Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Syn vědmařova – The Soothsayer’s Son

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Byla jedna vědmařova, která byla nejslavnější v celém království. Uměla předpovídat budoucnost, vyvolávat démony a kouzlit se s magií jako žádný jiný. Ale jednoho dne se stala věcem, která by způsobila, že její syn, Syn vědmařova, musel odejít z domova a vydat se na neuvěřitelné dobrodružství, aby zachránil království.
Once upon a time in a small village nestled in the heart of the Czech Republic, there lived a soothsayer. The villagers would come from far and wide seeking his advice on matters of the heart, wealth, and success. The soothsayer was a kind and wise man, whose predictions always came true. He had a son, Syn vědmařova, who was also blessed with a gift of foresight.

Chapter 1 – Syn vědmařova’s Gift

Syn vědmařova was born with a keen sense of intuition, and as a child, he could sense the future before it even happened. He would often tell his father about the dreams he would have, which would later come true.

One day, when Syn was only six years old, he saw a vision of a great drought and famine that would come upon the land. He informed his father of this, who immediately began to warn the villagers of the impending doom. The villagers heeded his warning and stored up enough food to last them through the famine, which came just as Syn had predicted.

Chapter 2 – Syn’s Growing Abilities

As Syn grew older, his abilities as a soothsayer continued to develop. His father, the soothsayer, taught him how to read the stars and to interpret dreams. The two of them would spend hours studying the movements of the planets and stars, and analyzing the meanings of symbols and signs in dreams.

One day, while studying the stars, Syn saw a vision of a young girl named Alena. She was in danger and needed his help. He immediately set out to find her, and after many days of searching, he finally found her lost in the forest. Alena was very grateful for his help and invited him to stay in her village.

Chapter 3 – Love and Betrayal

Syn fell deeply in love with Alena, and the two of them began a life together. However, their love was not meant to be, for Alena’s father, a wealthy landowner, did not approve of their relationship. He wanted his daughter to marry someone from a wealthy family, not the son of a soothsayer.

In a fit of rage, Alena’s father had Syn imprisoned, accusing him of stealing from the landowner’s estate. In reality, Syn was innocent, but he had no way to prove it. He was eventually released from prison, but his reputation was ruined, and he was forced to leave the village.

Chapter 4 – The Return of Syn vědmařova

Years passed, and Syn vědmařova continued to travel throughout the land, using his gift to help those in need. He became known throughout the country as a wise and compassionate soothsayer, who could predict the future with uncanny accuracy.

One day, he returned to the village where he had lived with Alena. There, he discovered that the landowner who had imprisoned him, had fallen on hard times. His crops had failed, and his cattle had fallen ill. Desperate, he sought out Syn vědmařova’s help.

Syn could have easily refused to help him, remembering how the landowner had ruined his life. However, instead, he chose to help him, using his gift to predict a time when the man’s fortunes would change for the better. The landowner was amazed by Syn’s abilities, and he offered him his forgiveness and a large sum of money as a sign of his gratitude.


Syn vědmařova settled down in the village, where he had once lived with Alena, and he used his gift to help the villagers prosper. Eventually, he married and had children of his own, passing down his gift to the next generation.

His legacy lived on throughout the land, and his name was remembered for generations, as a wise and compassionate soothsayer who could see what others could not. His gift had helped many overcome great hardship, and his life had been a testament to the power of intuition and foresight. And so, the legend of Syn vědmařova, the Soothsayer’s Son, lived on.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Je tu syn vědmařova, který se narodil s darom jasnovidectví. Jeho otec byl také vědmař, a tak synovi pomáhal rozvíjet jeho dar. Syn měl vidiny o budoucnosti a důležité věci předpovídal dřív, než se staly skutečností. Jednoho dne Syn viděl vizi o hladomoru, který měl dorazit do vesnice, kde žil. Jeho otec varoval vesničany, kteří si nashromáždili dostatek jídla na přežití hladomoru. Syn se také naučil studovat hvězdy a interpretovat sny. Jednou viděl vizionářskou vizi o dívce jménem Alena a vyrazil ji najít. Zamilovali se do sebe, ale Alenin otec s jejich vztahem nesouhlasil, Syna obvinil z krádeže a uvěznil ho. Později se Syn vrátil a dokázal získat Alenina otce díky svému daru úsudku. Syn vědmařova se usadil v obci, pomáhal lidem a jeho dědictví žilo dál. Jeho dar byl pozoruhodný příklad síly intuice a vize.

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