Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Krejčí v nebeské říši (The Tailor in Heavenly Kingdom)

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Byla jednou jeden šikovný krejčí, který vyráběl nejkrásnější šaty a oděvy. Jeho jméno bylo Krejčí a byl to opravdový umělec ve svém oboru. Jednoho dne se však stalo něco neuvěřitelného. Krejčí umřel a ocitl se v nebeské říši. Tam se dozvěděl, že ho čeká úžasná výzva. Bude muset šít šaty pro samotné nebeské bytosti. A tak začíná příběh Krejčího v nebeské říši.
Once upon a time in a far away land, lived a tailor known as Krejčí. He was a master of his craft and known far and wide for his exquisite designs and fine-quality clothes. He lived in the bustling city of Prague and had a loyal clientele that comprised the nobility and higher echelons of society.

Krejčí was content with his life but always felt that there was something missing. He yearned for something more fulfilling and was constantly seeking new challenges in his work. One day, when he was hard at work in his shop, a strange-looking man entered. He had a peculiar look about him and was dressed in strange clothes. Krejčí greeted him and went back to his work.

A few moments later, the strange man approached Krejčí and said, „I have heard of your reputation, and I believe that you are the only one who can help me.“ Krejčí was intrigued and asked the man to tell him more. The strange man said, „I am a messenger from the Heavenly Kingdom, and I have been sent to find the best tailor in the world to make clothes for the King and his courtiers.“

Krejčí was stunned and could not believe what he was hearing. The messenger continued, „The clothes need to be of the finest quality, made with the most exquisite materials, and designed with the most intricate details. We have searched far and wide, but have not been able to find anyone who can match your skills.“

Krejčí was flattered and felt that this was the challenge he was looking for. He accepted the offer and set about making the most exquisite clothes he had ever made. He selected the finest materials, including silk, satin, and velvet, and worked tirelessly for days, burning the midnight oil.

Finally, after much hard work, he had completed the clothes. They were the most beautiful clothes he had ever made, with intricate designs, fine stitching, and luxurious materials. He presented them to the messenger, who was amazed at the quality of the clothes. He said, „These are the most beautiful clothes we have ever seen. You truly are the best tailor in the world.“

The messenger took the clothes and left, promising to return soon with further orders. Krejčí was overjoyed and felt that he had found his true calling. He continued to work hard and soon became known as the tailor to the King.

Years went by, and Krejčí grew old. He passed away peacefully in his sleep, surrounded by his family and friends. The people of Prague mourned his passing and remembered him as the greatest tailor they had ever known.

In heaven, Krejčí was welcomed with open arms. The King and his courtiers greeted him and said, „We have been waiting for you, Krejčí. Your work on earth was exemplary, and we are honored to have you in our midst.“

Krejčí was amazed at the beauty of the kingdom and the warm welcome he had received. He spent his days in heaven making clothes for the angels and helping the other tailors improve their craft. He was content and happy, knowing that he had found his true purpose in life.


Krejčí’s story is a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and talent. His journey from being an ordinary tailor to the tailor of the King is a lesson in never giving up on one’s dreams. His story teaches us that with perseverance and passion, we can achieve great things in life.

In heaven, Krejčí found the ultimate fulfillment, doing what he loved most and sharing his knowledge and skills with others. His legacy lived on, and his name became synonymous with excellence and quality. Krejčí’s tale will continue to inspire generations to come, reminding us that true happiness lies in doing what we love, and doing it well.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V této pohádce se setkáme s krejčím jménem Krejčí, který žil v Praze. Byl mistrem svého řemesla a jeho oblečení bylo vysoce kvalitní a obdivované napříč šlechtou a vyšším společenskými kruhy. Nicméně stále cítil, že něco chybí. Toužil po něčem více naplňujícím a neustále hledal nové výzvy v práci. Jednoho dne se setkal s podivně vypadajícím mužem, který se mu představil jako posel z nebeského království a hledal nejlepšího krejčího na světě pro výrobu šatů pro krále a dvorníky. Krejčí se rozhodl přijmout výzvu a tvrdě pracoval na dokonalých šatech. Po mnoha náročných dnech dokončil šaty, představil je poslu a byl slavnostně přijat jako královský krejčí. Po mnoha letech tvrdé práce přišel Krejčí o život a v nebi byl přivítán jako vyvolený, který se může věnovat svému řemeslu a pomáhat ostatním krejčím zlepšovat jejich umění. Tato pohádka nás učí, že s odhodláním a vášní můžeme v životě dosáhnout skvělých věcí.

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