Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Polly a její milenec v říši víl

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Polly byla obyčejná dívka, která žila v malé vesnici mezi kopci a loukami. Ale jednoho dne se setkala s kouzelným vílím milencem a její život se navždy změnil. Společně se vydali do říše víl a prožívali různá dobrodružství. Přečtěte si jejich příběh o lásce a magii v říši víl.
Once upon a time, in the magical kingdom of the fairies, there lived a beautiful girl named Polly. She was known for her infectious smile, kind heart, and charming personality. Polly was loved by everyone in the kingdom, including the fairies, who had been watching over her since she was born.

Chapter One: Polly’s Childhood

Polly grew up in a small cottage at the edge of the forest. Her parents were kind-hearted people who loved her dearly. They taught her how to read and write, and also shared their wisdom about life with her. Polly was a curious child, always eager to learn new things and explore the world around her. She would often spend hours playing in the woods, watching the birds, and collecting flowers.

Chapter Two: Polly’s First Love

As Polly grew older, she started to notice the handsome prince who lived in the castle nearby. His name was Tomas, and he was the most eligible bachelor in the kingdom. Polly had always admired him from afar but never dared to speak to him. One day, by chance, they met in the woods while she was collecting flowers. Tomas was instantly smitten by her beauty and charm. They spent the afternoon talking and laughing, and soon realized that they were meant to be together.

Chapter Three: The Fairy’s Blessing

When the fairies heard about Polly’s love for Tomas, they decided to bless their union. They knew that Polly was a kind and gentle soul, who would make Tomas a better person. They also knew that Tomas would protect and cherish Polly with all his heart. So, they cast a spell that would ensure their love would last forever. From that day on, Polly and Tomas were inseparable. They went on long walks in the woods and shared secrets with each other.

Chapter Four: The Evil Witch’s Curse

However, their happiness was short-lived. One day, an evil witch who lived in the nearby mountains heard about their love and decided to do everything in her power to destroy it. She cast a curse that would make Polly fall into a deep sleep, from which she could only be awakened by true love’s kiss. The curse was so powerful that no one could break it, not even the fairies.

Chapter Five: Tomas’ Quest

When Tomas found out about the curse, he was devastated. He knew that he had to do something to save Polly, but he had no idea how to break the curse. He consulted the wise old wizard who lived in the castle and asked for his help. The wizard told him that the only way to break the curse was to find a rare flower that grew in the top of the highest mountain in the kingdom.

Chapter Six: The Journey

Tomas set out on a dangerous journey to find the flower. He had to cross treacherous rivers, climb steep mountains, and fight off wild beasts along the way. But nothing could stop him from finding the flower and saving Polly. After many days of travel, he finally reached the top of the mountain, where he found the flower. He picked it and started the journey back home.

Chapter Seven: The Awakening

When Tomas reached Polly, he gave her the flower and kissed her on the lips. In an instant, the curse was broken, and Polly woke up from her deep sleep. She looked at Tomas and knew that he was the one who had saved her. They embraced each other, and from that day on, they lived happily ever after. The fairies were overjoyed, and they blessed their union once again.


In the end, the evil witch was defeated, and true love prevailed. Polly and Tomas were an example to everyone in the kingdom, showing them that love can conquer even the most powerful curses. They lived a long and happy life together, serving the kingdom, and raising their children. Their story was told for generations, and it became a source of inspiration for all those who believed in the power of love.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Dobrodružný pohádkový příběh “Polly a Tomáš” ukazuje, že láska dokáže překonat i ty největší překážky a kletby. Polly, milá dívka se srdcem na dlani, se zamiluje do krásného prince Tomáše, avšak zlá čarodějnice ji prokleje a upadne do těžkého spánku. Tomáš se vydá na nebezpečnou cestu k nejvyšší hoře v království, aby získal květinu, která ji může probudit. Po mnoha peripetiích se mu nakonec podaří květinu získat a Polly ji políbí, což je jediný způsob, jak zlomit kletbu. Polly a Tomáš žijí šťastně a spokojeně a jejich láska inspirovala celé království. Tento příběh o lásce nám připomíná, že srdce plné lásky je tou nejmocnější zbraní.

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