Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Bree a zázračný květ

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Bylo jednou jedno malé městečko obklopené zelenými poli a lesy. Ve stínu starého dubu rostl zázračný květ, který se jmenoval Bree. Žádný člověk nevěděl o tomto květu a přestože byl malý a nenápadný, poskytoval neuvěřitelnou sílu a léčebné vlastnosti. Jednoho dne však přišel zlý čaroděj a snažil se květ ukrást, aby ho mohl využít k vlastním temným plánům. Bree se musel bránit a bojovat o svou svobodu a zachování své síly. Tak začala Breeho neobyčejná pohádka.
Once upon a time in a small village in the heart of Czech Republic, there was a beautiful meadow called “Lúka slnko”. The meadow was known for its mesmerizing beauty and the colorful flowers that adorned it. Amidst those colorful flowers, there was one flower that stood out the most – Bree a zázračný květ or Bree the miraculous flower.

Part 1: The Origin of Bree

Legend has it that Bree a zázračný květ came from a magical land beyond the mountains. The land was guarded by a powerful fairy named Tasha who possessed magical powers to make everything in the land beautiful and full of life. One day, Tasha decided to gift the village a special flower that would bring happiness and prosperity to the place.

Thus, she created Bree a zázračný květ – a flower that was not only beautiful but also had magical powers. The flower had the ability to heal the sick and grant wishes to those who sought its blessings.

Part 2: The First Encounter with Bree

One fine day, a young girl named Alena stumbled upon Bree a zázračný květ while playing in the meadow. As she got closer to the flower, she was surprised to see a golden glow emanating from the petals. Intrigued by the flowers’ beauty and magical aura, she decided to touch it.

As soon as she touched the petals, a warm glow enveloped her, and she felt a sudden burst of energy coursing through her veins. Overwhelmed by the experience, she decided to seek the advice of the village elder on what to do with the miraculous flower.

Part 3: The Healing Touch of Bree

The village elder was an old wise man who had lived in the village for many years. He was known for his knowledge of herbs and their healing properties. Upon hearing Alena’s story, he immediately knew that the flower was not just another beautiful bloom but a powerful source of healing.

Alena then went on to tell him how she felt an intense energy inside her after touching the petals. The elder then suggested that they take a petal from the flower and apply it to the sick people in the village to see if it would have any healing effects.

The next day, several people brought their sick children and relatives to the elder’s house. Alena placed a petal from Bree a zázračný květ on each of the sick people, and within a few hours, they all started to show signs of improvement. The petals of the miraculous flower had indeed worked their magic and healed the sick.

Part 4: The Wishing Flower

Word of the miraculous flower soon spread throughout the village, and people started to come from far and wide to seek its blessings. They would place their wishes before Bree a zázračný květ and, within a few days, their wishes would come true.

The villagers realized that the flower was not just an ordinary plant but a source of magical energy that could bring happiness and prosperity to the place. They, therefore, decided to build a beautiful temple for Bree a zázračný květ to honor and worship it.

Part 5: The Legacy of Bree

Centuries passed, and the story of Bree a zázračný květ became a legend. The temple built in the flower’s honor became a place of pilgrimage for people from all over the world who sought its blessings.

Even today, the village of Lúka slnko is known for Bree a zázračný květ – the miraculous flower that has the power to heal and grant wishes. The story of the flower has been passed down from generation to generation and remains an essential part of Czech folklore.


Bree a zázračný květ is not just a flower; it is a symbol of hope and magic. It represents the power of nature and reminds us that there is beauty and wonder all around us. May Bree a zázračný květ continue to bring happiness and joy to all who seek its blessings.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Krátký příběh o Bree a zázračném květu nás učí, že příroda nám může poskytnout léčbu a naději. Legenda vypráví, že tento zázračný květ darovala lidskému světu mocná víla z kouzelné země za horami. Květ měl schopnost uzdravovat nemocné a splňovat přání těm, kteří jej hledali. Když ho objevila dívka jménem Alena, poznala úžasnou energii, kterou květ v sobě ukrývá. Pomocí něj byli uzdraveni nemocní lidé z vesnice a zároveň pomohl naplnit sny těch, kdo si přáli jeho požehnání. Stal se symbolem naděje a magie a jeho jméno se stalo legendou. Bree a zázračný květ nás učí nezapomínat na sílu a krásu přírody, která nás může uzdravovat a dodávat naději.

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