Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Hrad bítov a pohádky

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Bydlíval jednou na samotě, kousek od lesa, starý pohádkový hrad. Jeho název byl Hrad Bítov a každý z okolních obyvatel o něm věděl až příliš mnoho. Uvnitř skrýval nekonečné množství pohádek a tajemství, jež se před těmi odvážnými, kteří se odvážili na jeho hradby vylézt, skryla. Nikdo z nich se však jeho tajemství nepokusil odhalit, jelikož se mluvilo, že hrad je kouzelný a kdo se pokusí ho porušit, setká se s nebezpečím. Toto je příběh o hradu Bítov a jeho pohádkách.
Once upon a time, in the picturesque South Moravian region of the Czech Republic, there stood a majestic castle perched atop a hill, overlooking the stunning countryside below. The castle was named Hrad Bítov, and it was home to many legends and fairy tales that were told in the surrounding villages.

Hrad Bítov, which means Castle Bítov in English, became known as the setting for many Czech fairy tales, with many of the legends and stories surrounding the castle still told and retold today. These stories range from heroic battles and daring escapes to tales of true love and doomed relationships.

The Legends of Hrad Bítov

One of the most famous Czech fairy tales to take place at Hrad Bítov is the story of the beautiful and courageous princess, Anežka. The tale tells of how Anežka fought valiantly against the evil sorcerer who had taken over the castle and held her parents captive. She defeated the sorcerer, freeing her parents and restoring peace to the castle.

Another popular legend tells of how the ghost of a former member of the castle’s noble family still roams the halls of Hrad Bítov to this day. It is said that at midnight on the anniversary of his death, the ghost can be seen wandering the corridors, looking for someone to share his secrets with.

The history of Hrad Bítov can be traced back to the 11th century, with the castle’s first recorded mention in written history coming in the 1250s. Throughout its long history, Hrad Bítov has been the site of many battles, invasions, and political upheavals, with each event adding to the legends and myths that have been associated with the castle over time.

Today, Hrad Bítov is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the Czech Republic, with visitors coming from all over the world to marvel at its stunning architecture and learn about the stories and legends surrounding the castle.

Exploring Hrad Bítov

Visitors to Hrad Bítov can explore the castle’s many rooms, halls, and corridors, which have been beautifully preserved over the centuries. The castle’s courtyard, which is surrounded by towering walls and features a stunning fountain, is a popular spot for taking photos and soaking up the castle’s rich history.

A climb to the top of Hrad Bítov’s impressive tower offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, making it a must-visit spot for any visitor to the castle.

The castle’s many legends and fairy tales are brought to life through guided tours, with experienced guides regaling visitors with tales of brave knights, beautiful princesses, and powerful sorcerers. Visitors can also enjoy traditional Czech cuisine and ice-cold beer at the castle’s on-site restaurant, which offers stunning views of the surrounding area.


Hrad Bítov and the stories and legends that have been associated with it have captured the imaginations of people around the world for centuries. The castle’s stunning architecture, rich history, and incredible views make it a must-visit destination for anyone visiting the Czech Republic.

Whether you are drawn to Hrad Bítov for its incredible stories, its stunning views, or its amazing history, a visit to this iconic Czech castle is an experience that you will never forget. So come and explore this legendary fairy tale castle, and let the stories of Hrad Bítov come to life before your very eyes.

Ponaučení z Hrad bítov a pohádky

Hrad Bítov, hrad v jižní moravské oblasti, je proslulý mnoha českými pohádkami a legendami. Tyto příběhy se vztahují ke statečným bojovníkům, útěkům a pohnutým láskám. Mezi nejznámější patří příběh o princezně Anežce, která bojovala proti zlém kouzelníkovi a osvobodila své rodiče. Kromě toho se také vypráví o duchu bývalého člena šlechtické rodiny, který stále bloudí po chodbách hradu a hledá někoho, komu by mohl sdělit svá tajemství. Hrad Bítov byl poprvé zmíněn v písemných pramenech v 13. století a v průběhu staletí prošel mnoha válkami a politickými změnami, což dodalo mnoho dalších pověstí a mýtů, které jsou s hradem spojeny dodnes. Dnes je Hrad Bítov velmi populárním turistickým cílem, kde můžete prozkoumat mnoho místností, sálů a chodeb, navštívit nádvoří a vyhlídku na věži. Můžete se také nechat provést průvodcem a vyslechnout si příběhy o rytířích, princeznách a kouzelnících.

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