Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Pohádka o zdraví

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Byl jednou jeden král, který měl nejkrásnější dceru na světě, ale bohužel byla velmi nemocná. Král se modlil ke všem možným bohům a hledal způsob, jak by mohl svou dceru uzdravit, ale nic nepomáhalo. Jednoho dne se před královským palácem objevil starý mudrc, který tvrdil, že zná zázračnou pohádku o zdraví. Král se rozhodl vyslechnout mudrce a tak začala neuvěřitelná cesta plná magie, dobrodružství a lásky. To je příběh, který se před vámi odvíjí – Pohádka o zdraví.
Once upon a time in a far-off land, there was a beautiful countryside village called Zdraví. The people who lived there were known for their vibrant health, strength, and longevity. As the legends say, the village was blessed with a magical fountain of youth that sprinkled the waters of wellness.

Chapter 1: The Legend of Zdraví
In the early days, the village was constantly visited by travelers and even rulers from other far-off lands due to the myth of the spring’s remarkable powers. The fountain was fabled to have cured diseases and ailments that even modern medicine couldn’t cure. So the villagers were incredibly protective of this wellspring of youth, and they kept it hidden from outsiders’ prying eyes.

Chapter 2: The Greedy Visitor
But there was one greedy traveler named Black, who heard of the fountain’s powers and was determined to find it. He searched high and low, but his inquiries were met with silence. However, his eagerness to find the fountain became a topic of discussion by the villagers. One of the villagers called Lída became worried that Black’s greed might put everyone in danger. She devised a plan to teach Black a lesson.

Chapter 3: Lída’s Plan
She invited Black to her home and told him an enchanting story about the fountain’s origins; a story he’d never heard before. She said that whoever drinks from the fountain can only do so with the utmost sincerity and purity of heart. Lída urged him to perform five good deeds first if he truly desired to experience the fountain’s magical properties. She primarily wanted him to take care of his own health, then help the others.

Chapter 4: Black’s Journey
Black was convinced that Lída was hiding something from him, but he still set out on his journey to complete the tasks that she had given him. The first task was to take a dip in a nearby river every day for a week. The second task was to plant a couple of apple trees to encourage fresh air and a healthy environment. The third task was to visit the elderly who lived alone and offer a helping hand. The fourth task was to distribute healthy food to the underprivileged. The last task was to keep himself healthy and have a positive impact on others’ daily habits.

Chapter 5: A New Perspective
As Black completed his tasks, he began to see things differently. He began to put much more attention in his overall health, indulged in healthy habits, drank more water, ate healthier meals, and nurtured a better social and community lifestyle. He saw how his good deeds created a more cohesive and positive environment, which made him happy too. Additionally, he also realized how he had been living his life recklessly without any regard to his health and surroundings, and his greed had influenced his lifestyle choices.

Chapter 6: Discovering the Fountain
After completing the five tasks, Black returned to Lída’s house, where she warmly welcomed him back. Lída was pleased with the good work that Black had done and suggested that they go for a walk. Finally, they reached a secluded forest where Lída pointed towards a large boulder, and when they moved, there was a small spring. It was the magical fountain, now presented, just for Black. This was the first time Black felt a sense of peace, contentment, and felt grateful, something that he had never felt before.

Chapter 7: A Change of Heart
As Black drank from the magical fountain, he felt as though the energy in his body was renewing. And something miraculous happened, his heart felt lighter and burden-free. He thought about what the fountain had given him, and how hard he had worked to reach it, he realized his greed and selfishness had caused him to ignore the importance of taking care of himself and his surroundings. He knew that he would always be grateful to Lída for showing him the way, and he thanked her profoundly.

Chapter 8: The Power of Zdraví
Black’s transformation did not go unnoticed by the village people. They realized that the joy, health, and energy radiating from him were the results of the fountain’s magic. They welcomed him with open arms, and he became one of them. They were happy to see the positive change in Black and urged him to share the newfound knowledge and energy with others. And so, Black spent the rest of his life spreading the power of Zdraví.

From then on, the village of Zdraví became renowned worldwide as a symbol of health and longevity. People from all over the world came to Zdraví to learn and live the right way, not only for themselves, but also for the betterment of their community. And Black’s story was heard by many who also wanted to transform themselves and live a healthy and fulfilled life. The fountain of youth might be the source of Zdraví’s magic, but it was the people that made it a place of inspiration and remarkable wonder.

Ponaučení z Pohádka o zdraví

Jednou v daleké zemi existovala krásná vesnice Zdraví. Lidé, kteří tam žili, byli známí svým zdravím, silou a dlouhověkostí. Vesnice měla pověst o magické fontáně mládí, která poskytovala vodu zdraví. Ve vesnici si lidé velmi cenili fontány a skrývali ji před zvědavými očima cizinců. Nakonec se tam dostal neúnavný a chamtivý cestovatel jménem Black. Díky jeho zájmu o fontánu se začaly mezi vesničany šířit obavy, že jeho chamtivost může narovnat v ohrožení všech. A tak se rozhodla jedna z vesničanek, Lída, aby ho naučila lekci. Řekla mu, že aby mohl vodu z fontány vypít, musí vykonat pět dobrých skutků. Ty zahrnovaly péči o jeho vlastní zdraví, jakož i pomoc druhým. Black se tedy vydal na tuto výzvu a díky ní se naučil starat se o své zdraví, ale i o své okolí a lidi kolem něj. Nakonec Lída Blacka přivedla k magické fontáně mládí, kde vypil zázračnou vodu a cítil se lépe a osvobozeně. Jeho příběh se rozšířil po celém světě a vesnice Zdraví se stala symbolem zdraví a dlouhověkosti.

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