Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Sliby synů stervoucímu otci

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Byla jednou jedna krásná princezna, která toužila po svobodě a nezávislosti. Avšak její otec, král, ji vězněl v nejvyšší věži svého hradu a nepovolil jí opustit jeho hradby. Za tuto kázničtění však zaplatil hroznou cenou, a to tragickou smrtí. Tento příběh pojednává o tom, jak se princezna setkala s třemi bratry – Sliby syny stervoucímu otci – a společně se vydali na nebezpečnou cestu za svobodou a štěstím.
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled among the rolling hills of the Czech countryside, lived a man named Petr with his three sons. While Petr was a hard-working man, he had fallen on hard times and was struggling to provide for his family. One day, he became seriously ill and lay in bed, his life force slowly ebbing away.

H2: Sliby synů

Petr’s sons, Jan, Tomas, and Lukas, loved their father dearly and were heartbroken to see him fading away. They knew they had to do something to save him, so they made a solemn vow, or „slib,“ to each other: they would find a way to save their father no matter what it took. With that, they set out on their journey, unsure of where it would take them or what they would find.

H3: Jan the Brave

Jan, the eldest of the three brothers, was determined to find a cure for his father’s illness. He set out on horseback and rode for days, until he came across an old, wizened woman in a small cottage by the roadside. She told him that she had a cure for his father’s illness, a rare herb that grew only in a secluded valley in the mountains.

Jan thanked the old woman and set out on foot to find the valley. He climbed up steep mountain paths and through dense forests, until at last he came to the valley. There, he found the herb he had been seeking, and he carefully harvested it, knowing that it would save his father’s life.

H3: Tomas and the Golden Apple

Meanwhile, Tomas, the second son, had heard a legend about a golden apple that held the power to cure any illness or affliction. He set out to find the apple, believing that it would be the key to saving his father’s life.

Tomas traveled far and wide, through treacherous terrain and across raging rivers, until he came to a castle where the golden apple was said to be kept. He sneaked in at night and found the apple, then fled before the guards could catch him. He returned to his father’s bedside, the golden apple in his hands, his heart heavy with hope and fear.

H3: Lukas and the Miraculous Water

Lukas, the youngest of the three brothers, was a kind, gentle soul who loved his father deeply. He had heard of a spring whose waters had miraculous healing powers, and he set out to find it.

Lukas traveled through fields and forests, across rivers and mountains, until he came to a dark, enchanted forest where the spring was said to be hidden. As he walked through the forest, he came across a group of woodland creatures who were in danger from a fierce, bloodthirsty wolf. Lukas bravely stood up to the wolf and saved the creatures, who in turn led him to the spring.

Lukas filled a small bottle with the spring’s water, then made his way back to his father’s bedside, where his brothers waited with bated breaths.

H2: Sliby splněny

As they pooled their resources, Jan, Tomas, and Lukas discovered that each of their quests had met with success. They administered the herb, the golden apple, and the miraculous water to their father, and slowly but surely, his health began to improve.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, until at last Petr was fully cured of his illness. He thanked his sons from the bottom of his heart and marveled at their courage, their determination, and their love for him. Their sliby, their solemn vow, had been fulfilled, and they had saved their father’s life.

And so, in that little village in the Czech countryside, the story of Petr and his three sons became a legend passed down from generation to generation. The sliby synů stervoucímu otci, the solemn vow of sons to a dying father, had been fulfilled, and the power of love had triumphed once again.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V malé vesnici na českém venkově žil muž jménem Petr se svými třemi syny Janem, Tomášem a Lukášem. Petr pracoval velmi tvrdě, ale potýkal se s finančními problémy a s nemocí. Jeho synové věděli, že musí najít způsob, jak svému otci pomoci. Každý z bratrů se vydal na cestu za záchranou, hledali byliny, zlaté jablko a divovodní vodu.

Jan objevil bylinu, která mohla Petru pomoci, Tomas našel zlaté jablko a Lukáš se utkal s vlkem a nalezl zázračnou vodu. Když se bratři setkali, zjistili, že každý z nich měl úspěch a mohl se svým podílem na záchraně svého otce přispět. Petr se konečně uzdravil a byl vděčný svým synům za jejich odvahu, houževnatost a lásku k němu. Slíby synů byly splněny a síla lásky znovu triumfovala.

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