Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Kozí Uši Císaře a Spánek

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„Za dávných časů, v dobách plných kouzel a záhad, existoval jeden císař, jehož uši měly nezvyklý tvar – byly široké a kozí. Jeho jméno se stalo slavným po celé zemi, takže nikdo kromě Kozí Uší císaře netušil, jak se ve skutečnosti jmenuje. To však nebylo to nejtajemnější na něm. Kromě svých zvláštně tvarovaných uší měl císař také neuvěřitelnou schopnost – dokázal spát celé měsíce bez přerušení. A tak začíná naše pohádka, plná kouzel a dobrodružství, o tom, jak nakonec Kozí Uší císař musel čelit svému osudu a naučit se hlouběji vnímat svět kolem sebe.“
Once upon a time in a far-off land, there lived a powerful emperor who was loved by all his subjects. He was wise and just, and his kingdom was prosperous and peaceful. However, the emperor had one strange quirk – he was extremely proud of his ears. He believed them to be the most beautiful ears in the world and often boasted about them.

Kozí Uši Císaře: An Unbelievable Claim

One day, as the emperor was taking a stroll in his garden, he overheard a group of farmers talking about a rare goat breed that had the most beautiful ears in the world. The emperor, always looking for praise and admiration, immediately summoned the farmers to his palace to bring the goat with the beautiful ears.

When the farmers arrived, they showed the emperor the goat with its cute little ears. But much to the emperor’s disbelief, he found that the goat’s ears were even more beautiful than his own. The emperor was furious and demanded that the goat be executed, so as not to be a threat to his sense of vanity.

The Sleepless Emperor

That night the emperor went to bed, but he found that he couldn’t sleep. All he could think about were the goat’s ears and how they might be more beautiful than his own. His obsession with his ears had driven him to the edge of madness, and he remained awake throughout the night, unable to rest.

The emperor’s advisors, worried about their ruler’s health, sought the help of a wise old woman. The woman was well known for her knowledge of herbs and potions and was renowned for her ability to cure illnesses that modern medicine had yet to find a remedy for.

The Sleeping Potion

The old woman, after assessing the situation, decided that the emperor needed to rest. Thus, she prepared a powerful sleeping potion. The potion was so potent that it would put the emperor to sleep for seven days and nights.

At first, the emperor was reluctant to take the potion, but the old woman assured him that it would cure his insomnia. The emperor finally agreed, and he drank the sleeping potion. Almost immediately, he fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Kozí Uši Císaře: The Tabooed Topic

As the emperor slept, his advisors and subjects heaved a sigh of relief. But they soon realized that the emperor had a problem. In his sleep, he would mumble the words „Kozí uši“ or „goat’s ears.“ They tried everything in their power to stop him, but it was of no use.

The emperor’s reputation was at stake, and they couldn’t let the kingdom know that their ruler was obsessed with his ears. They all agreed that the only way to solve this problem was to enlist the help of a clever thief.

The Clever Thief

The thief, an expert in his field, was summoned to the palace. He was briefed on the situation and was given a simple task – to break into the emperor’s chamber and shave off his hair and beard.

The thief was skeptical at first, but he agreed to take on the challenge. He managed to sneak into the emperor’s chambers and shave off his hair and beard while he slept. The emperor, having lost his hair and beard, could no longer boast about his looks and had nothing to say about the goat’s ears.

Kozí Uši Císaře: The End of Obsession

The seven days passed, and the emperor woke up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. He no longer craved admiration or praise for his looks and had finally let go of his obsession with his ears. His subjects were thrilled to see their beloved ruler cured of his ailment and were happy to have their wise and just emperor back.


And so, the kingdom continued to prosper, and the emperor became wiser and kinder. He realized that beauty was not everything and learned to appreciate the true value of being a good ruler. The legend of Kozí Uši Císaře or the goat’s ears of the emperor became a permanent reminder that vanity and obsession could drive even the most powerful of rulers to the brink of madness.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Jednou žil mocný císař v bohatém a mírumilovném království. Byl moudrý a spravedlivý, ale měl jednu podivnost – byl nesmírně hrdý na své uši a často se chlubil jejich krásou. Jednoho dne uslyšel císař o kozách s nejkrásnějšími ušima na světě, což ho zaujalo natolik, že si je nechal přivést k sobě. S obrovským překvapením musel přiznat, že uši koz byly ještě krásnější než jeho vlastní. Prohlásil, že kozí uši jsou tabu, a když spal, mluvil o nich. Jeho okolí se proto rozhodlo najmout zručného zloděje, aby mu oholil hlavu a vousy a císař už nemohl o své kráse uvažovat. Spánek mu přinesl odpočinek a císař pochopil, že krása není všechno a že dobrý vládce se nevytváří navenek krásou, ale svojí chytrostí a spravedlností.

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