Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Kozí Uši Císaře (The Goat’s Ears of the Emperor)

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Byla jednou jedna císařská rodina, která žila v impozantním paláci na hradě. Císař měl syna, který byl nádherný a uměřený, ale bohužel měl jeden zvláštní znak – jemná, plnovousová kozí uši. Protože si císařská rodina přála perfekcionismus, syn měl nosit klobouk, aby je přikryl. Jednoho dne se mu však klobouk ztratil a chlapec se musel vydat do neznámého lesa, kde na něj čekala překvapující osudová setkání. Tohle je příběh Kozích uší císaře.

Kozí Uši Císaře: The Tale of the Emperor and His Goat’s Ears

Kozí uši císaře, an old Czech fairy tale, tells the story of an emperor who had ears shaped like a goat’s. It is said that the emperor’s ears were his biggest secret and he was afraid that people would laugh at him if he ever revealed his unusual ears. The emperor went to great lengths to keep his ears hidden, but one day everything changed.

Setting the Scene

The emperor lived in a grand palace with his wife, the empress, and their children. The palace was located in a beautiful city, surrounded by green hills and forests. The citizens of the city loved their emperor and were proud to have him as their ruler. However, the emperor’s strange ears were a mystery that no one had ever solved.

The Emperor’s Dilemma

The emperor was very self-conscious about his ears and worried that people would mock him if they found out about them. He had tried all sorts of ways to keep them hidden, from wearing heavy crowns to keeping his hair long enough to cover them. But, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake the feeling that someone would eventually discover his secret.

The Betrayal

One day, while the emperor was out in the forest hunting, he stumbled upon a group of animals. The animals were all talking amongst themselves, and the emperor was surprised to find that they could all speak. He was even more surprised when he heard them discussing his secret – the goat’s ears.

The emperor was mortified that the animals had found out his secret, and he begged them to keep it quiet. But, much to his dismay, the animals refused. They told him that they wouldn’t keep his secret unless he promised to be kinder to the animals and the natural world. The emperor, feeling backed into a corner, agreed to their demands.

A New Beginning

From that day on, the emperor became a different person. He started to treat the animals and the environment with the respect they deserved. He became a champion of nature and worked hard to create a sustainable future for his city. The citizens of the city were amazed at the changes in their emperor and admired his newfound devotion to nature.

The emperor realized that his goat’s ears didn’t need to be hidden anymore. He learned to embrace his uniqueness and was no longer ashamed of his appearance. The citizens of the city also learned to love their emperor for who he was, goat’s ears and all.

Moral of the Story

The moral of the story is that we should all learn to embrace our differences and be proud of who we are. The emperor’s goat’s ears were once a source of great shame, but once he learned to accept his unique appearance, he was able to go on and do great things. So, if you ever feel different or unusual, remember the emperor with his goat’s ears and be proud of who you are.


The tale of Kozí uši císaře, although a fairy tale, can teach us all a valuable lesson. We should all learn to embrace and accept our differences, and treat the environment with the respect it deserves. We should also learn to be kinder to animals and work towards creating a sustainable future. Who knows what great things we can accomplish once we learn to embrace our uniqueness?

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Kozí uši císaře je stará česká pohádka, která nás učí důležité lekci. Kromě zábavného příběhu o císařovi s ušima jako koza, nás pohádka učí, že bychom měli všichni milovat své rozdíly a být hrdí na to, kým jsme. Císař měl velký problém s ušima, která se mu zdála divná, a snažil se je skrýt za každou cenu. Nakonec ale musel přijmout svou jedinečnost a naučil se milovat své uši.

Zároveň se však císař naučil být laskavější k přírodě a zvířatům, což prospělo celému jeho království. Pohádka ukazuje, že není třeba se stydět za své odlišnosti, a že se můžeme stát velkými lidmi, když je přijmeme a projevíme vůli být lepšími.

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