Byla jednou jedna malá říčka, která tekla klidně svým korytem, dokud jí lidé nezačali stavět přehradu. Ta ale nebyla dostatečně pevná a jednoho dne se protrhla. Co se stalo poté? To vám povíme v naší pohádce o protržené přehradě.
Pohádka o protržené přehradě
Once upon a time in a small Czech village, there was a beautiful lake with a magnificent dam. The villagers relied on the lake and dam for their daily needs, and it was a source of wonder and awe for everyone who visited.
H2: O patnáctém srpnu
One day, on the fifteenth of August, something strange happened. A thunderstorm appeared out of nowhere, and the rain started pouring down heavily. The villagers were worried about the dam and the possibility of it breaking.
H3: Návštěva milosrdného anděla
Suddenly, a beautiful angel appeared in the sky, surrounded by a bright halo of light. The villagers were surprised and amazed at the sight. The angel told them that God had heard their prayers and sent him to help them. The angel promised that the dam would not break, and the rain would stop soon.
The villagers thanked the angel and went praying in the village’s church for a safe outcome.
H3: Protržená přehrada
However, the angel’s promise was not fulfilled. The rain continued to pour down, and the dam’s walls started cracking. The villagers panicked and prayed for another miracle.
H2: Řeka se rozvodnila
Suddenly, the dam broke, and the water started flowing through the village’s streets. The rain did not stop, and the water level kept rising. The villagers were terrified, and many of them lost their homes and belongings. They thought it was the end of their village.
H2: Osudové rozhodnutí
However, the village’s wise elder thought of a plan to save their lives. He suggested that they should build a new dam, but this time, they should use their wisdom and knowledge to reinforce its walls and make it stronger than the previous one.
The villagers agreed, and they worked hard to build a new dam. They used the materials they had at hand and put their best efforts into constructing it.
H2: Trpělivost a oddanost
It took them months to finish building the new dam, but they did not give up. They were patient and dedicated to their work, believing that this new dam would save their village from another disaster.
H2: Nová naděje
Finally, their hard work paid off, and they finished the new dam. The villagers were proud and relieved, knowing that they had done their best to protect their village. They celebrated their success and thanked God and the angel for their help.
H2: Poselství pohádky
The story of the broken dam and the villagers’ hard work and dedication has become a legend in the Czech Republic. It reminds us that we should never give up in the face of adversity, and that hard work and patience can lead to success.
H2: Závěr
And that is the story of Pohádka o protržené přehradě, a story of courage, determination, and hope that inspired generations of Czech people. May we all remember this tale and never forget the lesson it teaches.
Ponaučení z Pohádka o protržené přehradě
Pohádka o protržené přehradě je příběhem obyvatel malé české vesnice, kteří se spoléhali na jezero a přehradu pro své denní potřeby. Jednoho dne se objevil bouřlivý déšť a vesničané se báli o přehradu a možnost jejího prasknutí. Když se objevil anděl, sliboval, že přehrada nerozbije, ale chyba nestřežená. Přehrada se protrhla a voda zaplavila vesnici. Mudrc vesnice navrhl postavit novou přehradu, tentokrát s větší pečlivostí a znalostmi. Lidé tvrdě pracovali a nevzdali se. Po mnoha měsících stavby byla nová přehrada postavena a lidé byli hrdí a vděční. Tento příběh nás učí, že se v těžkých situacích nevzdávat, být trpělivý a oddaný práci. Ať se nám vždycky povede najít novou naději a překonat překážky na cestě k úspěchu.
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