Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Slib bratrů umírajícímu otci

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Byla jednou jedna rodina, která byla šťastná až do příchodu smrti otce. Slib bratrů umírajícímu otci, že budou držet pohromadě, aby zajistili, že rodina bude i nadále šťastná. V této pohádce se dozvíme, jak se bratři snažili splnit svůj slib a jakou roli v tom sehrála tajemná postava s kouzelnými schopnostmi. Připravte se na dobrodružství, které vás zavede do světa fantazie a síly lidské víry.
Once upon a time, in a faraway land that existed long before our time, there lived two brothers named Slib and Víra. They were born into a wealthy family, and as they grew up, they learned many things from their father. Their father had a successful business and was respected by everyone in the town.

However, as the years passed, their father’s health began to decline. He became very ill and was on his deathbed. Slib and Víra were devastated by the news and spent all of their time beside their father. They knew that the end was near, and their father could die any day.

Slib Bratrů Umírajícímu Otci: A Promise to the Dying Father

As their father lay dying, Slib made a promise to him. He promised his father that he and Víra would always look after each other, no matter what. He said that they would work together to keep the family business successful and ensure that their father’s legacy would live on.

Their father passed away, and Slib and Víra were heartbroken. However, they kept their promise to their father and began to work together to run the family business. They were determined to make it a success, and they worked hard every day to do so.

The business prospered, and Slib and Víra became very rich. However, as time went by, Slib started to develop a greedy attitude. He became obsessed with money and power and would do anything to get what he wanted.

The brothers started to drift apart, and Slib began to resent Víra. He believed that he was doing all the work and that Víra was not contributing enough. Slib also felt that he deserved more of the profits, and he started to take more than his fair share.

Víra, on the other hand, was very unhappy with the way things were going. He didn’t like the way Slib was acting, and he felt that their father’s legacy was being forgotten. He tried to talk to Slib about it, but Slib wouldn’t listen.

The brothers argued more and more, and their relationship became very strained. One day, Slib got so angry with Víra that he decided to kick him out of the business. He said that he didn’t need Víra’s help anymore and that he could run the business by himself.

The Fall of Slib: The Consequences of Greed

Slib continued to run the business, but things started to go wrong. He made bad decisions and started to lose money. He became paranoid and would do anything to protect his wealth.

His behavior became increasingly erratic, and he started to push away the people he loved. He stopped seeing his friends, and he stopped talking to his family. Slib was consumed by his own greed and couldn’t see the damage that he was doing.

Finally, Slib lost everything. He lost his wealth, his business, and his friends. He was left alone, with nothing but his regrets. He realized that he had made a terrible mistake and that he should have listened to Víra when he had the chance.

Slib went to Víra and begged for his forgiveness. Víra, being the kind-hearted man he was, forgave Slib, and the brothers were reunited. They worked together to rebuild the business, and they made it a success once again.

The brothers learned an important lesson about the dangers of greed and the importance of family. They realized that no amount of money or power was worth losing the people they loved. From that day forward, they remained true to their father’s legacy and worked together to make him proud.

In conclusion, the story of Slib Bratrů Umírajícímu Otci is a powerful fable about the consequences of greed and the importance of family. It serves as a reminder to all of us that no amount of wealth or power is worth losing the people we love. As we go through life, we should always be mindful of our actions, and we should remember to hold on to the values that our loved ones have taught us.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Dlouho před naší dobou žili v daleké zemi dva bratři jménem Slib a Víra. Narodili se do bohaté rodiny a od svého otce se naučili mnoho věcí. Otec měl prosperující podnikání a byl respektovaným mužem v celé vesnici.

Postupem času se zdraví otce zhoršilo a stal se vážně nemocný. Na smrtelné posteli slíbili synové, že budou držet pospolu a zajistí, aby rodinné podnikání prosperovalo i poté, co jejich otec zemře.

Stalo se tak a bratři se snažili podnik proslavit. Slib se však postupem času stával stále více chamtivý a měl tendenci ovládnout celé podnikání. Hněvající se na svého bratra Víru, rozhodl se jej z podniku vyhnat a pokračovat sám.

Slibovi klesal vliv podniku a peníze mizely. Vyhrožoval svým bývalým kolegům a přátelům, aby si ochránil své bohatství. Nakonec přišel o všechno a zůstal osamělý s pocitem viny.

Po všem, co se stalo, se vrátil k Vírovi a prosil ho o odpuštění. Víra, s hodným srdcem, mu odpustil a oba bratři se spojili a pomohli obnovit podnik a zase ho dali na vrchol.

Tento pohádkový příběh je silným naučením o důsledcích chamtivosti a o důležitosti rodiny. Připomíná nám, že žádné množství peněz nebo moci nestojí za ztrátu lidí, které milujeme. Vězte, že se v životě budou dít věci, proto vždy myslete na své blízké.

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