Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Kozí uši císaře – The Goat’s Ears of the Emperor

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Byla jednou jedna zvláštní příhoda v říši Mysliveckého císařství, kterou bychom dnes mohli nazvat Kozí uši císaře. Tato pohádka vypráví o tom, jak se císař dostal do nesnází a jak mu naštěstí pomohla jedna malá kozí kožíšek. Příběh, který nás zavede do kouzelného světa plného zvířat a lidí, kde se nejméně očekává, najdeme přátelství a statečnost. Tak se posaďte pohodlně a poslouchejte, jak se situace císaře vyvíjí v této říší.
Once upon a time in the Czech Empire, there was a kind and just Emperor named Kamil. He was loved by all his people as he always thought about their well-being and never made any decisions that would hurt them. The people loved him so much that they would do anything to please him.

One day, an unusual rumor began to spread throughout the kingdom. It was said that the Emperor had goat’s ears! At first, the Emperor ignored the rumor, thinking it was just a silly joke. However, as the rumor grew stronger, he became more and more worried. He couldn’t bear the idea of people thinking that he had the ears of an animal.

The Emperor’s advisers tried to convince him that the rumor would pass just like any other, but he knew that it wouldn’t be that easy. He decided to take drastic action to stop the rumor from spreading any further. One day, he summoned his best tailor and asked him to make him a new set of hats, each one more beautiful than the last. The tailor worked on the hats for days until he came up with a set of beautiful, festive hats.

The Emperor put on his new hats and went out into the streets of the capital. As soon as the people saw him in his new outfit, they were stunned. They had never seen anything so beautiful before. They started to cheer and praise the Emperor for his stunning hats. The Emperor smiled, pleased that he had managed to distract the people from the goat’s ears rumor.

However, the hats were not enough to stop the rumour entirely, and the Emperor knew that he needed to take further measures. He decided to hold a grand ball for all the noble people in the kingdom. Everyone was invited, from the wealthiest merchants to the humblest peasants. The ball would be held in the grandest hall of the capital, decorated with the most beautiful decorations and filled with the best food and drink.

On the night of the ball, the Emperor walked into the hall wearing his most beautiful and expensive suit. At first, the people were stunned by his presence, but soon they started to dance and have fun. The Emperor danced with everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, making sure nobody felt left out.

As the ball went on, the rumor about the goat’s ears started to fade away. The Emperor had done everything in his power to distract people from the rumor, and his plan had succeeded. He had shown the people that he was just like them, that he could have fun and enjoy life just like anyone else. The people loved him even more for it and started to call him the „fun-loving Emperor.“

The Emperor felt relieved to know that the people loved him for who he truly was, and not for some silly rumor. From that day on, he continued to rule the kingdom justly, always listening to the needs of his people.

In the end, the goat’s ears rumor was forgotten, and the Emperor lived happily ever after. He became known as one of the greatest rulers in the history of the Czech Empire, and his story became a legend that was passed down from generation to generation as a story of bravery, kindness, and the power of a little distraction to overcome even the biggest of rumors.

Závěrečné myšlenky

Kozí uši císaře is a story with a valuable lesson, teaching us that sometimes the simplest solutions can be the most effective, and that distraction can be a powerful tool in dealing with rumors and negativity. It also shows the importance of being true to oneself and not allowing silly rumors to affect one’s view of oneself. This timeless tale can still inspire us today, reminding us of the power of kindness, justice, and a good sense of humor in the face of adversity.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Byla jednou jedna dobrá a spravedlivá říše, kde vládl císař Kamil. Lidé ho měli rádi, protože vždy myslel na jejich blahobyt a nepřijímal žádná rozhodnutí, která by je zranila. Jednoho dne se ale rozšířil neobvyklý zvěst, že císař má kozí uši. Císař na začátku vtip ignoroval, ale zvěst se stávala silnější a silnější. Nakonec císař rozhodl, že musí něco udělat.

Jeho rádci ho ujišťovali, že se zvěst časem rozplyne, ale císař věděl, že musí jednat. Nechal si tedy ušít několik nových klobouků a odešel do ulic města. Jakmile ho lidé viděli v jeho novém oblečení, byli ohromeni. Nikdy neviděli nic tak krásného a začali ho chválit. Císař se usmál, protože se mu podařilo lidi odvádět od zvěsti.

Ale klobouky nebyly dostatečné, a tak císař uspořádal velký bál. Pozval všechny šlechtice v říši, od bohatých obchodníků po pokořené farmáře. Připravily se nejkrásnější dekorace, nejlepší jídlo a pití. V noci císař přišel do sálu v nejkrásnějším oblečení a tančil s každým, aby se nikdo necítil opomíjený.

Jak bál pokračoval, pomalu se zvěst o kozích uších vytrácela. Císař dokázal lidi odvádět od negativních myšlenek a trávení času přiměl lidi zapomenout na nesmyslnou zvěst. Císař se cítil ulehčen a od té chvíle vládl stále spravedlivě a poslouchal potřeby svých lidí.

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