Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Passaconawayova jízda do nebe

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Byla jedna zvláštní legenda, která se vyprávěla v krajinách západních Čech. Vyprávělo se o princezně Passaconaway, která toužila navštívit nebe. Aby toho dosáhla, musela zdolat těžké překážky a prokázat svou odvahu. Tuto neuvěřitelnou cestu nazývali Passaconawayova jízda do nebe a dodnes zůstává jedním z nejkrásnějších příběhů z Českého folklóru.
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the heart of the Bohemian Forest, there lived a young girl named Passaconawayova. She was known throughout the village for her joyous heart, her adventurous spirit, and her love of horseback riding. Passaconawayova was constantly dreaming of riding into the sky, to soar among the clouds above the trees.

One day, as she was wandering deep in the forest, she stumbled upon a clearing she had never seen before. In the center of the clearing stood a majestic white stallion with wings on his back. Passaconawayova had never seen such a creature before, and she approached him with trepidation. As she drew near, the horse spoke to her in a voice like thunder.

“Hail, Passaconawayova! I am the Pegasus, and I have been waiting for you. I have come to take you on a journey beyond your wildest dreams. Will you ride with me to the heavens?”

Passaconawayova could hardly believe her ears. She had always dreamed of riding a winged horse, and now her dream was becoming a reality. She leaped onto the horse’s back, and with a mighty beat of his wings, the Pegasus soared into the sky.

Heading 1: Viděla nádheru nebes

Passaconawayova was awestruck by the sight of the heavens. She could see for miles in every direction, and the colors of the sky were more vibrant than any she had ever seen. The Pegasus flew higher and higher, until the stars glistened like diamonds in the blackness.

Heading 2: Setkala se na nebi se zlatými ptáky

As they flew, they passed clusters of golden birds which flew beside them, singing sweet songs. Passaconawayova was joyous, and she sang along with the birds to their harmonies as the Pegasus propelled them farther and farther into the skies towards the stars.

Heading 2: Zaletěla přes nekonečná moře

Eventually, they came to a vast, shimmering ocean that extended as far as the eye could see. The Pegasus lowered his altitude, and they swooped down over the waves. Passaconawayova could feel the wind in her hair and salt spray in her face as the Pegasus bounced over the waves.

Heading 2: Uprostřed vstoupila do nebeského hradu

Next, the Pegasus ascended to dizzying heights, and they came upon a glowing, golden palace in the sky. They alighted on its highest tower, and Passaconawayova entered the palace to find it was a haven for all kinds of magical creatures. There were unicorns, mermaids, leprechauns, and dragons.

Heading 2: Stala se královnou nebes?

The denizens of the palace, overwhelmed by Passaconawayova’s beauty, kindness and wits, offered her the rule of their world. But Passaconawayova knew that she would one day have to return to her mortal life, and she wished to share the wonders she had experienced. She declined their offer and instead, asked the palace inhabitants to open their doors to all children, so they can experience their joys, too.

Heading 1: Konec cesty

After a night of revelry and wonder, Passaconawayova and the Pegasus returned to the forest. As she dismounted, Passaconawayova realized that the winged horse had granted her more than just a dream. She now had a powerful connection to the natural world, and a greater understanding of the wonders that resided beyond her reality.


From that day on, Passaconawayova became a trusted defender of the Bohemian Forest and a gentle teacher, spreading the knowledge of the natural beauty that lay beyond the reach of human sight. And the children of her village, who had once known only the ground beneath their feet, eagerly awaited her next adventure.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V pohádce “Passaconawayova a Pegas” se setkáváme s mladou dívkou jménem Passaconawayova, která žije v malé vesnici v srdci Českého lesa. Touží létat na křídlatém koni a jednoho dne se jí splní sen, když potká křídlatého koně jménem Pegas, který ji vyzve, zda si s ním nechce vyrazit na cestu do nebe.

Passaconawayova nabídku přijme a spolu s Pegasi letí vysoko do nebes, kde vidí nádherné západy slunce, létající zlaté ptáky a nesčetné moře. Nakonec přistávají na nebeském hradě obývaném kouzelnými tvory a dívka odmítá nabídku stát se nebeskou královnou, protože chce podělit se o své zážitky s ostatními dětmi.

Když se vrátí do lesa, Passaconawayova získá nové spojení s přírodou a stává se ochránkyní lesa i učitelkou pro další děti, které čekají na její další dobrodružství. Pohádka nás učí o kráse přírody, o tom, jak je důležité chránit a sdílet své zážitky s ostatními.

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