Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

1) Pasákonocesta do nebe

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Once upon a time, in the heart of the Czech Republic, there lived a young girl named Marie. She often heard stories of the magical Pasákonocesta do nebe – a winding staircase that led to the heavens above. Despite being warned by her parents not to venture near the staircase, Marie’s curiosity and adventurous spirit got the best of her. Little did she know, her journey to the heavens would be full of unexpected surprises and challenges, leading her to discover a world beyond her wildest dreams. This is the fairy tale of Pasákonocesta do nebe, a story that has been passed down through generations in Czech folklore.
Once upon a time, in a magical land known as the Czech Republic, there lived a young girl named Alena. She was a kind-hearted and curious soul who loved exploring the forests and mountains that surrounded her village.

One day, while on a hike, Alena stumbled upon an old man who appeared to be lost. He was dressed in a tattered cloak and carried a large walking stick.

“Can I help you find your way?” Alena asked, her eyes shining with compassion.

The old man turned to her with a smile, revealing a set of sparkling teeth. “You are a kind soul, my child. I am on a journey to Pasákonocesta do nebe.”

Alena had never heard of such a place before. “Pasákonocesta do nebe? What is it?”

“It is a path that leads to heaven,” the old man replied. “But it is treacherous and difficult to navigate. I fear I may never find my way without the help of a brave and clever young girl like yourself.”

Alena was moved by the old man’s words and decided to help him on his journey. She led him deeper into the forest, through winding trails and over rocky ledges. Along the way, they encountered many challenges, including fierce beasts, rushing rivers, and steep cliffs.

But Alena was not deterred. She used her wit and ingenuity to outsmart the beasts, build bridges over the rivers, and carve steps into the cliffs. With each obstacle they overcame, the old man grew stronger and more determined to reach his destination.

Finally, after many days of travel, they came to a clearing where a magnificent staircase stretched up into the heavens. The old man turned to Alena and said, “This is it. Pasákonocesta do nebe.”

Alena felt a thrill of excitement at the sight of the staircase. She had never seen anything like it before. She accompanied the old man up the stairs, which seemed to climb higher and higher into the sky.

As they ascended, they passed by clouds and stars and constellations of every shape and color. Alena felt as though she was floating on air, weightless and free.

At last, they reached the top of the staircase and stepped onto a platform that shimmered with light. A majestic figure awaited them, with a flowing white robe and eyes that glowed like diamonds.

“Welcome to heaven,” the figure said in a booming voice. “You have both shown great courage and determination to reach this place. As a reward, you may ask for anything you desire.”

The old man bowed before the figure, his eyes shining with tears of gratitude. “All I ask is for eternal peace and happiness.”

The figure nodded, and a halo appeared above the old man’s head. “Your wish is granted.”

Alena gazed up at the figure, wondering what she should ask for. Suddenly, she knew.

“I wish for the ability to share my love and kindness with others,” she said, her voice clear and strong.

The figure smiled and touched Alena’s forehead with a golden finger. “Your wish is granted.”

And with that, Alena felt a surge of warmth and light flow through her body. She knew that she had been transformed into a messenger of love, a bringer of joy and happiness to all those she met.

The old man and Alena spent many happy years in heaven, spreading their gifts of peace and kindness to all those they encountered. And although they were no longer on the earth, their memory lived on in the hearts of those they had touched.

From that day forward, Pasákonocesta do nebe became known as the path of love and compassion. And all those who followed it were blessed with eternal happiness and joy.


Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V pohádkové zemi zvané Česká Republika žila dívka jménem Alena. Byla to milá a zvídavá duše, která ráda objevovala lesy a hory kolem své vesnice. Jednoho dne při túře narazila na starého muže, který se zdál být ztracený. Byl oblečen v roztrhaném plášti a nesl velkou hole. Alena se ho zeptala, zda mu může pomoci a muž jí řekl o cestě na Pasákonocestu do nebe. Alena se rozhodla ho na této nebezpečné cestě doprovodit. Setkali se s mnoha překážkami, ale Alena je dokázala všechny překonat. Nakonec dorazili na místo se schodištěm vedoucím do nebe. Starý muž požádal o věčný klid a štěstí, Alena o schopnost sdílet lásku a laskavost. Tyto přání se splnily a oba dva se do nebe dostali. V nebi následně proklamovali lásku a štěstí. Od té doby je Pasákonocesta do nebe známa jako cesta lásky a soucitu.

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