Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Jelen v býčím chlévě

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Dávno, dávno, v jedné malé vesničce uprostřed českých kopců, žil chudý pastýř Jelen. Jednoho dne se stal zázrak, když se Jelen ocitl v býčím chlévě. A právě tato neobyčejná událost začala jednu z nejkrásnějších pohádek našeho kraje, „Jelen v býčím chlévě“.

Once upon a time, in a small village deep in the forests of the Czech Republic, there was a beautiful young maiden named Jana. She lived with her parents in a modest farmhouse, and spent most of her days tending to the family’s crops and animals.

One day, while she was out gathering mushrooms in the woods, Jana stumbled upon a hidden clearing that she had never seen before. In the center of the meadow stood a strange old building, with an enormous beastly creature chained up outside.

Jana was terrified at first, but as she approached the chained creature, the beast simply mooed at her in a gentle and friendly way. Curiosity overcame fear, and Jana drew closer to the creature, naming him Býček.

As she spent more time with Býček, she began to notice that he didn’t belong in the woods at all – he belonged in a barn, surrounded by cows and other farm animals. Jana realized that Býček must have been taken from someone’s farm, and she made up her mind to set him free and return him to his rightful owners.

With a mixture of stealth and cunning, Jana managed to free Býček from his chains and coax him back to her family’s farm. There, she enlisted the help of her parents to build a makeshift barn for the creature, and they welcomed him into their family with open arms.

As the weeks and months passed, Jana became known around the village as a kind and brave young woman who had rescued a helpless beast from the dangers of the forest. Býček thrived in his new home, providing the family with fresh milk and ploughing their fields with ease.

Jana’s bravery and kindness had not gone unnoticed, however. One night, as she was drawing water from the well, she was approached by an old woman who revealed herself to be a fairy. The fairy told Jana that she had been watching over her since she had taken in Býček, and that she had a reward for the young woman‘s loyalty.

She led Jana deep into the forest, and there she revealed a magical garden full of flowers and herbs that shimmered in the moonlight. The fairy instructed Jana to pick any plants that she desired, and promised that they would bring both health and prosperity to her family.

And so Jana plucked the most beautiful flowers and herbs from the garden, and brought them back to her family’s farm. As the days and weeks passed, she brewed potions and elixirs that cured even the gravest of illnesses, and sold them to other villagers for a hefty profit.

Thanks to Jana’s courage, her family’s farm prospered, and the family became known throughout the region as expert healers and gardeners. And even though Býček remained a loyal and friendly companion to Jana and her family, they never forgot the fairy’s gift and the kindness of the stranger who had rewarded them for their bravery.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Když se panna Jana vydala do lesa na houby, objevila tajemnou louku, na níž bydlel velký zvířecí býk v řetězech. Jak se s ním seznámila, zjistila, že patří do stáje a byl ukraden z farmy. Rozhodla se ho tedy osvobodit a vrátit ho jeho majitelům. Spolu s rodinou postavili pro býka stáj, kam si jej přivedla. Později ji navštívila víla a odměnila ji za její statečnost a laskavost tím, že ji ukázala kouzelnou zahradu. Jana si z ní vybrala bylinky a květiny, z kterých uvařila elixíry, které se staly velmi úspěšnými pro léčbu chorob a vytvářela z nich značné zisky. Její rodina se stala známou díky farmě i díky vynikající léčebné praxi. Společnost si pamatovala na Janinu statečnost a na dar víly, který jí umožnil začít úspěšný podnik.

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