Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

The Devil’s Brother-in-Law: A Czech Bedtime Tale

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„Byla jednou jedna pohádka o ďáblově švagrovi, která se stala v krásné zemi Bohemia, kde se vypráví, že pekelný bratrancem je hodně horlivý a nerozkázaný chlapec. Jeho příběh vypráví o jeho dobrodružstvích, kdy se snaží získat moc a bohatství, ale také o lásce a lásce k rodině. Připravte se na kouzelnou cestu tajemným světem, kde se setkáte s nejrůznějšími postavami a dozvíte se, jaké tajemství skývá pekelný bratr se svými blízkými.“
Once upon a time in the Czech lands, there was a devil who had a brother-in-law. This brother-in-law was a simple farmer, who lived in a small village in the countryside. The devil often visited his brother-in-law to check on him, and to see if there was anything he could do to make the farmer’s life more difficult.

H2: The Deal with the Devil

One day, the devil came to the farmer with a proposition. He said that he would give the farmer all the riches he could ever dream of, but in return, he wanted the farmer’s soul. The farmer was reluctant to accept the devil’s offer, but he was also tempted by the thought of having everything he had ever wanted.

In the end, the farmer agreed to the devil’s deal, and the two shook hands. The devil disappeared, leaving the farmer to his newfound wealth.

H2: A Life of Luxury

With the devil’s help, the farmer became incredibly wealthy overnight. He had a beautiful house, filled with all the finest furniture, and he wore the most expensive clothes. He had everything he could ever want, and he enjoyed a life of luxury for many years.

H3: The Farmer’s Greed

As time went on, the farmer became increasingly greedy. He wanted more and more, and he was never satisfied with what he had. He began to treat his friends and family poorly, and he became known for his selfishness and arrogance.

H2: The Devil’s Return

One day, the devil returned to visit the farmer. He had come to collect the farmer’s soul, as they had agreed upon many years ago.

The farmer was terrified at the thought of losing his soul. He begged and pleaded with the devil to change his mind, but the devil was resolute. The farmer had made a deal, and he would have to pay the price.

H3: The Farmer’s Redemption

In a moment of desperation, the farmer had an idea. He asked the devil for one last favor. He asked if he could have one day to tie up all his loose ends, to make amends for the wrongs he had done in his life.

The devil agreed to the farmer’s request, but warned him that he would return the next day to collect his soul.

The farmer spent that day apologizing to everyone he had wronged in his life. He gave away all of his possessions to those in need, and he promised to live a better life from that moment on.

H2: A New Beginning

The next day, the devil returned to collect the farmer’s soul. But when he arrived, he found that the farmer had changed. He was no longer selfish and greedy, but instead was humble and kind.

The devil realized that he no longer wanted the farmer’s soul. He had learned his lesson, and he was happy to see that the farmer had too.

H3: A Lesson Learned

The farmer learned the hard way that greed and selfishness will get you nowhere. He realized that it is important to be kind to others, and to live a life that is fulfilling and meaningful.

From that day forward, the farmer lived a life of kindness and compassion. He helped those in need, and he never forgot the lessons he had learned from his brush with the devil.

H2: The End

And so ends the tale of the Devil’s Brother-in-Law. It is a story of temptation and redemption, of greed and kindness. May we all remember the lessons of this tale, and strive to live lives that are filled with love and compassion.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Byl jednou jeden ďábel v české zemi, který měl švagra – prostého rolníka, který žil ve vesnici na venkově. Ďábel často navštěvoval svého švagra, aby na něj dohlížel a zjistil, jestli může udělat něco, co by rolníkovi ztěžovalo život. Jednoho dne ďábel přišel s návrhem. Nabídl rolníkovi všechno bohatství, o kterém kdy snil, za jeho duši. Rolník byl váhavý k této nabídce, ale toužil po všem, co kdy chtěl, a nakonec souhlasil. Ďábel zmizel a rolník získal nové bohatství. S přibývajícím časem se rolník stal stále chamtivějším. Chtěl víc a víc a nikdy nebyl spokojen se svým majetkem. Nakonec se rolník rozhodl vyrovnat se se svým chováním a odškodnit ty, kterým ublížil. Ďábel se vrátil za rolníkem, aby získal jeho duši, ale po vidění, jak se rolník změnil, mu duši nechtěl vzít. Z těchto události měl rolník naučenejso, že chamtivost a sobectví vedou jen ke špatnému konci, zatímco laskavost a soucit jsou cestou k šťastnému životu.

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