Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Lord Percyho sen (Lord Percy’s Dream)

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Byl jednou jeden lord, jehož jméno znělo Percyho sen. Žil v prostorném hradu, který se tyčil na vrcholu kopce a zářil jejich krásou. Lord Percyho sen byl milý, dobrodružný a moudrý muž, který se obklopoval přáteli a sluhy. Jeho den byl plný různých činností, ale jeho mysl byla plná nevypočitatelných snů, plných skvostů a dobrodružství. Jedné noci měl sen, který změnil jeho život navždy.
Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there was a nobleman by the name of Lord Percyho sen. He was a kind and generous man who lived in a grand castle in the heart of the kingdom.

H2: Lord Percyho Sen’s Dream
One night, Lord Percyho sen had a dream. He dreamt of a magical garden filled with all sorts of fruits and vegetables. The garden was so beautiful that he woke up feeling overjoyed and inspired.

H3: The Search for the Garden
Determined to find the garden from his dream, Lord Percyho sen set out on a journey. He traveled through lush forests, over treacherous mountains, and across vast oceans. But despite his best efforts, he could not find the garden.

H3: Meeting the Wise Old Sage
As he journeyed, Lord Percyho sen came across a wise old sage who was meditating in a forest glade. The sage could see the nobleman’s distress and asked him what was troubling him.

H3: The Sage’s Wise Words
Lord Percyho sen told the sage about his dream of the magical garden and his fruitless search for it. The sage listened carefully and then spoke words of wisdom to the nobleman.

H3: The Sage’s Prophesy
The sage prophesied that Lord Percyho sen would find the garden he dreamed of, but not in the way he expected. The nobleman must look within himself and not give up hope, for what he seeks is closer than he thinks.

H2: Lord Percyho Sen’s Revelation
Lord Percyho sen was determined to find the garden, but he did not know where to look. The sage’s words kept swirling in his head, and he couldn’t help but think he would never find what he was looking for.

H3: The Journey Home
As he trudged back home from his journey, Lord Percyho sen felt defeated. Suddenly, he stumbled upon a small garden on the edge of his castle grounds. The garden looked familiar, and it was then that he realized that this was the garden from his dream.

H2: Lord Percyho Sen’s New Purpose
From that day on, Lord Percyho sen spent all his time and resources to nourish and nurture the garden. He turned it into a beautiful oasis that not only provided for him and his family but also for the people of the kingdom.

H3: The Garden’s Gift
The garden gifted Lord Percyho sen with not only an abundance of fruit and vegetables but also with wisdom, strength, and courage. He became a better man because of it and inspired others to follow in his footsteps.

H2: Lord Percyho Sen’s Legacy
Lord Percyho sen became known as the wise and generous nobleman who devoted himself to the betterment of his kingdom through his magical garden. His legacy lived on for generations, and his garden continued to provide for the needs of the people.

H3: The Moral of the Story
The moral of the story is that sometimes what we think we are searching for is right in front of us all along. We must trust ourselves and not give up hope, for the answers we seek are closer than we think. Through perseverance and determination, we can achieve great things and leave a lasting legacy.

In conclusion, Lord Percyho sen’s dream turned into a journey of discovery and self-discovery, leading him to find what he was searching for in the most unexpected place. This fairy tale teaches us that we can accomplish great things through perseverance and determination, and that our dreams and aspirations can become our reality if we believe in ourselves.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Jednou v dalekém království žil šlechtic jménem Lord Percyho sen. Byl to dobrý a štědrý muž, který žil v obrovském hradě uprostřed království. Jedné noci měl sen o kouzelné zahradě plné ovoce a zeleniny a rozhodl se ji najít. Cestoval přes lesy, přes hory a přes oceány, ale nenašel ji. Při jednom zastavení v lese potkal moudrého staříka, který mu poradil, aby hledal uvnitř sebe a neztrácel naději. Lord Percyho sen se vrátil domů zklamaný, ale náhodou objevil na okraji hradního pozemku malou zahradu, kterou hledal. Rozhodl se ji obhospodařovat a z ní vznikla krásná oáza, která nejen poskytovala potravu pro jeho rodinu, ale i pro lidi v království. Kromě toho získal zahrada moudrost, sílu a odvahu a stal se lepším člověkem. Tento pohádkový příběh nás učí, že někdy to, co hledáme, je před námi celou dobu a musíme věřit sami sobě, nevzdávat se a bojovat za své sny.

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