Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Pohádka o ztracené rukavičce

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Byla jednou jedna pohádka o krásné, ale ztracené rukavičce. Rukavička patřila dívce, která ji ztratila uprostřed lesa během procházky se svou babičkou. Tuto ztracenou rukavičku nalezla zima, která ji poslala hledat lidi, kteří by jí pomohli najít svou majitelku. Tato pohádka ukazuje, jaké dobrodružství může skrývat jedna malá ztracená věc a jak může být pro všechny zúčastněné kouzelným zážitkem.
It was a cold, snowy winter day in the small village of Česká Lípa. The snow was falling gently from the sky and covering everything in a soft, white blanket. In the village lived a young girl named Marie. She was known throughout the village for her kindness, her beauty, and her love of adventure. One day, as she was walking through the forest, she dropped one of her gloves. She searched and searched, but she could not find it. This is the story of the lost glove, or Pohádka o ztracené rukavičce.

H2: Potěšení a zklamání (Joy and disappointment)

Marie was so disappointed that she had lost one of her gloves. It was her favorite pair, and she had received them as a gift from her grandmother. She looked and looked, but she couldn’t find it anywhere. She was so crestfallen that she began to cry.

As she cried, a voice said to her, “Do not cry, my child.” It was an old man who had been walking through the forest. “I will help you find your glove.”

“Thank you, sir,” Marie said through tears. “That would be wonderful.”

The old man put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small, shiny object. “This is a magic glove,” he said. “With it, you will be able to find your lost glove.”

Marie was overjoyed. She took the glove from the old man and put it on her hand. As soon as she did, she could feel its power.

H2: Hledání ztracené rukavičky (Searching for the lost glove)

Marie set out through the forest, using the magic glove to search for her lost glove. She walked and walked, through the snow and the pine trees. She crossed over frozen streams and climbed over fallen logs. She searched high and low, but she could not find her glove.

As she was walking, she came across a small, run-down cottage. There was smoke coming out of the chimney, and she could hear someone inside. She knocked on the door and a little old lady answered.

“Hello, dear,” the old lady said. “What brings you to my cottage?”

“I am searching for my lost glove,” Marie said. “Have you seen it?”

The old lady thought for a moment. “No, but I will help you look. Come inside and have a cup of tea. It is very cold outside.”

Marie went inside and sat down. The old lady brought her a cup of steaming tea and some bread and cheese. As they talked, Marie noticed that the old lady was wearing a glove that looked just like the one she had lost.

H2: Najít ukrytou rukavičku (Find the hidden glove)

Marie asked the old lady about her glove, but the old lady just smiled and changed the subject. Marie noticed that the old lady seemed nervous, and she wondered if the old lady might have her lost glove. She decided to take a closer look around the cottage.

As she was searching, she noticed a small, locked chest in the corner of the room. She asked the old lady about it, but the old lady said it was just an old family heirloom and that it was locked and she didn’t have the key.

Marie decided to use her magic glove to see if the key was hidden somewhere in the cottage. As she waved her hand over the chest, she could feel the magic glove pulling her towards it. She looked closely and saw that the key was hidden under a cushion on the old lady’s rocking chair.

Marie took the key and opened the chest. Inside, she found her lost glove and a note from the old man who had given her the magic glove. The note explained that the old lady had been a thief who had been stealing from travelers passing through the forest. He had given Marie the magic glove to help her find her lost glove, but also to catch the old lady in the act.

H2: Spravedlnost a odměna (Justice and reward)

Marie confronted the old lady and showed her the note. The old lady was ashamed and apologized. She promised to give up her life of crime and to help people instead.

As Marie set out for home, she saw the old man waiting for her. He congratulated her on catching the thief and gave her a reward for her bravery. He also told her that the magic glove was hers to keep, and that she could use it to help others in need.

Marie returned home, happy and triumphant. She had found her lost glove and helped to catch a thief. And she knew that with the magic glove, she would always be ready to help those in need.

Ponaučení z Pohádka o ztracené rukavičce

Pohádka o ztracené rukavičce vypráví příběh Marie, která ztratila svou oblíbenou rukavici. Po jejím hledání se setká s kouzelníkem, který jí dá kouzelnou rukavici, která jí pomůže najít ztracenou rukavici. Během hledání se dostane do chaloupky staré dámy, u které najde rukavici, která jí chybí. Marie se rozhodne použít svou kouzelnou rukavici, aby našla klíč k truhličce, ve které našla svou ztracenou rukavici a také dopis od kouzelníka, který jí vysvětlil, že stará dáma je zlodějka. Marie starou dámu konfrontuje s jejím činem a dáma se omluví. Poté se Marie vydá domů a kouzelník ji čeká s odměnou, a říká jí, že kouzelná rukavice je její a může ji používat k pomoci druhým. Z této pohádky se dá poučit, že i když jsou někteří lidé špatní a dělají špatné věci, nikdy není pozdě se omluvit a změnit svůj život. Také se naučíme, že malé věci mohou mít velký vliv a i jediná rukavice nebo malý dárek mohou být člověku velmi důležité.

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