Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Ďáblovo taneční

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Bytí přeměně při úplňku je něco, co si každý z nás snad nejednou přál. Ale co když by to mohla být realita?
Takový příběh se odehrává v Českých horách, kde se při úplňku koná tajný ples, který nikdo dosud nepřežil. Jeho název je Ďáblovo taneční a těch několik statečných, kteří se ho pokusili navštívit, se nikdy nevrátilo.
To ale nezastaví našeho hrdinu, který se rozhodl, že potřebuje vidět tento ples na vlastní oči. A tak se vydává na nebezpečnou cestu, během níž se bude muset vypořádat s temnými silami, jestli chce získat možnost navštívit Ďáblovo taneční a přežít ho.
There once was a small village nestled in the heart of the Czech Republic, where life was quite peaceful and mostly uneventful. The villagers were hardworking and content, living simple lives with little to worry about. However, there was one legend that had been passed down through generations that had the power to strike fear into the hearts of all those who heard it: the legend of the Ďáblovo taneční.

H2: The Legend of the Ďáblovo taneční

According to the legend, the Ďáblovo taneční was a dance that had been created by the devil himself. It was said that once every hundred years, on the night of the summer solstice, the devil would visit the forests surrounding the village and summon all the creatures of the night to a great dance. Birds, bats, and other nocturnal animals would gather to dance around the devil himself, as he played his fiddle and watched with glee. However, the dance would only end once he had ensnared a human to join in, and that person would be claimed by the devil forever.

H3: The Brave Villager

One summer solstice, a young villager by the name of Jakub had decided to venture out into the forests surrounding the village. As he wandered deeper into the woods, he heard the sound of a fiddle playing in the distance. The sound grew louder and louder, until he came upon a clearing where the Ďáblovo taneční was being held. Jakub watched in amazement as the creatures of the night danced around the devil himself, entranced by the music.

H3: The Devilís Bargain

Suddenly, the devil turned his gaze upon Jakub and beckoned him to join in the dance. At first, Jakub hesitated, remembering the legend of the Ďáblovo taneční and the fate that befell those who joined the dance. However, the music was so enchanting that he found himself unable to resist. He joined in, twirling and spinning alongside the other creatures of the night.

H3: Freedom Lost

As the night wore on, Jakub began to tire, and he realized too late that he had fallen victim to the devilís trap. The devil appeared before him and offered him a deal: he would release Jakub from the dance, but in exchange, Jakub must do the devilís bidding for the rest of his life. Jakub, terrified at the thought of being damned to eternal servitude, reluctantly agreed.

H2: The Consequences of Foolishness

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into years, as Jakub served the devil faithfully. He carried out the devilís orders without question, never daring to defy him, for fear of angering the devil and incurring his wrath. As time wore on, Jakub grew to regret his foolish decision and longed to be free once more.

H3: The Road to Redemption

One day, after many years of servitude, Jakubís chance for redemption arrived. The villagers of his hometown had grown increasingly concerned about his disappearance and had searched for him relentlessly. Eventually, they discovered the location of the Ďáblovo taneční, and they were determined to save Jakub from the devilís clutches.

H3: The Final Showdown

As the villagers approached the clearing where the Ďáblovo taneční was held, they could hear the sound of the fiddle playing in the distance. They crept ever closer until they were able to see the dancers and the devil himself. The devil, realizing that Jakubís time of servitude had come to an end, challenged the villagers to a game of wits. If they could outsmart him, then Jakub would be set free. However, if they lost, then they must take Jakubís place and join the dance.

H3: Freedom At Last

The villagers thought carefully and came up with a plan. They challenged the devil to a fiddle-playing contest, with the winning side being determined by the volume of the fiddle. Unbeknownst to the devil, the villagers had stuffed their own fiddle with feathers, making it appear larger and louder than it actually was. When the devil played his fiddle, the villagers won soundly, and the devil was forced to release Jakub.

H2: The Moral of the Story

The legend of the Ďáblovo taneční had been passed down through generations as a warning against foolishness and temptation. Jakub had suffered the consequences of joining the dance, but he had also been given a chance for redemption through the bravery and wit of the villagers. The legend served as a reminder to all that sometimes, the only way to escape temptation and folly is through the wisdom and strength of others.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Tato pohádka o Ďáblově tanci se odehrává v malé vesnici v srdci České republiky. Jednou za sto let ďábel zahraje na housle a pozve všechny noční stvoření na taneček. Všichni nesmějí tančit do té doby, než se někomu podaří zlákat nějakého člověka, aby se připojil. Tato obava žila v srdcích obyvatel vesnice a to i u mladého Jakuba. Jakub se vydal na lov do lesa a náhodou narazil na Ďáblovův taneček. Neodolal a přidal se k tanci. Jakub věděl, že musí za to zaplatit, ale čarokrásná hudba mu nedovolila se od tance odtrhnout. Konec tanečku se blížil a Jakub chtěl odejít, ale bylo pozdě. Ďábel mu nabídl dohodu, že ho pustí, pokud mu bude sloužit po zbytek života. Jakub se uchýlil ke smlouvě, ale brzy pochopil, že udělal chybu. Po několika letech vyhledal jeho osud osudovou chvíli. Jeho vesničané ho našli a pokusili se ho zachránit. Ďábel však nechtěl nechat Jakuba jít a tak vyzval vesničany ke švindlování. Vesničané tento test zvládli a dokázali ďáblovy snažení překonat. Jakub byl konečně osvobozen a pohádka nás naučí, že jediný způsob, jak uniknout pokusu, kterému se člověk nechtěl a neměl vzdát, je moudrost a síla ostatních.

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