Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Holasová pohádka o ipsíkovi

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Vyprávění pohádek patří k nejkrásnějším tradicím. Navzdory průběhu času se tyto příběhy neztrácejí a jejich kouzlo nadále ovlivňuje všechny generace. Mezi českými lidovými pohádkami se nachází i pohádka o Holase a jeho příteli – ipsíkovi. Poslouchejte s otevřeným srdcem a zjistěte, jak tato pohádka ukazuje, že i nejmenší a nejchudší tvorové si zasluhují úctu a lásku.
Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a kind-hearted and gentle mouse named Ipsík. He was loved and respected by all the animals in the village because of his selfless nature, and he always helped others in their times of need. The animals in the village always looked up to Ipsík with admiration and respect, and he was considered to be the hero of the village.

Hlasová pohádka o Ipsíkovi – The Story of Ipsík

Naděje a odvaha – Hope and Courage

One day, the village was struck with a severe drought, and all the animals in the village were running out of water. They were all worried and scared, and they didn’t know what to do. Ipsík knew that he had to do something, and he gathered all the animals together to discuss the issue. The animals were hesitant, but Ipsík gave them hope and courage, and they all agreed to follow his lead.

The Journey Begins

Ipsík and the animals set out on a journey to find water. They traveled through dense forests and crossed rivers and mountains, but they couldn’t find any source of water. The sun was beating down on them, and they were all tired and thirsty. The animals started losing hope, but Ipsík didn’t give up. He assured them that they would find water soon.

The Magic Tree

Just as they were about to give up, they stumbled upon a magical tree. The tree had a small pond at its base, and the water was crystal clear. The animals were overjoyed, and they thanked Ipsík for his unwavering determination.

The Witch’s Curse

However, their joy was short-lived. A wicked witch appeared out of nowhere and cursed Ipsík and the animals. She said that the pond would dry up in three days, and the animals would all perish. The animals were terrified, and they didn’t know what to do.

The Plan

Ipsík knew that he had to act fast, and he started formulating a plan. He asked the animals to gather as much water as they could in containers and carry them back to the village. He then asked the birds to fly ahead and spread the word that the village needed water.

The Sacrifice

Ipsík knew that there wasn’t enough water for all the animals to survive, and he made the ultimate sacrifice. He gave up his share of the water so that the other animals could survive. This act of selflessness and sacrifice touched the hearts of the other animals, and they all followed suit.

The Miracle of Hope

As they were nearing the village, they saw a miracle happen. The clouds started gathering, and it began to rain. It rained heavily for three days and filled all the ponds and rivers in the village. The curse had been broken, and the village was saved.

Čin se vrátí – Action Returns

The animals realized the value of Ipsík’s selfless act, and they all gathered around him to thank him. Ipsík was humbled by their love and affection, and he knew that his actions had made a difference.

The Legacy

The village was saved, and Ipsík had become a legend. His selfless act had inspired the animals to be kind and compassionate towards each other, and they all lived happily ever after.


The story of Ipsík is a testament to the power of hope, courage, and selflessness. In the face of adversity, Ipsík never gave up and led the animals to safety. His ultimate sacrifice touched the hearts of the other animals, and it taught them the value of compassion and kindness. The legacy of Ipsík lives on, and it continues to inspire generations.

Ponaučení z Holasová pohádka o ipsíkovi

Pohádka o Ipsíkovi je ukázkou síly naděje, odvahy a bezuzdného obětování. Ipsík nikdy neztratil naději a vedl ostatní zvířata k záchraně, když intenzivní sucho postihlo vesnici. Jeho bezuzdná píle a oddanost přiměla ostatní zvířata k následování jeho vedoucího postoje. Když se zdálo, že je ztrácejí naději, zaměřil se na budování courage pro tvrdou cestu a obnovu beznadějné situace. Nakonec byli všichni odměněni a našli zdroj vody. Ipsík a zvířata se postavila tváří v tvář další překážce, když se zlá čarodějnice objevila a proklela vodní zdroj. Ipsík se rozhodl jednat rychle a požádal ostatní zvířata, aby shromáždila vodu a nesla ji s sebou do vesnice. Nakonec se Ipsík obětoval, aby ostatní zvířata přežila. Jeho bezuzdné obětování utkalo další zvířata a ukázalo jim, jak jsou důležité laskavost a soucit. Zázrak naděje nakonec přišel a vesnice byla zachráněna poté, co pršelo tři dny a naplnilo všechny stavy a řeky. Ipsíkova nevšední oběť a oddanost učila a navrhovala ostatní zvířata k jeho následování a příkladu.

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