Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Královna Jeřábí – Queen Crane

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Byla jednou královna, která byla známá jako Královna Jeřábí. Byla to krásná a moudrá žena, která vládla svému království s láskou a spravedlností. Lidé z celého království ji obdivovali a respektovali. Ale jak to bývá v pohádkách, jednoho dne se stalo něco nečekaného, co změnilo osud samotné královny.
Once upon a time in the Czech lands, there lived a beautiful queen named Královna Jeřábí, or Queen Crane. She was beloved by her subjects for her kindness and wisdom. Her name came from her love of the graceful and elegant birds that she often watched flying over her kingdom.

Chapter 1: The Queen’s Origin Story

Královna Jeřábí was not born into royalty. She was the daughter of a poor farmer and his wife. However, she was blessed with a kind heart and a sharp mind, and her parents encouraged her to read and learn as much as she could.

One day, a terrible dragon rampaged through their village, destroying homes and crops and terrorizing the people. Královna Jeřábí’s parents were killed in the chaos.

Determined to help her people and avenge her parents, Královna Jeřábí set out on a quest to defeat the dragon. Along the way, she met a wise old sage who taught her the secrets of magic and swordfighting. Armed with these new skills, she faced the dragon and emerged victorious.

The grateful people of the village made her their queen, and Královna Jeřábí promised to rule with compassion and justice.

Chapter 2: The Queen’s Trials and Triumphs

As queen, Královna Jeřábí faced many challenges. One of her greatest adversaries was a wicked sorceress who plotted to overthrow the queen and take control of the kingdom.

To defeat the sorceress, Královna Jeřábí sought out the help of the cranes she so admired. She learned their language and formed a deep bond with them. With the cranes’ help, Královna Jeřábí was able to outsmart the sorceress and save her kingdom.

Throughout her reign, Královna Jeřábí continued to be a kind and just ruler. She listened to the concerns of her people and worked tirelessly to improve their lives. She also continued to study magic and eventually became one of the greatest sorceresses in all the land.

Chapter 3: The Legend of Královna Jeřábí

Even after her death, Královna Jeřábí remained an important figure in Czech folklore. It was said that she could transform into a crane at will and fly over her kingdom, keeping a watchful eye on her people.

Some even claimed to have seen her ghostly form, still wearing her crown and carrying her magic sword, wandering the countryside on nights when the moon was full.

Her legacy lived on through the generations, and her name became synonymous with kindness, courage, and wisdom.


Královna Jeřábí, the Queen Crane, was a true hero of her time. She overcame great trials and tribulations to become one of the most beloved rulers in all of Czech history. Her kindness, wisdom, and courage continue to inspire people to this day.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Královna Jeřábí, or Queen Crane, is a fairy tale about a kind and wise queen who becomes a beloved ruler of her kingdom. She was not born into royalty but was blessed with a kind heart and a sharp mind. When a dragon rampaged through her village and killed her parents, she set out on a quest to defeat the dragon and avenge her parents. Along the way, she met a wise old sage who taught her the secrets of magic and swordfighting. With her new skills, she defeated the dragon and became the queen of the grateful village. As queen, she faced many challenges, one of which was a wicked sorceress who plotted to overthrow her. However, Královna Jeřábí sought out the help of the cranes she admired and formed a deep bond with them. With their help, she defeated the sorceress and saved her kingdom. Even after her death, Královna Jeřábí remained an important figure in Czech folklore, and her legacy lived on through generations as a symbol of kindness, courage, and wisdom.

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