Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

The Devil’s Brother-in-Law’s Apprentice

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Byla jednou jedna pohádka o Ďáblův švagrův učeň. Tato pohádka vypráví o mladém chlapci, který se naučil všechny triky ďábla a svého švagra, aby vystudoval školu těch nejtěžších cvičení, které může člověk provést. Ale ve svém srdci nechtěl být jako ďábel a hledal cestu k osvobození od těchto temných sil. Čeká ho mnoho nástrah a překážek, než najde pravou cestu svého života.
Once upon a time in the Czech Republic, there was a young apprentice named Pavel. Pavel worked for the Devil’s brother-in-law as a blacksmith. The Devil’s brother-in-law was known throughout the land for making the best weapons and tools. Pavel was eager to learn everything he could from him, but he was also scared of his wrath.

H2: The Meeting with the Devil’s Brother-in-Law

One day, while Pavel was working, the Devil’s brother-in-law appeared in his workshop. Pavel was terrified and tried to hide. But the Devil’s brother-in-law had come to offer Pavel an apprenticeship.

H3: The Devil’s Brother-in-Law’s Offer

The Devil’s brother-in-law told Pavel that he had seen potential in him, and he wanted to help him become the best blacksmith in the land. Pavel couldn’t believe his ears. This was the opportunity of a lifetime. He eagerly accepted the offer and promised to work hard and learn everything he could.

H2: The Beginning of Pavel’s Apprenticeship

Pavel started his apprenticeship under the Devil’s brother-in-law. He learned how to forge metal, sharpen blades, and create intricate designs on the weapons and tools. Every day, he worked hard from dawn until dusk, trying to impress his master. The Devil’s brother-in-law was pleased with his progress and granted him permission to begin working on his own projects.

H3: Pavel’s First Commission

Pavel’s first commission was to create a sword for the King. This was no easy task, and it required all of Pavel’s skills and knowledge. He poured his heart and soul into the project, creating every detail with care and precision. When he presented the sword to the King, he was overjoyed with the beauty and quality of the weapon.

H2: The Devil’s Brother-in-Law’s Test

The Devil’s brother-in-law was pleased with Pavel’s progress, but he wanted to test his loyalty. He asked Pavel to create a special weapon for him, one that would be used for evil purposes. Pavel was torn between his loyalty to his master and his moral conscience. He knew that creating such a weapon went against everything he believed in.

H3: The Decision

Pavel thought long and hard about the Devil’s brother-in-law’s request. He knew that if he refused, he would lose everything he had worked so hard for. But he also knew that if he created the weapon, he would be contributing to evil. In the end, he decided to follow his conscience and refuse the request.

H2: The Consequence

The Devil’s brother-in-law did not take kindly to Pavel’s refusal. He was angry and disappointed, and he felt betrayed by his apprentice. He demanded that Pavel leave his workshop and never return. Pavel was heartbroken. He had lost everything he had worked so hard for. But he knew that he had made the right choice.

H3: The Redemption

Years passed, and Pavel continued to work as a blacksmith in another town. He had never forgotten the lessons he had learned from the Devil’s brother-in-law, and he continued to hone his skills. One day, he received a commission to create a weapon for the King’s army. He worked tirelessly on the project, pouring all of his skill and knowledge into it. When he presented the weapon to the King, he was overjoyed with its quality and beauty.

H2: The Reunion

As Pavel was leaving the castle, he saw a familiar figure walking towards him. It was the Devil’s brother-in-law. Pavel was terrified, but the Devil’s brother-in-law simply smiled and congratulated him on his success. He explained that he had wanted to test Pavel’s loyalty and that he was proud of the choice he had made.

H3: The Legacy

Pavel returned to his workshop, a changed man. He had learned that sometimes doing the right thing meant making difficult choices. He had also learned that true success comes from hard work, dedication, and following one’s conscience. Pavel’s legacy lived on through his apprentices and through the weapons and tools he created, which were known throughout the land for their quality and beauty.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

V pohádce “Čertův švagr” se mladý učeň Pavel učí u ďáblova švagra kovářství a snaží se získat jeho přízeň. Po mnoha úsilí a tvrdé práci dostane Pavel příležitost vytvořit meč pro krále. Po tomto úspěchu dostává Pavel od ďáblova švagra požadavek vytvořit zbraň pro zlé účely, ale nakonec se rozhodne odmítnout a ztrácí tak vše, co získal. Po letech se Pavel stává mistrem svého řemesla a dostává zakázku na zbraň pro královu armádu. Poté, co ji dokončí a předá králi, potkává ďáblova švagra, který ho chválí za to, že nesplnil jeho požadavek a následně pro něj pracuje. Pavel se naučil, že někdy musí udělat těžkou volbu a že skutečný úspěch přichází pouze tvrdou prací a oddaností svému svědomí.

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