Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Antonínův nos a zlatý klíč

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Dávno žil Antonín, chlapec s neobyčejným nosem, který si nikdy nedokázal přivolat k sobě přátele. Jednoho dne objevil zlatý klíč, který se ukázal být klíčem k tajemnému světu. Antonín se rozhodl tento svět objevit a zažít neuvěřitelná dobrodružství, která mu změní život navždy. V této kouzelné fairy tale se dozvíte, k jakým překážkám a nebezpečí se Antonín s magicým klíčem setká a jaký význam nakonec bude mít jeho velký nos.
Once upon a time in a small Czech town, there lived a young orphan boy named Antonín. He was known for his oversized nose, which he always felt self-conscious about. Antonin was always teased and bullied by the other children in town because of his nose. They would call him names and say hurtful things, which made Antonín feel alone and sad.

One day, Antonín came across an old man who seemed to be lost. The old man appeared confused and didn’t know which way to go. Antonín asked him if he needed help, and the old man thanked him and said he was looking for the town’s castle.

Antonín knew the way to the castle and offered to guide the old man there. As they walked, the old man asked Antonín about his oversized nose. Antonín felt ashamed and tried to change the subject, but the old man insisted on talking about it.

“Antonín, your nose is not a curse; it’s a gift,” the old man said. “It will help you find the golden key that unlocks the castle’s treasure.”

Antonín was surprised and confused by what the old man said, but he didn’t know what to make of it.

Shortly after guiding the old man to the castle, Antonín felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to find the old man had disappeared. Antonín shrugged it off and went on his way.

Weeks went by, and Antonín couldn’t stop thinking about what the old man had said. He wondered if he could really find the golden key with his nose. Antonín decided to go on an adventure to find out.

As Antonín journeyed through the forest, his nose led him down a narrow path. The path led him to a clearing, in which he discovered a spectacular sight – a field full of golden flowers. Antonín remembered what the old man had said about his nose, and he realized this must be the first step in finding the golden key.

Antonín began to search through the field, using his nose to find the brightest and shiniest flowers. After hours of searching, Antonín discovered a small golden key hidden among the flowers. He was overjoyed, and he knew he was closer to unlocking the castle’s treasure.

As Antonín continued on his adventure, his nose led him to a dark and damp cave. Antonín was afraid, but he knew he had to press on. Suddenly, he heard a loud growl coming from the darkness. Antonín stood frozen, but with his nose, he could see that it was just a small, injured wolf.

Antonín approached carefully, and with his nose, he found a splint and a bandage. He tended to the wolf’s wounds, and the wolf showed him gratitude by leading him through the cave to the exit.

Antonín emerged from the cave in awe. In front of him stood a magnificent castle with towers that reached to the sky. Antonín used his golden key to unlock the massive gates and walked into the castle.

As he explored the castle, Antonín found treasure beyond his wildest dreams. He had become one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the kingdom, all because of his nose.

The townspeople heard of Antonín’s triumphs and apologized for the way they had treated him, they even went so far as to ask for his forgiveness. But Antonín didn’t hold a grudge. He knew his nose was his gift, and he had used it to achieve success.

Antonín spent the rest of his life using his nose to help those who were lost or in need, always remembering the old man who had showed him the way. His story was passed down from generation to generation, and it became a legend that inspired children everywhere.

The end.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Tento pohádkový příběh z malého českého města vypráví příběh mladého sirotka jménem Antonín, který trpěl svým příliš velkým nosem, kvůli kterému byl vytrvale šikanován ostatními dětmi ve městě. Jednoho dne potkal Antonín starého muže, který se zdál ztracený. Muž se ukázal být mudrcem a prohlásil, že Antonínův nos není prokletím, ale darem a pomůže mu najít zlatý klíč k odemknutí pokladnice v zámku. Antonín se vydal na dobrodružství, kde mu jeho nos pomohl najít zlatý klíč a následně nádherný zámek plný bohatství. Ostaňme věrni sobě i svým dárkům a můžeme pokročit vpřed, jak Antonínův příběh ukazuje.

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