Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Anča a pepík pohádky

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Příběh o Passaconawayově cestě do nebe

Bystrouška, Tři oříšky pro Popelku, and O Šípkové Růžence are just some of the famous Czech fairy tales that have captivated audiences for generations. However, there is another tale that is just as enchanting: Anča a pepík pohádky. This story revolves around two children named Anča and Pepík, who live in a small village in the heart of the Czech Republic. But little do they know that their lives are about to be turned upside down by a series of magical events that will take them on a wild adventure through the mystical lands of Czech folklore. Join us as we delve into the world of Anča a pepík pohádky – a tale of wonder, magic, and bravery that will warm the hearts of young and old alike.
Once upon a time in a small village in the Czech Republic, there lived two siblings, Anča a pepík, who loved listening to fairy tales about magical creatures and faraway lands. Every night before going to bed, they would ask their grandmother to tell them a new story, and she never disappointed.

H2: Anča and Pepík’s Journey Begins

One day, while walking through the forest, Anča and Pepík stumbled upon a fairy who had lost her magic wand. They offered to help her find it, and she promised to grant them a wish in return. They searched high and low for the wand and finally found it in a bush. The fairy was overjoyed and granted them each a wish.

H3: Anča’s Wish for a Magical Flower Garden

Anča wished for a magical flower garden that would bloom year-round and attract all kinds of butterflies and birds. The next morning, she woke up to find a beautiful garden right outside her bedroom window. The flowers were of every color imaginable, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of their nectar. She spent hours in the garden each day, playing with the animals that were drawn to it.

H3: Pepík’s Wish for an Adventure in the Sky

Pepík wished for an adventure in the sky, so the fairy gave him a magical flying carpet. He was thrilled and could hardly wait to try it out. He persuaded Anča to join him on his adventure, and they flew high above the village, looking down at the rooftops and fields below. They saw the sun set and the stars come out, and it was the most beautiful sight they had ever seen.

H2: The Enchanted Forest

As Anča and Pepík were flying over the forest, they saw a castle perched on a mountaintop. It was the home of the wicked witch who had cast a spell over the land. Everything was gray and lifeless, and the people who lived there were miserable. The witch had taken all the color and beauty out of the forest, and the animals were afraid to come out of their hiding places.

H3: Anča and Pepík’s Plan to Save the Forest

Anča and Pepík knew they had to help the people and the forest. They landed their flying carpet and walked toward the castle. The witch appeared before them, cackling with glee. They asked her to remove the spell, but she refused. She challenged them to defeat her in a game of riddles, and if they won, she would lift the curse.

H3: The Game of Riddles

The witch asked the first riddle, „What has four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?“ Anča and Pepík thought hard and finally answered, „A human being.“ The witch was impressed and asked the next riddle, „What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?“ Anča and Pepík were stumped, but then Pepík had an idea. He said, „The future.“ The witch was surprised and asked the final riddle, „I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body but I come alive with wind. What am I?“ Anča and Pepík thought for a while and answered, „An echo.“

H2: Victory over the Witch

The witch was angry that they had won the game, but she kept her promise and lifted the spell. The forest instantly turned green, and the animals came out to enjoy the sunshine. The people were overjoyed, and they thanked Anča and Pepík for their bravery. The witch disappeared in a puff of smoke, never to be seen again.

H2: The Happy Ending

Anča and Pepík returned home, happy to have saved the forest and made new friends. They continued to have magical adventures and live happily ever after, always with a reminder of the special powers that came from kindness and bravery.

In conclusion, the fairy tale of Anča a pepík pohádky shows the power of kindness and bravery. Anča and Pepík went out of their way to help the fairy, and their kindness was rewarded with magical adventures and the chance to save the forest. It is a timeless story that teaches us to be kind, brave, and always willing to help others.

Ponaučení z Anča a pepík pohádky

Jednou žili v malé vesnici v České republice sourozenci Anča a Pepík, kteří rádi poslouchali pohádky o kouzelných bytostech a vzdálených zemích. Každý večer před spaním požádali svou babičku o nový příběh, a ta je nikdy nezklamala. Jednoho dne při procházce lesem Anča a Pepík narazili na vílu, která ztratila svou kouzelnou hůlku. Nabídli jí svou pomoc a ona jim slíbila jeden přání v odměnu. Hledali hůlku všude možně a nakonec ji našli v keři. Víla byla nadšená a splnila jim každému přání. Anča si přála kouzelnou květinovou zahradu, která bude kvést po celý rok a přitahovat všechny druhy motýlů a ptáků. Pepík si přál dobrodružství na obloze a víla mu dala kouzelný letící koberec. Letěli vysoko nad vesnicí a viděli západ slunce a hvězdy. Uviděli na horách zámek, kde zlá čarodějnice vládla zemi. Čarodějnice odeškrtla krásu a barvu ze lesa a zvířata se báli vyjít ze svých úkrytů. Anča a Pepík věděli, že musí pomoci lidem a lese a vyzvali čarodějnici k hádankám. Vyhráli a čarodějnice odstranila kletbu. Les se okamžitě rozzářil zelení a zvířata se vyšla pohřádat na slunce. Lidé byli nadšeni a poděkovali Anči a Pepíkovi za jejich odvahu a přátelství. Čarodějnice zmizela v oblaku kouře a už se nikdy neobjevila. Anča a Pepík se vrátili domů šťastní, že zachránili les a udělali nové přátele. Pohádka ukazuje sílu laskavosti a odvahy a připomíná nám, aby byli laskaví, odvážní a ochotní pomoci druhým.

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