Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Štěstěna Lucky: Lucky Luck’s Fortune

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Byla jednou jedna dívka jménem Štěstěna, která měla štěstí na každém kroku. Její krása a dobrota přitahovaly lidi a zvířata, a kdykoli se ocitla v nesnázích, vždycky se jí podařilo najít si cestu ven. Štěstěna si nikdy nemusela dělat starosti o budoucnost – a to až do chvíle, kdy se jí stalo něco, co bylo větší než běžná lidská oblast. Tato příběh o Štěstěně, která byla žádoucí vsouzení, plná nebezpečí a milostné lásky, je dokonalá ukázka toho, že osud si občas vybírá naši cestu, nikoli my sami.

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a young girl named Šťěstěna, which means „Lucky“ in Czech. Her parents had named her so because she was born on the day of the summer solstice when the stars aligned in a way that is considered to bring good luck.

Štěstěna grew up knowing that she was destined for great things. She was a kind and optimistic girl, always looking for the good in people and situations. Her parents were proud of her positive attitude and taught her to appreciate the little things in life.

As Štěstěna grew older, she realized that her lucky streak was not just a coincidence. Everywhere she went, good things seemed to happen to her. She found money on the street, won contests, and made new friends effortlessly. People around her began to notice her extraordinary luck and began to call her „Lucky Luck.“

One day, Lucky Luck set out on a journey to explore the world beyond her small village. She packed a small bag with essentials and set off, not knowing where she was headed but excited for the adventure.

On her way, she met a poor farmer who was struggling to make ends meet. Lucky Luck offered to help and suggested that they plant a crop of rare flowers that she knew would sell for a high price in the city markets.

The farmer was skeptical at first, but Lucky Luck’s unwavering optimism and belief in good fortune convinced him to take the risk. Together, they cultivated a field of exquisite flowers, which they sold for a small fortune in the city.

With the money they earned, the farmer was able to pay off his debts and provide for his family. Lucky Luck continued on her journey, feeling fulfilled by the good she had done.

As she continued on her journey, she came across a village plagued by a terrible drought. The villagers were suffering, and no rain had fallen in months. Lucky Luck knew that she had to do something to help.

She climbed to the top of the highest mountain and started to pray for rain. With her strong faith and innate ability to attract good luck, it wasn’t long before the skies opened up, and rain began to pour.

The villagers were astounded and grateful, and they welcomed Lucky Luck with open arms. They begged her to stay, and she agreed, enthralled by the community’s kindness.

Over the next few months, Lucky Luck helped the village in every way she could, spreading joy and good fortune wherever she went. She became a cherished member of the community, and they even held a feast in her honor to celebrate her arrival.

One day, Lucky Luck woke up to find that her lucky streak had inexplicably fizzled out. She tried to shake it off, but the good fortune that had once followed her everywhere seemed to have vanished overnight.

At first, she was distraught and confused, but then she realized what was truly important. She had learned that being lucky was not just about good things happening to you; it was about creating good things for others.

With a newfound determination, Lucky Luck set out to create her own luck by doing good for others. Even though she no longer had the supernatural power to attract good fortune, she knew that her positive attitude and willingness to help others would ultimately lead to happiness and success.

From that day forward, Lucky Luck lived a fulfilled life, spreading joy and kindness wherever she went. She became an inspiration to all those around her, and her legacy of goodwill lived on for years to come.

In the end, Lucky Luck realized that true happiness is not found in luck or wealth, but rather in the good we do for others. She had learned the greatest lesson of all, and she knew that she was truly blessed to have discovered it.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V pohádce „Šťastná Štěstěna“ se setkáváme s dívkou jménem Štěstěna, která byla pojmenována podle toho, že se narodila na slunovrat, který je považován za zdroj štěstí. Štěstěna byla optimistická a milá dívka, která měla pozitivní pohled na svět a uměla vidět v lidech a situacích to dobré. Když se vydala na cestu za dobrodružstvím, potkala chudého farmáře, který se potýkal s finančními problémy. Štěstěna mu nabídla pomoc a společně zasadili pole s trávníky, které po prodeji vyneslo farmáři peníze na zaplacení dluhů a zajištění pro svou rodinu. Dále se Štěstěna dostala do vesnice postižené sušem, kde modlitbami přivolala déšť a obyvatelům pomohla se zlepšením životních podmínek. Později zjistila, že už nemůže spoléhat na své štěstí, ale rozhodla se, že bude pomáhat lidem a tím si zaslouží štěstí. Pohádka nás tak učí, že skutečné štěstí a spokojenost nenalezneš v bohatství ani v štěstí, ale v tom, že lidem pomáháš a šíříš radost a lásku kolem sebe.

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