Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Pohádka o slunci

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Prostějov byla oslavovaná pro své slunce a teplo. Byla to krásná a bohatá oblast, kde se lidé učili, pracovali a zpívali. Avšak, jednoho dne, slunce zmizelo nečekaně, a lidé začali trpět nedostatkem světla a tepla. Nikdo nevěděl, co se stalo s Pohádkou o Slunci, bytostí, která dodává energii a život všem živým věcem na zemi. Tohle je příběh o hrdinské cestě jednoho malého chlapce, který se vydal najít Pohádku a vrátit slunce zpět nad oblohu. Je to „Pohádka o Slunci.“
Pohádka o slunci

Once upon a time in a far-off land, there lived a magnificent sun. This was no ordinary sun, for it shone brighter than any other sun in the universe. It was the star that illuminated the sky and gave warmth to all who basked in its light. The people of the kingdom revered the sun as a god, for it bestowed upon them the gift of life and made their crops grow.

But one day, a wicked sorcerer cast a spell upon the sun. The spell made the sun angry and resentful, and it began to withhold its light and warmth from the kingdom. The people of the kingdom were frightened and prayed to their gods to restore the sun’s benevolence.

The gods heard their prayers and sent a messenger to the kingdom to find out what was troubling the sun. The messenger, a wise old turtle, traveled to the sun’s palace and spoke to the sun.

„Oh great sun, why do you withhold your light and warmth from the kingdom?“ asked the turtle.

„I am angry at the people of the kingdom,“ replied the sun, „for they take my gifts for granted and do not honor me as they should.“

„But great sun,“ said the turtle, „the people of the kingdom love and revere you. They offer sacrifices and prayers to you every day.“

„That is not enough!“ roared the sun. „They need to show their respect and gratitude in a more tangible way.“

The turtle thought for a moment and then said, „Great sun, what if the people of the kingdom were to build a magnificent palace in your honor. A place where they could come and worship you, and offer you gifts and sacrifices.“

The sun was pleased with this idea and began to warm up again. „Yes,“ said the sun, „that would be a fitting tribute to my greatness. But how will I know that they have built this palace in my honor?“

„The palace will be made of the finest gold and silver, and it will shine brighter than any star in the sky. And the people of the kingdom will come and worship you there, and offer you gifts and sacrifices.“

The sun considered this for a moment and then said, „Very well. I will lift my curse and restore my light and warmth to the kingdom. But they must not forget to honor me and my palace, for if they do, I will punish them severely.“

And so, the people of the kingdom set to work building the palace of the sun. They worked day and night, carving the finest gold and silver into intricate designs and patterns. When the palace was finished, it sparkled and shone so brightly that it could be seen from miles away.

The people of the kingdom rejoiced and celebrated the restoration of the sun’s benevolence. They came to the palace of the sun and offered gifts and sacrifices of the finest foods and wines. And they never forgot to honor the sun, for they knew that if they did, the sun would once again become angry and resentful.

And so, the sun continued to shine bright and warm upon the kingdom, and the people lived happily ever after.



V této pohádce jsme se naučili o důležitosti uctívání a respektování našich božstev a přírody. Slunce, jako symbol života a energie, je nutné uctívat a ochraňovat, aby mohlo sloužit nám všem. Doufáme, že tuto moudrost a úctu zachováme i v našem moderním světě.

Ponaučení z Pohádka o slunci

V této pohádce jsme se naučili, že je důležité uctívat a respektovat naše božstva a přírodu. Slunce jako symbol života a energie nám dává život a růst plodů. Když jsme neuctívají a nevážíme si ho, může se stát rozzlobeným a odmítat nám dodat světlo a teplo. Tuto moudrost a úctu bychom měli zachovat i v moderním světě, protože příroda nám poskytuje vše, co potřebujeme k životu.

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