co se to s truhlou dřeva stane a jaký osud čeká Lesního kouzelníka, to vše se dozvíte v naší pohádce – Lesní kouzelník a truhla dřeva.
Once upon a time, in the heart of a mysterious forest, there lived a wise and powerful wizard. His name was Lesní Kouzelník, which means Forest Wizard in the Czech language. He was a master of magic and possessed knowledge beyond the understanding of mortals.

Lesní Kouzelník spent his days in solitude, studying ancient tomes and exploring the secrets of the forest. He was a gentle and kind soul, but his power and wisdom were feared by many.

One day, a group of woodcutters entered the forest with axes and saws, ready to clear a vast area of trees. They were led by a greedy and selfish man who cared only for profit and did not understand the value of nature.

Lesní Kouzelník knew that the woodcutters‘ actions would harm the forest and all its creatures. He decided to intervene and stop them from destroying the beauty and balance of the woods.

He approached the woodcutters and asked them to reconsider their actions. But the greedy man laughed at him and said that the forest was nothing more than a source of lumber and profit.

Lesní Kouzelník was saddened by the man’s ignorance and arrogance. He knew that words alone could not convince him to change his ways. So he decided to use his magic to teach the woodcutters a lesson they would never forget.

He waved his hand and created a wooden chest in front of them. It was beautiful and intricately carved, with images of the forest creatures etched on its surface. The chest was locked, and only Lesní Kouzelník knew the key to open it.

The woodcutters were intrigued by the chest and asked Lesní Kouzelník what was inside. He replied that it contained a treasure that only those who respected and protected the forest could access.

The greedy man scoffed and said that he didn’t believe in such nonsense. He ordered his men to take the chest and break it open to get the treasure.

But as soon as they touched the chest, a powerful magic field enveloped them. They felt dizzy and confused, and then they disappeared, leaving behind only their axes and saws.

Lesní Kouzelník had sent them to another dimension, where they would learn the true value of nature and the consequences of greed and destruction. They were doomed to wander there until they learned their lesson and repented for their actions.

The wooden chest remained in the forest, a symbol of Lesní Kouzelník’s power and the importance of respecting nature. It became a legend, and many travelers and adventurers tried to find it, hoping to access the treasure inside.

But Lesní Kouzelník knew that the true treasure was not the material wealth that many sought, but the wisdom and harmony of the forest. And he guarded it with all his magic and might, ensuring that no one would harm it again.

As for the woodcutters, some say that they were never seen again, while others claim that they returned years later, humbled and wiser, and became staunch protectors of the forest. But that’s a story for another day.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Tento příběh s názvem Lesní Kouzelník se odehrává v tajuplném lese a pojednává o moudrosti a síle přírody. Lesní Kouzelník, mistr magie, si váží rovnováhy a krásy lesa a odhodlá se zabránit těžbě dřeva v jeho území. Poté, co slovně nepřesvědčí lesní dělníky, kteří se snaží s lucernami a sekyrami proměnit les v říši dřevařských společností, použije kouzla, aby jim ukázal, že les je daleko cennější než jakákoliv hmotná odměna. Lesní dělníci, kteří se pokusí otevřít lesklou truhlu, zmizí a ocitnou se v jiné dimenzi, kde se mají učit, že příroda má svou vlastní cenu. Lesní Kouzelník vytvoří truhlu jako symbol své moci a zároveň jako připomínku, že lidé by měli chránit a respektovat přírodu.

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