Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Passaconaway jede do nebe

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Byl jednou jeden lidový příběh o moudrém indiánském náčelníkovi jménem Passaconaway. Tento náčelník byl známý svou moudrostí a schopností mluvit s přírodou. Jednoho dne se Passaconaway rozhodl vystoupit do nebeského království, aby se setkal s duchy svých předků. Tento výpravný příběh, který se nazývá „Passaconaway jede do nebe“, je plný napínavých zvratů a magie. Připojte se k nám na naší cestě do světa minulosti a získáte nezapomenutelnou zkušenost!
Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Bohemia, there was a powerful and wise chief named Passaconaway. He was a great leader who possessed immense knowledge and the gift of foresight, which made him highly respected and revered amongst his people. Passaconaway was known for his kindness, wisdom, and his extraordinary abilities.

One day, Passaconaway decided to climb to the top of the highest mountain to meditate and communicate with the spirits of the heavens. He had heard that the gods communicated with mortal men from high up above in the heavens, and he hoped to receive their wisdom and guidance.

As he climbed to the top of the mountain, he passed through lush, green meadows filled with a myriad of colorful flowers and singing birds. He also encountered many wild animals, all of whom bowed in honor of his presence.

At last, he reached the top of the mountain, where he found a huge, ancient tree. He sat down under its shadow and began to meditate. As he meditated, he felt a strange energy emanating from the tree, which lifted him up into the clouds and transported him to the heavens.

In the heavens, Passaconaway met with the gods, who were pleased with his visit. They showed him many wonders and imparted on him many great life lessons. They also bestowed upon him the gift of immortality, which he gratefully accepted.

However, before allowing him to stay in the heavens perpetually, the gods gave him his last mortal task, a test to demonstrate his worthiness to live forever. Passaconaway was tasked with taking care of a sacred egg. The egg was precious and was necessary to keep harmony and balance in the world.

Passaconaway was confident in his abilities and promised to take care of the egg with the utmost care and attention.

He returned to Earth with the egg and placed it in a secret place, where he guarded it with his life. Over time, many greedy and power-hungry people tried to steal the egg from Passaconaway. However, he was a formidable warrior and defeated all who dared to challenge him.

Years passed, and Passaconaway remained steadfast in his duties. He watched as the world around him changed, and he witnessed the rise and fall of many empires, dynasties, and kingdoms. But he was resolute, knowing that his task was to guard the egg until the end of time.

Finally, when he felt that his task was complete, he returned to the heavens, where the gods were waiting for him. They were pleased with his commitment and awarded him immortality.

Passaconaway became a celestial being, and his spirit soared high in the skies, bringing rain and life to the Earth. He kept watch over the world, ensuring that balance and harmony were maintained.

And so, the story of Passaconaway became a legend, a tale told to children at night, about a brave and wise man who was granted immortality for his service to the world. His legacy lived on for generations, and his memory remained etched in the hearts and minds of all those who heard his story.

Nowadays, Passaconaway is revered as a cultural icon in the Czech Republic. Many works of art, music, and literature have been produced in his honor, and his name has become synonymous with wisdom and greatness.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Dávná a mystická legend o mocném náčelníkovi jménem Passaconaway vypráví o jeho cestě na nejvyšší horu v zemi Bohémie, kde se setkal s bohy a doznal mnohých velkých učení a moudrostí. Bohové mu nakonec darovali nesmrtelnost, ale s poslední úkolem, aby prokázal svou zralost. Byl mu svěřen posvátný vejce, které musel chránit s nejvyšší opatrností.

Passaconaway se vrátil na Zem a vejce pečlivě ochraňoval po mnoho let, při tom se stal nezlomným ochráncem harmonie a rovnováhy. Nakonec se Passaconaway znovu vrátil do nebes, kde od bohů dostal věčný život. Jeho památka a dědictví žijí dodnes, jeho jméno se stalo synonymem moudrosti a velikosti. Tato pohádka připomíná, že se musíme učit z moudrosti našich předků a plnit naše povinnosti k uchování rovnováhy v našem světě.

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