Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti


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Byla jednou jedna zima, kdy padal hustý sníh a z rukou dětí vznikaly malé sněhuláčci. Mezi nimi byl i jeden velmi zvláštní. Jeho jméno bylo Sněhuláček a měl magické schopnosti, které mu umožňovaly žít a prožívat dobrodružství mezi lidmi. Tak začíná naše pohádka o malém kouzelníkovi z mrazivé země, který se snažil najít své místo ve světě lidí a bojovat proti zlu.
Once upon a time in the Czech Republic, there was a small village named Čtyři Dvory. It was a serene village with snow-covered mountains and lush green fields. The villagers lived simple lives, and they cherished the traditions of their ancestors. They would celebrate the winter solstice by making a Sněhuláček, which means snowman in Czech.

H2: The Birth of Sněhuláček
Every year, on the winter solstice, the children of the village would gather together to make a Sněhuláček. They would roll snowballs around, one larger than the other, to create the body and head of the snowman. They would then use coal for the eyes and mouth, and carrots for the nose. But no Sněhuláček was complete without a hat and a scarf.

One winter solstice, the children of Čtyři Dvory decided to make the biggest and the most beautiful Sněhuláček ever. They worked for hours, and as they finished, they stood back to admire their masterpiece. Suddenly, they heard a soft voice coming from the snowman. „Hello, my dear children.“

The children were surprised and startled at the same time. They had never heard a snowman speak before. „Who are you?“ they asked.

„I am Sněhuláček,“ replied the snowman. „I have been created by your love and imagination. This year, I have decided to come to life to show you the wonders of the winter season.“

The children were amazed and thrilled to hear that their creation had come to life. They decided to spend the day with Sněhuláček, showing him around the village, and introducing him to other children.

H2: A Winter Adventure
Sněhuláček was amazed at how beautiful the village was in winter. The snow-covered roofs, the frozen ponds, and the snow-capped mountains. He had never seen anything like it before. As the day progressed, the children took him on a winter adventure. They went sledding, built igloos, and had snowball fights.

Sněhuláček played along with the children, laughing and enjoying the time of his life. The more he learned about the winter season, the more he appreciated it. He realized that winter was not just about cold weather, but it was a season of joy, happiness, and togetherness. He felt grateful to have come to life and be with the children of Čtyři Dvory.

H2: The Secret of Sněhuláček
As the day came to an end, the children said their goodbyes to Sněhuláček, promising to visit him again the next day. Sněhuláček returned to his spot in the village, waiting for the children to come back. As the night went on, he felt a strange sensation inside him. He felt that he was losing his life force.

He realized that the only way for him to survive was to continue experiencing joy, happiness, and togetherness with the children. He had to keep learning and growing to continue living.

The next day, the children came back to see Sněhuláček, but he was not as lively as he was the day before. They noticed that he had shrunk a bit, and his features were not as sharp as before. They asked him what had happened, and Sněhuláček told them his secret.

The children were surprised to learn that their snowman had a life force, and the only way to keep him alive was to keep him happy. From that day on, the children made it a point to visit Sněhuláček every day, bringing along new experiences and joy. They realized that love and imagination had created Sněhuláček, but it was their love and happiness that kept him alive.

H2: The End of Winter
As the days passed, the snow began to melt, and the winter season came to an end. It was time for Sněhuláček to say his goodbyes to the children of Čtyři Dvory. He thanked them for a beautiful winter and promised to come back next year.

The children waved goodbye to Sněhuláček, happy to have made a new friend. They had learned that love and happiness could bring anything to life, even a snowman.

As spring arrived in the village, the children of Čtyři Dvory looked forward to the next winter, eagerly waiting to make another Sněhuláček and to welcome back their dear friend.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Byl jednou malý vesnička jménem Čtyři Dvory. Vesnička byla obklopena sněhem a zelenými poli. Všichni obyvatelé byli velmi milí a uctívali tradice svých předků. Každý rok si děti vesnice při zimním slunovratu stavěly sněhuláka, kterého nazývaly Sněhuláček. Jedno zimní slunovratové odpoledne se dětem podařilo poskládat největšího a nejkrásnějšího sněhuláka vůbec. Najednou z něj začal slyšet měkký hlas, který jim řekl, že je Sněhuláček. Děti byly překvapené a zároveň nadšené, že jejich stvoření ožilo. V průběhu dne si Sněhuláček s dětmi užíval zimní radovánky, až zjistil, že musí prožívat štěstí, aby mohl být dál naživu. Děti věděly, co mají dělat, a každý den Sněhuláčka navštěvovaly, aby ho udržely šťastného a naživu. Když se zima skončila, děti se rozloučily se Sněhuláčkem a těšily se na příští rok, kdy ho opět pojmou do svého života. Z tohoto příběhu se dá vyvodit, že láska a štěstí dokážou oživit cokoliv – i sněhuláka.

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