Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Kouzelný pohárek a sluha

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V království daleko, daleko od naší reality se odehrávala jedna velmi zajímavá a kouzelná příhoda. Touhou každého chudého muže bylo, aby se dostal mezi sluhy a strážce zlatého hradu. Jednoho dne se to podařilo mladému Samkovi a on se stal jedním z nich. Nicméně, když se dostal na hrad, zjistil, že skutečnost je poněkud jiná, než si představoval. Samkovi bylo přiděleno velmi tajemné a zároveň velmi nebezpečné místo, které se jmenovalo Kouzelný pohárek. Toto je příběh o tom, co se stalo, když se Kouzelný pohárek ocitl v Samkových rukou a jaký dopad to mělo na Samka i na celé království.

Once upon a time in a land far away, there was a magical cup called Kouzelný pohárek. This cup was said to have the power to grant wishes to whoever drank from it. Many people sought after it, but only the pure of heart could find it.

Ztracený Sluha (The Lost Servant)

There was once a young and eager servant named Tomas. Tomas was always seeking adventure and was not content with his current life. One day, while out in the woods collecting firewood, he stumbled upon a mysterious cup lying on the ground. Not knowing what the cup was, he picked it up and took it back to the castle.

Upon his return, he showed the cup to the king, who recognized it instantly. The king said to Tomas, “You have found the magical cup that has been lost for generations. You must take it back to its rightful place, the enchanted forest.”

Tomas agreed and set out on his journey to return the cup. However, the journey was not easy, and he soon found himself lost deep within the forest. As night fell, Tomas stumbled upon an old cabin where an elderly woman lived.

The Vědmy Domov (The Witches’ Home)

The old woman welcomed Tomas into her home and offered him a place to rest for the night. However, unknown to Tomas, the old woman was a witch and had plans for the magical cup.

During the night, as Tomas was sleeping, the old witch tried to steal the cup, but her plans were thwarted by the magic within the cup. Tomas woke up to find the witch had disappeared and the cup glowing brightly.

Záchraná Kouzelného pohárku (The Rescue of the Magical Cup)

Realizing the danger he was in, Tomas quickly left the cabin and continued his journey through the forest. He soon came upon a stream and drank from the cup, hoping it would give him the strength to continue on his journey.

As he drank, the cup revealed to him its true nature and its magical powers. Tomas was stunned and also terrified that he would lose the cup. He realized that he needed to get to the enchanted forest as quickly as possible.

Tomas’s journey was perilous, but with the help of the magic cup, he was able to overcome every obstacle. Finally, after days of wandering, he reached the enchanted forest, where he found the cup’s rightful place.

Návrat Sluhy (The Servant’s Return)

Tomas placed the cup in its proper place, and as he did so, the forest came to life with magical creatures appearing all around him. As they danced and sang in celebration, the forest’s guardian appeared and thanked Tomas for returning the magical cup.

The guardian then turned to Tomas and said, “You have passed the test of courage and caring. You are now the keeper of the magical cup, and it will aid you whenever you need it.”

Tomas returned to the castle a changed man with newfound confidence and purpose. The king welcomed him back and asked about his journey. Tomas told the king all that had happened and the amazing powers of the magical cup.

From that day on, Tomas lived happily with the magical cup always by his side. As a reward for his bravery and kindness, the cup granted his every wish and helped him to achieve all that he dreamed.


In this fairy tale, we see that courage and caring are vital in life, and they are what ultimately help us overcome even the most challenging obstacles. The magical cup represents the power of good intentions and the power that comes from doing what is right.

We can learn from Tomas’s adventure that no matter how lost we may feel, we must always keep going. We must trust in our abilities and the power of the good that lies within us all. For when we do, we will find our way back to where we belong, and we will be rewarded with all that we have ever wished for.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V této pohádce se dozvídáme, že odvaha a péče jsou v životě zásadní a pomáhají nám překonávat i ty nejtěžší překážky. Kouzelný pohárek představuje moc dobrých záměrů a síly, která pramení z činění toho, co je správné. Z dobrodružství Tomáše se můžeme poučit, že ať se cítíme jakkoli ztraceni, musíme pokračovat dál. Musíme věřit v naše schopnosti a dobro, které v nás všech spočívá. Pokud tak učiníme, najdeme cestu zpět tam, kam patříme, a budeme odměněni vším, po čem jsme kdy toužili.

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