Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Přísaha synů na smrtelné posteli otce

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Dlouho, dávno, v hlubokých, temných lesích, kde víly tančí a draci létají, se odehrála krásná pohádka. Tato příběh začíná na smrtelné posteli slavného krále, který se připravoval na odchod do věčnosti. Jeho synové, kteří byli povoláni ke králově loži, složili slavnou přísahu, která ovlivnila osud celého království. Toto je příběh o přísaze synů na smrtelné posteli otce – Přísaha synů.
Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom nestled deep in the heart of Central Europe, there lived a wealthy and respected landowner. This man had three sons, each of whom was strong, cunning, and fiercely loyal to their father.

As the years passed, the patriarch grew old and frail, and it became clear that his time on this earth was drawing to a close. As he lay on his deathbed, surrounded by his adoring children, the old man made a solemn vow – a vow that would shape the destinies of his sons for years to come.

„Hear me, my dear children,“ he croaked, „I am dying, and my time in this world is at an end. Before I leave you, however, I must ask one thing of you – a pledge of loyalty, of brotherhood, and of blood.“

His sons leaned in, eager to hear what their father had to say.

„Promise me,“ he said, his voice growing weaker with each passing moment, „that you will always love and protect one another, no matter what the future may hold. Swear to me that you will remain united until the end of your days, and that you will never let petty rivalries or jealousy tear you apart.“

His sons exchanged glances, each understanding the gravity of their father’s request. And then, as one, they raised their right hands and solemnly swore the oath that would bind them together for eternity.

„Father, we swear it,“ they said.

The old man smiled, his mind at peace knowing that his legacy would be carried on by his sons. And then, with a deep sigh, he closed his eyes and passed away.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the three brothers remained true to their pledge. They worked together on the family estate, dividing the labor among themselves so that each brother could contribute in his own way.

Despite their differences in temperament and skill, the three brothers thrived together, and their father’s memory lived on in their hearts.

But then, one day, tragedy struck.

One of the brothers fell ill, struck down by a mysterious and virulent disease that left him helpless and bedridden. The other two brothers were beside themselves with grief, unsure of what to do or how to help.

They spent countless hours sitting by their brother’s side, holding his hand and whispering words of comfort. But despite their best efforts, the sick brother continued to fade away, his body weakening with each passing hour.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, it became clear that their brother was not long for this world. And with each passing moment, the two remaining brothers grew more and more desperate to find a solution.

In their despair, they remembered their father’s dying request. They had promised to remain loyal to one another until the end of their days, and now was the time to prove their worth.

They resolved to find a cure for their brother’s sickness, no matter the cost. Together, they scoured the land, seeking out wise men and healers who might have some knowledge of the disease that plagued their brother.

At last, after months of searching, they found a hermit living alone in the forest, a man rumored to possess great knowledge of the healing arts.

They journeyed to him, their ailing brother cradled in their arms, and begged him for his help.

The hermit looked at them with a wise and knowing gaze, and then smiled.

„I can help you,“ he said, „but the price will be steep. Are you willing to pay it?“

The two brothers nodded, desperate to save their sibling.

„Then hear me well,“ said the hermit. „There is but one cure for this disease, and it is a dangerous and difficult journey that you must undertake. If you are willing, however, and you succeed in your quest, your brother shall be healed.“

Without hesitation, the two brothers agreed to the hermit’s terms. They would do anything to save their beloved sibling.

And so, they set out on their perilous journey, traveling through dark forests, across treacherous mountains, and through raging rivers. Their endurance was tested to its limits, their very lives put in danger time and time again.

But they persevered, driven by their love for their brother, and after many long months of travel and hardship, they finally arrived at the place where the cure lay hidden.

It was a small, glittering pond nestled in the heart of a lonely valley, accessible only by a long, treacherous climb up a steep mountainside.

Without hesitation, the brothers began the climb, their hearts pounding with fear and anticipation. At last, they reached the summit, where the pond lay shimmering in the sunlight.

And there, in the presence of the ancient spirits that guarded the lonesome valley, they fulfilled their father’s dying request. They renewed their vow to one another, pledging to remain united until the end of their days.

And in that moment, the cure was granted. Their sickly brother was healed, his body rejuvenated by the magic of the sacred pond.

The three brothers returned home, their bond stronger than ever before. They knew that they had done something truly special – they had honored their father’s memory, upheld their family’s honor, and shown the world the true meaning of brotherhood.

And so, for years to come, the story of the three brothers and their sworn pledge echoed through the hills and valleys of their homeland, a timeless tale of love, loyalty, and sacrifice.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Bydlil zde zemědělec, měl tři syny, kteří byli silní a oddaní otci. Když otec na smrtelné posteli ležel, slíbil si, že jeho synové budou navždy chránit jeden druhého. Synové slíbili, že budou vždy navzájem milovat a chránit se navzájem, až do konce svých dnů. Po smrti otce dva bratři cestovali daleko, aby nalezli lék pro nemocného bratra. Nakonec přišli k jezírku, kde museli vyjádřit svou bratrskou lásku a slíbil si navzájem, že budou vždy chránit jeden druhého. Nakonec se jim podařilo najít lék pro svého nemocného bratra. Tato pohádka důrazně ukazuje, jak je důležité být loajální a chránit si navzájem v rodině a mezi přáteli.

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