Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Skalundský Obry

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Skalundský Obry

V dávných časech, v hlubokých lesích Čech, žil obávaný obry známý jako Skalundský Obry. Jeho jméno bylo spojeno s hrůzostrašnými činy a nesmírnou silou. Není divu, že lidé se ho báli a snažili se mu vyhýbat co nejvíce. Ale jednoho dne se setkala s obry mladá dívka, která byla ochotná podstoupit nebezpečnou výzvu, aby zachránila své blízké i celý svůj lid. Tento příběh vypráví o odvaze, lásce a naději, které všechny síly dokáží přemoci.

Once upon a time, in the heart of the Czech Republic, high up in the mountains, there lived a giant named Skalundský Obry. He was feared and hated by the people of the nearby villages, for he was known to be a ruthless predator who would eat anything that crossed his path.

H2: The Birth of Skalundský Obry

There are many stories about the birth of Skalundský Obry, but the most popular one says that he was the son of a powerful witch who lived in the nearby forest. She had fallen in love with a human, and they had a child together. However, the witch was cursed to give birth to a monster, and so Skalundský Obry was born.

H2: The Early Life of Skalundský Obry

Skalundský Obry grew up in the forest with his mother, who taught him how to hunt and survive in the wild. He was a quick learner and soon became a fearsome predator. However, he was also very lonely, for he had no friends and no one to talk to. His mother was his only companion, and she was often away on her own adventures.

H3: The First Encounter

One day, Skalundský Obry ventured out of the forest and into the nearby village. The villagers were terrified when they saw him, for they had heard tales of his ferocity. However, Skalundský Obry did not attack them. He was curious about their way of life and wanted to explore the village.

H3: The Friendship

In the village, Skalundský Obry met a little girl named Anna. She was not afraid of him and approached him with a smile. Skalundský Obry was surprised by her kindness and soon they became friends. Anna would often visit him in the forest, and they would play together.

H3: The Betrayal

Sadly, their friendship was not meant to last. One day, a group of hunters came to the village, looking for a great beast to hunt. Skalundský Obry was their target. Anna overheard their plans and warned Skalundský Obry. He was grateful for her help and promised to leave the village and never return. However, Anna’s father found out about their friendship and accused Skalundský Obry of kidnapping his daughter. The villagers turned against Skalundský Obry and he was forced to flee into the mountains.

H2: The Loneliness of Skalundský Obry

After being betrayed by his only friend, Skalundský Obry became even more isolated. He spent most of his time in the mountains, avoiding humans and surviving on his own. However, he longed for companionship and yearned to have a friend once again.

H2: The Encounter with the Fairy

One day, Skalundský Obry met a fairy named Milena. She was kind and compassionate, and Skalundský Obry was drawn to her. Milena recognized his loneliness and decided to help him. She used her magic to create a magical pond in the mountains, which was filled with fish and other creatures. Skalundský Obry was thrilled with his new home and thanked Milena for her kindness.

H2: The Return to the Village

Years went by, and Skalundský Obry lived happily in his mountain home. However, he still yearned for human contact and decided to return to the village. To his surprise, the villagers no longer feared him. They had heard of his friendship with Milena and realized that he was not the monster they had once thought he was. Skalundský Obry was welcomed back into the village with open arms, and he lived the rest of his days as a respected member of the community.


The story of Skalundský Obry is a tale of acceptance and friendship. It teaches us that even the most feared and hated of creatures can find love and kindness if they are given a chance. Through his friendship with Anna and the kindness of Milena, Skalundský Obry was able to overcome his loneliness and find happiness. The moral of the story is that we should never judge others based on appearances or rumors, but rather on the content of their character.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Legenda o obří Skalundském je příběhem o přátelství a přijetí. Učí nás, že i ty nejstrašlivější a nejvíc nenáviděné stvoření mohou najít lásku a laskavost, pokud dostanou šanci. Skrze své přátelství s Annou a laskavostí Mileny dokázal Skalundský Obry překonat svou samotu a najít štěstí. Hlavní myšlenkou příběhu je, abychom se nikdy nesoudili podle vzhledu nebo pověstí, ale spíš podle toho, jaký jsou lidé vnitřně.

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