Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Bree a Dívka z Lesa (Bree and the Girl from the Forest)

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Byla jednou jedna dívka jménem Bree, která žila v lesích České republiky. Bree byla neobyčejně krásná a díky svému královskému původu byla velmi oblíbená všemi, kteří ji poznali. Však i přesto byla Bree velmi samotářská a toužila po dobrodružství a nových zážitcích. Jednoho dne se v jejím životě objevila tajemná dívka z lesa, která změnila všechno. To byl začátek nádherného a neobvyklého příběhu, plného tajemství, napětí a romantiky.
Once upon a time in a deep forest in the Czech Republic, there lived a young girl named Bree. She was known for her stunning beauty and her kind heart. She was loved and cherished by everyone in her village. Bree had a special gift for creating beautiful flower crowns, which she would often share with the animals in the forest.

H2: The Mysterious Visitor

One day, a mysterious girl appeared in the forest. She was wandering aimlessly, looking lost and confused. Bree, being the kind-hearted girl she was, went up to the stranger and asked if she needed any help.

The stranger replied with a soft voice, „I am lost and do not know where to go. Can you help me find my way?“

Bree knew immediately that she had to help the stranger. She offered to take the girl to her village and provide her with shelter for as long as she needed.

H3: The Enchanted Guest

The stranger stayed with Bree in her village for several days. During that time, the villagers came to know the stranger as a gentle and kind soul. Everyone fell in love with her sweet and pleasant demeanor.

Bree and the stranger became very close, and the stranger confided in Bree that she was from a faraway kingdom and was fleeing an evil sorceress who was after her. Bree promised to keep her safe and protected.

Despite her beauty and kind heart, Bree had always dreamed of an adventurous life outside of her village. She saw the stranger as an opportunity to fulfill that dream.

H3: The Forbidden Forest

One day, Bree invited the stranger to accompany her on a journey deep into the forbidden forest. The stranger hesitated at first, given the dangers of the forest. However, her love and trust for Bree overcame her fears, and she agreed to follow her.

As they journeyed deeper into the forest, they came across enchanted creatures and breathtaking natural wonders. The stranger was amazed by the sights and sounds of the forest, and Bree was overjoyed to have found a companion to share in the adventure with.

H3: The Sorceress’s Plot

However, their adventure would soon take a dark turn. As they rested by a stream, an evil sorceress appeared before them, demanding to take the stranger away. The sorceress was known for her evil deeds and possessed great magic powers.

Bree bravely stood up to the sorceress, telling her that she would not allow any harm to come to her friend. The sorceress scoffed, saying that Bree was foolish to stand up to her.

However, Bree’s bravery had caught the attention of the enchanted creatures of the forest, who started to gather around them. The sorceress, seeing that she was outnumbered, fled back to her lair.

H2: The Return Home

Bree and the stranger made it back to the village safely, but they knew that they would have to leave soon. The sorceress would not rest until she had captured the stranger, and the danger that she posed to the village was too great.

Bree continued to make her beautiful flower crowns as they prepared to leave. She gave one to each of the villagers as a symbol of her gratitude and love for them. She gave the most beautiful one to the stranger to wear on her journey.

H2: A New Adventure

As they journeyed on, they came across new adventures, and Bree found her dream of an adventurous life fulfilled. She learned to be brave, and she taught the stranger the beauty of the world around them.

Eventually, they reached the stranger’s kingdom, where the stranger was reunited with her family. Bree was welcomed with open arms, and she found a new family in the stranger’s kingdom.

Bree never forgot the lessons she had learned on her journey. She remained brave, and she continued to cherish the beauty of the world around her. She had found her true calling, in adventure, love, and kindness. And she lived happily ever after.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

V pohádce žila mladá dívka jménem Bree. Byla krásná a měla velké srdce. Bree měla schopnost vyrábět krásné věnce z květin, které sdílela s lesními zvířaty. Jednoho dne potkala tajemnou dívku, která byla zmatená a ztracená v lese. Bree ji nabídla pomoc a přivedla ji do své vesnice. Tam dívka zůstala několik dní a její laskavost a šarm ji udělaly populární. Dívka Bree sdělila, že utíká před zlou kouzelnici. Bree slíbila, že ji ochrání. Jednoho dne se rozhodly vydat se do zakázaného lesa. Tam dorazili do chvíle, kdy se objevila kouzelnice a předhrožovala jejich přítelkyni únosy. Bree se ji postavila a nakonec vyhrála. Nicméně jim bylo jasné, že ve vesnici už nezůstanou kvůli bezpečnosti, tak opustily vesnici a vydaly se do cizího království. Tam byla Bree přijata jako člen královské rodiny a našla si novou rodinu. Z pohádky se dozvídáme důležité lekce o laskavosti, rozhodnosti a o tom, že přátelství dokáže překonat i nejtěžší překážky.

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