Byla jednou jedna dívka, jménem Milující Polly. Byla to dívka plná lásky, kterou cítila k okolnímu světu a všem bytostem, které ho obývají. Polly byla známá pro svou laskavost a touhu pomáhat ostatním. Její přátelé ji milovali a lidé z celého kraje o ní s obdivem mluvili. A tak začíná naše pohádka o Milující Polly…
Once upon a time in a small village in the Czech Republic, there lived a kind and loving girl named Polly. “Milující Polly” is what the villagers called her, for she was always known to be forever kind and compassionate to everyone she met.
H2: Polly Meets the Mother Hen
One day while Polly was walking through the forest, she heard the mother hen crying in distress. She approached the hen and asked what was wrong. The mother hen replied, “My chicks have been stolen by a wicked fox. Please help me find them!” Polly could not resist the mother hen’s cries, so she set out into the forest to find the chicks.
H3: The Search for the Chicks
Polly searched high and low, through the woods and over hills, calling out for the chicks. While she was searching, she noticed a small hole in the ground that led to an underground tunnel. Polly knew that this must be the fox’s lair, so she bravely decided to go inside.
H3: The Encounter with the Fox
Polly sneaked inside the tunnel and found the fox sleeping with the chicks cuddled up close beside him. She carefully picked up one chick at a time and placed them in a basket that she had brought with her. However, just as she was about to leave, the last chick woke up and started to tweet. The fox then woke up with a start realizing that he had been robbed.
H3: Outsmarting the Fox
The fox started chasing Polly, but Polly was very wise and quick. She knew the forest like the back of her hand, which helped her to outsmart the fox. She ran through some narrow paths that only she knew and lost the fox that was chasing her.
H2: Meeting the Fairy Godmother
Polly was exhausted after her ordeal and sat down to rest when she noticed a beautiful fairy watching her. The fairy asked Polly what had happened, and Polly told her the story. “You are truly kind and brave, Milující Polly,” said the fairy, “I will grant you three wishes for your bravery and kindness.”
H3: Polly’s Three Wishes
Polly was surprised by the fairy’s offer but quickly thought about her wishes. She wished for the mother hen to be safe and happy, the chicks to grow up healthy and strong, and for the fox to find some food that did not need to be stolen. The fairy was pleased with Polly’s unselfish nature, and her wishes were granted.
H2: Polly’s Reward
The next day, while Polly was walking in the village, she was approached by the mother hen. The mother hen thanked her for finding her chicks and presented her with a basket of fresh eggs. “You truly are a Milující Polly,” said the mother hen. “You have a heart full of kindness and love, and it will always reward you in life.”
H3: The Lesson Learned
From that day on, Polly continued to practice kindness and goodness, knowing that it will always come back to her in one way or another. She learned that she didn’t need to have riches or power to be happy, but only a pure heart, and that the small acts of kindness were the most valuable thing. And that is how Milující Polly lived her life until she was old and wise.
Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti
V pohádce „Milující Polly“ se dozvídáme o dívce, která byla velmi laskavá a milující. Jednoho dne potkala matku kvočnu, která byla smutná, protože jí byly ukradeny kuřátka liškou. Polly se rozhodla pomoci a vydala se do lesa, aby hledala kuřátka. Našla je ve doupěti lišky a s pomocí košíku je zachránila. Když se vrátila domů, setkala se s vílou, která jí nabídla tři přání za její statečnost a laskavost k druhým. Polly si přála, aby matka kvočna byla v bezpečí, aby kuřátka vyrostla zdravá a silná a aby liška našla potravu, kterou by nebylo třeba krást. Její přání se splnily a matka kvočna jí darovala košík čerstvých vajec jako poděkování. Z této pohádky se učíme, že i malé projevy laskavosti a laskavosti dokáží vést ke štěstí a že čisté srdce je nejvíce ceněné bohatství.
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