Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Vrabec a dva děti

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Byla jednou jedna země, kde žil Vrabec, malý ptáček s prodlouženým zobákem a nestálým peřím. Vrabec byl velmi šikovný a obyčejně si vystačil sám, ale jednoho dne se jeho život změnil. Do jeho života vstoupily dvě děti, které mu otevřely oči světem magie a fantazie. Společně se vydali na dobrodružnou cestu, plnou překážek a nebezpečí. Podaří se jim najít cestu zpět domů a zachránit svět od temných sil? To se dozvíte při čtení této pohádky o Vrabci a dvou dětech.
Once upon a time, in a small Czech village, there lived a poor man named Vrabec. He had two children, a boy named Jan and a girl named Petra. They were both hardworking and helped their father with his meager livelihood. Vrabec loved his children dearly and would do anything to make them happy.

Chapter 1: Vrabec’s Struggles

Despite their hard work, Vrabec’s family struggled to make ends meet. They lived in a small hut with a leaky thatched roof and barely enough food to go around. Vrabec worked hard all day, but it seemed like they would never get ahead.

One day, while out in the forest gathering wood, Vrabec came across a strange old woman. She appeared to be a witch, with her long nose and crooked hat. Vrabec was afraid, but the old woman spoke to him kindly.

Chapter 2: The Old Woman’s Gift

The old woman knew of Vrabec’s struggles and offered him a gift. She gave him a small sack and told him that whatever he placed inside, it would multiply tenfold. Vrabec thanked the old woman and hurried home to share the news with his children.

Excited about their newfound fortune, Vrabec and his children decided to test the gift. They placed a single coin inside the sack, and to their amazement, 10 coins came out. They were overjoyed and knew that their lives would change forever. They would be able to buy food, fix their hut’s roof and live a better life.

Chapter 3: The Greedy Neighbor

Word of Vrabec’s gift spread quickly, and soon his greedy neighbor, Karel, came to beg for some of the multiplying coins. Vrabec, being a kind man, gave him a few coins. Karel promised to repay him, but as soon as he had the money, he stopped talking to Vrabec.

After a few days, Karel came again, asking for more coins. This time Vrabec refused to give him any, knowing that Karel was only interested in his newfound wealth. Karel left angry, and Vrabec knew that he had to be careful with whom he shared his gift.

Chapter 4: The Envious Mayor

The news of Vrabec’s wealth reached the ears of the mayor of the village. He was envious of Vrabec’s affluence and wanted to know the secret of his fortune. When Vrabec refused to share the source of his wealth, the mayor grew angry and made up a false story about him.

He spread rumors that Vrabec had stolen the coins from the church and tried to have him arrested. But Vrabec, being an honest man, told the truth and shared the story of the old woman who had given him the gift.

Chapter 5: The Good Queen

The queen of the land heard of Vrabec’s troubles and sent for him to come to the castle. When Vrabec arrived, he was surprised to see that the queen was a kind and caring woman. She listened to his story and believed him.

The queen knew of the witch and was familiar with her magic. She took the sack and looked inside. As expected, it was filled with magic. The queen told Vrabec to use the sack wisely and never give it away to those who did not deserve it.

Chapter 6: The Happy Ending

Vrabec returned home, feeling both relieved and grateful. He knew that with the queen’s protection, he and his children would be safe. Vrabec and his children used the sack with great care, only using it when necessary. They invested the coins and lived comfortably, but not extravagantly. They never forgot the lessons they had learned and always remained humble and grateful.

The village grew to respect Vrabec and his family, and they all lived happily ever after.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V jedné malé české vesnici žil chudý muž jménem Vrabec se svými dětmi Janem a Petrou. I přesto, že byli tvrdě pracující, stále se jim nedařilo s náročným životem vyjít. Jednoho dne Vrabec potkal starou ženu, která mu darovala kouzelnou pytlíkovou, do kterého, co kdo vloží, se mu to násobí desetinásobně. Vrabec a jeho děti řádně využívali sáček, ale zvěsti o jeho bohatství se rychle rozšířily. Vrabcův nelítostný soused Karel se mu snažil vyčůrat peníze, ale když se mu to nepodařilo, tak se snažil u svého předsedu městského úřadu provalit, že Vrabec ukradl peníze z kostela. Vrabec se však nevzdal, až ho jednoho dne povolal k sobě do zámku královna. Ta Vrabecovi poradila, aby pytlík s moudrostí využíval a nikdy ho nedával do rukou těm, kteří si to nezaslouží. Vrabec se tedy vrátil domů ve své nové pozici a žil s dětmi skromně a vděčně, ale také lépe. Celá vesnice se nakonec Vrabec a jeho rodině zaradovala a všichni společně žili šťastně až do konce svých dní.

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