Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Ukradené řepy

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Dlouho, dávno v krásné české kotlině se děla divná věc. Každou noc se ze zahrádek nebo polí ztrácely řepy a sedláci netušili, kde se ztrácejí. Přestože se snažili, nikdy nenašli důvod této záhadné krádeže. Jednoho dne však jedna statečná dívka rozhodla najít řešení této záhady a odhalit pachatele Ukradených řep. Toto je její příběh.
Once upon a time, nestled deep in the forests of the Czech Republic, there lived an old farmer named Jan. Jan was known to be the best farmer in the region, owing to his hard work and dedication towards his crops.

One summer, as Jan prepared his farmland to sow his seeds, he noticed something rather strange. His precious sugar beets, or řepy as they were called in Czech, which he had painstakingly nurtured for months, were missing!

Jan felt distraught and heartbroken to see his beloved crop stolen. He searched through the fields and the woods, but there was no sign of his řepy. The neighboring farmers weren’t of much help either, and he felt all alone in dealing with the loss of his řepy.

Desperate to find a solution, he decided to approach the wise old woman of the village, Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga was known far and wide for her knowledge of the supernatural and her magical abilities.

Jan told her of his predicament, and Baba Yaga listened to him patiently. She narrowed her eyes and said, ‚I may be able to help you, but my help will come with a price. Are you willing to pay it?‘

Jan nodded his head without hesitation – he knew that nothing came for free in this world.

Baba Yaga instructed him to bring her a bushel of the finest grains grown in the region, plus a bottle of the sweetest mead available, and a golden coin. Jan complied with her orders and, after receiving his offerings, Baba Yaga began casting her spell.

As the sun began to set, Baba Yaga muttered an incantation in a language that Jan barely understood. Suddenly, a bright light filled the clearing, and Jan saw a figure bending down over his stolen řepy. It was a small, grumpy, old man with wild hair and dark eyes. Baba Yaga pointed her bony finger at him and screeched an order in a language that Jan couldn’t fathom.

The old man grumbled and threw the řepy at Jan’s feet. The light began to fade, and soon enough, Jan found himself standing alone with the stolen řepy at his feet.

Jan couldn’t believe what he had witnessed; he rushed back to thank Baba Yaga for her help. Baba Yaga accepted his heartfelt gratitude and asked him to make a promise. ‚Promise me this, dear farmer, that you will always be grateful for what you have and never let greed take over your heart.‘

After that night, Jan’s řepy flourished like never before, and he was the only farmer in the region to produce the finest grade of sugar beets. And, whenever he gazed upon his crops, he remembered Baba Yaga’s words and never forgot to be grateful for what he had.

Thus, the legend of Ukradené řepy was born. It spoke of a wise old woman with magical abilities, a humble farmer, and a lesson on gratitude and humility. Indeed, anything is possible with a little help from the supernatural, and a lot of hard work and commitment towards one’s goals.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V pohádce „Ukradené řepy“ z dalekých českých lesů žil starý rolník Jan, který se díky svému tvrdému práci a oddanosti k zemědělství stal nejlepším rolníkem v okolí. Jednoho léta, kdy se připravoval na setbu, zjistil, že mu někdo ukradl jeho milované řepy. Při pátrání po zloději mu nikdo nechtěl pomoci, a tak se rozhodl obrátit se na moudrou starou ženu z vesnice, Babu Jagu. Ta mu nabídla pomoc za cenu nejlepších obilí, lahodného medoviny a zlaté mince. Po přijetí jeho dary začala kouzlit. Svým kouzlem přivolala malého, zlostného starce, který ukradl Janovi řepy. Když Babu Jagu později Jan navštívil, požádala ho o slib, že nikdy nezapomene být vděčný a nikdy nedovolí chamtivosti ovládnout jeho srdce. Jan se slibu držel a jeho řepy kvetly více než kdy jindy, protože si uvědomil, že mít pokoru a vděčnost je cennější než jakýkoliv statek.

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