Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Synové slibují stárkovi

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Byla jednou jedna veselá a hrdá rodina Synových, kteří vždycky slibovali, že budou dobří a stateční lidé. Jednoho dne se Synové vydali na cestu přes houštiny a přes pole, až dorazili k malému domku uprostřed lesa. Uvnitř domku žil stařec, který byl velmi osamělý a potřeboval pomoc. Synové slibovali, že mu pomohou, ale nevěděli, jak velké dobrodružství je čeká. Při této cestě se Synové naučí hodnotě slibů a splnění slibu se stane jejich největším úkolem.
Once upon a time in a small village in the Czech Republic, there lived an old man named Stárek. He was known to be a wise and well-respected man among the villagers. Stárek had three sons: Martin, Tomas, and Petr. The sons loved their father dearly, and they would do anything to make him happy.

One day, Stárek fell ill, and his sons were worried about him. They did everything they could to make him feel better, but it seemed like he was never going to get better. Stárek knew that he was not going to live much longer and he was worried about what would happen to his sons once he passed away.

Stárek called his sons to his bedside and said, „My dear sons, as you know, I am not going to live much longer. I am worried about what will happen to you once I am gone. Promise me that you will take care of each other and never fight among yourselves.“

The sons promised their father that they would take care of each other and never fight among themselves. Stárek was pleased with their promise, and he passed away a few days later.

The sons were mourning their father’s death, and they decided to fulfill the promise they made to him. They decided to work together and take care of each other. They worked hard on their farm and managed to build a successful business.

Years passed, and the sons became prosperous farmers. They had everything they could ever want, but they never forgot the promise they made to their father. They continued to live and work together, and they were happy.

One day, a wealthy merchant passed through their village, and he noticed how successful the sons were. The merchant was impressed, and he wanted to do business with them. He approached the sons and said, „I see that you are successful farmers, and I would like to do business with you. I will give you a large sum of money if you can produce a crop that is better than any other in the country.“

The sons were excited about the opportunity, and they worked hard to produce the best crop they could. They spent long hours in the fields and made sure that everything was perfect. The crop they produced was the best the merchant had ever seen, and he was pleased. He gave the sons a large sum of money, and they became even more prosperous than before.

The sons were grateful for the opportunity, and they decided to use the money to help others in their village. They built a school and a hospital, and they provided food and shelter to those who needed it. They became known throughout the country for their generosity and their kindness.

As time passed, the sons grew old, and they knew that they were not going to live much longer. They gathered together and said, „Our children and grandchildren will inherit what we have built, and we want them to remember the promise we made to our father. We want them to live and work together and never fight among themselves. We want them to be kind and generous, just like we have been.“

The sons passed away, but their legacy lived on. Their children and grandchildren continued to live and work together, and they continued to be kind and generous. They never forgot the promise their fathers had made, and they continued to make their village a better place for all who lived there.


The story of Synové slibují stárkovi is a timeless tale about the importance of family, hard work, and kindness. It teaches us that we should never forget the promises we make to our loved ones and that we should always strive to live and work together in harmony. This story is a testament to the enduring power of family and the wisdom of our ancestors. It is a story that will continue to inspire generations to come.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Jak z pohádky synové slibují stárkovi, učí nás důležitost rodiny, tvrdé práce a laskavosti. Naučí nás, že bychom neměli zapomínat na sliby, které dáváme našim blízkým, a že bychom se vždy měli snažit žít a pracovat spolu v harmonii. Tato pohádka je důkazem trvalé síly rodiny a moudrosti našich předků. Je to příběh, který bude i nadále inspirovat další generace.

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