“Byl jeden krásný den a jak lev procházel pralesy, hledal si hříbátka a potravu. Když najednou spatřil nádhernou zvěř, která se mu zdála jako nejlepší kořist. Však když se k ní blíže přiblížil, zjistil že nešlo o zvěř, ale o kouzelné stvoření. Ta krásná bytost ho okouzlila a on jí následoval na lesní pláň. Tam však na něj čekalo velké překvapení, ačkoliv krásná bytost byla neškodná, pod její kouzlo byl dostaven obávaný zloděj a jak lev získal své skvrny.”
Once upon a time, there was a young lion named Jak. Jak was a strong and brave lion, but he had one problem- he did not have any spots on his fur. All his lion friends and family had spots, and he felt left out. One day, Jak set out on an adventure to find a way to get his spots.
H2: Jakova cesta
Jak traveled far and wide, through the dense jungle and over the vast savannahs. He asked every animal he met if they knew how to get spots, but no one had an answer. Finally, he met an old owl who knew the secret to getting spots.
H2: Kdo v nejpotajších místech sídlí, najde nejvzácnější poklady- setkání s sovou
The owl told Jak that he would have to complete three tasks in order to get his spots. The first task was to catch a firefly and bring it to the owl. The second task was to find a rainbow and bring back a piece of it. The third task was to find the rarest flower in the jungle and bring it back to the owl.
H2: Tři úkoly k zisku skvrn
Jak set out to complete the first task. He wandered through the jungle until he spotted a firefly. He chased after it, but it seemed to be faster than him. Finally, he decided to use his strength and pounced on the firefly, catching it in his paws. He brought it back to the owl, who thanked him and gave him his second task.
H3: První úkol- chytit světlušku
Jak continued his journey, looking for a rainbow. He searched high and low, but he couldn’t find one anywhere. Just as he was about to give up, he heard a low rumble in the distance. He followed the sound and found a waterfall. As he approached the waterfall, he saw a rainbow forming in the mist. He reached out and grabbed a piece of the rainbow, then turned around to bring it back to the owl.
H3: Druhý úkol- najít duhu
For his final task, Jak had to find the rarest flower in the jungle. He searched for many days, and just as he was about to give up, he spotted a small pink flower growing in a hidden corner of the jungle. He picked the flower and hurried back to the owl, excited to finally get his spots.
H3: Třetí úkol- najít nejvzácnější květinu
When he arrived at the owl’s tree, the owl took the flower and sprinkled its petals over Jak’s fur. Suddenly, Jak’s fur began to sparkle and shimmer, and spots of every color appeared all over his body. Jak was overjoyed and couldn’t stop admiring his new spots.
H2: Jak dopadne odměna
From that day on, Jak was the most colorful and unique lion in the jungle. All his friends and family were amazed at his new spots, and Jak was proud to show them off. He knew that he would never feel left out again, and he was grateful for the adventure that had led him to his new look.
H2: Konec dobrý, všechno dobré- jak se cítil Jak po získání svých skvrn
Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc
Jak se cítil Jak po získání svých skvrn? Byl neuvěřitelně šťastný a hrdý na svůj nový vzhled. Už nikdy se necítil osaměle a vyčleněně, protože teď byl nejbarevnějším a nejunikátnějším lvem v džungli. Jak věděl, že jeho dobrodružství ho naučilo, že být trochu jiný není na škodu, ale může být tím, co činí člověka zvláštním a úžasným.
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