Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

and The Devil

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Aktualizace pohádky:

„Byl jednou jeden čert, který žil v temných jeskyních na kraji lesa. Každou noc vylézal zpod země a vydával se do okolních vesnic, kde se pokoušel oklamat a ovládnout obyvatele. Jeho nevypočitatelnost a podlost se staly legendou mezi lidmi a brzy si získal přezdívku Ďábel. Jeho příchod byl vždy doprovázen temnými mraky a větrem, který se ozýval jako posel zmaru a zkázy. Toto je příběh o tom, jak Ďábel přišel o svou moc a jak jedna obyčejná dívka dokázala porazit zlo.“


„Once upon a time, there was a devil who lived in the dark caves at the edge of the forest. Every night, he came out of the ground and went to the nearby villages, where he tried to deceive and control the inhabitants. His unpredictability and wickedness became a legend among the people, and he soon earned the nickname ‚The Devil‘. His arrival was always accompanied by dark clouds and winds that sounded like messengers of doom and destruction. This is a fairy tale about how The Devil lost his power and how an ordinary girl managed to defeat evil.“
Once upon a time in the Czech Republic, there was a small village nestled at the foot of a mountain range. The village was known for its lush greenery and crystal clear rivers that flowed throughout the year. The villagers were simple folk, who lived a peaceful life, farming and trading with one another. Among them lived a man who was feared and despised by everyone in the village. This man was known as the Devil.

Chapter 1: The Arrival of the Devil
(Příchod ďábla)

Legend had it that the Devil had magically appeared in the village one night, causing a great commotion. He was said to be inhumanly tall, with horns sprouting from his forehead and eyes that glowed like fiery orbs. The villagers were frightened and many of them fled their homes.

However, the Devil had no intention of harming anyone. He had come to the village to make a deal with its people. The Devil was a clever businessman and had been observing the villagers for some time. He knew that they were poor and struggling and he believed that he could offer them a way out of their misery.

Chapter 2: The Deal

The villagers were wary of the Devil, but they were desperate to improve their lives. So, they cautiously approached him and listened to his proposal. The Devil offered them a deal – he would provide them with wealth and prosperity in exchange for their souls. The villagers were hesitant and frightened. However, the Devil was a smooth talker and convinced them that they had nothing to lose. He promised to make them rich beyond their wildest dreams and assured them that their souls were of little value to him.

Chapter 3: The Consequences

The villagers agreed to the Devil’s terms and soon their fortunes changed. They became prosperous, living in large mansions and enjoying all the luxuries that wealth could afford. However, they quickly realized that they had made a grave mistake. The Devil had given them riches, but he had also taken away their souls. They had lost their moral compass and became selfish and greedy. They no longer cared about one another and spent their time devising ways to accumulate more wealth.

Chapter 4: The Reckoning

As time went by, the villagers began to realize that they had been tricked by the Devil. They regretted their decision to make the deal and wished they had never met him. However, it was too late. The Devil had come to collect their souls and take them to hell. The villagers were terrified, realizing that they had been living in a state of ignorance.

Chapter 5: The Salvation

Just when all seemed lost, a group of wise men appeared in the village. They had been sent by God to save the villagers from eternal damnation. They explained that the Devil could be beaten, but it would require courage and selflessness. The villagers were skeptical, but the wise men reminded them of their past, when they had helped one another and cared for their community. They urged them to come together and fight against the Devil, using the strengths that they had lost along the way.

Chapter 6: The Victory

The villagers finally saw the truth and decided to take action. They went to the Devil and stood up to him, demanding that he leave their village and never return. They were united in their front and were no longer the selfish beings they had been before. The Devil, taken aback by the strength of their spirit, agreed to leave them alone.

Chapter 7: The Lesson

The villagers learned a valuable lesson; that wealth and prosperity can come at a great cost. They also learned that when they were united, they were strong and could overcome any obstacle. The wise men left the village but the memory of their message stayed with the villagers. They went on to create a community that looked out for one another and practiced kindness and generosity.

In conclusion, the story of the Devil in the Czech language is a reminder that we must be cautious of what we wish for. It underscores the importance of community, kindness, and humility. We must remember that true wealth lies not in material possessions but in the love we have for one another.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Byl jednou jeden malý český vesnička, která se nacházela u nohou horského pásma. Vesnička byla známá svou zelení a průzračnými řekami, které protékaly celý rok. Všechni obyvatelé byli jednoduchí lidé a žili v míru, pracovali na polích a s obchodováním. Mezi nimi žil jeden muž, kterého všichni v obci báli a pohrdali. Tento muž byl znám jako Ďábel.

Obyvatelé se báli a mnozí z nich utekli ze svých domů. Ďábel však neměl v úmyslu nikomu ublížit, přišel do vesnice, aby uzavřel obchod s jejími lidmi. Ďábel byl chytrý obchodník a vesničany sledoval už nějakou dobu. Věděl, že jsou chudí a válcují se v bídě. Myslel si, že jim může nabídnout způsob, jak se tomu vyhnout.

Obyvatelé byli opatrní, ale byli zoufalí, proto ďábla opatrně přistoupili k jeho návrhu. Ďábel jim nabídl dohodu – poskytne jim bohatství a prosperitu výměnou za jejich duše. Byli váhaví a vyděšení, ale Ďábel byl zkušeným mluvčím a přesvědčil je, že nemají co ztratit. Dohnal je tím, že jim slíbil, že je zbohatnou a spokojí, že jejich duše pro něj neznamenají nic.

Vesničané s tímto obchodem souhlasili a brzy se jejich štěstí obrátilo. Stali se bohatými, žili v velkých domech a užívali si všech luxusů, které si mohli dovolit. Nicméně záhy si uvědomili, že udělali vážnou chybu. Ďábel jim dal bohatství, ale zároveň jim vyměnil duše. Ztratili svůj morální kompas a stali se sobeckými a chamtivými. Už se o sebe nestarali a trávili čas tím, jak si vymyslet způsob, jak získat více bohatství.

Obyvatelé si postupně uvědomovali, že na Ďábla přistupovali naivně. Došlo jim, že byli podvedeni a že se s ním nikdy neměli setkat. Ďábel však přišel, aby si přišel pro jejich duše a odnesl je do pekla. Lidé z vesnice byli vyděšení, protože si uvědomili, že žili v nevědomosti.

Když se obyvatelé dostali z nouze, objevila se ve vesnici skupina moudrých mužů. Ti byli posláni Bohem, aby zachránili vesničany od věčného zatracení. Vysvětlili vesničanům, že Ďábla lze porazit, ale bude to vyžadovat odvahu a bezohlednost. Vesničané byli podezřívaví, ale moudří muži jim připomněli minulost, kdy si navzájem pomáhali a starali se o své společenství. Vyzvali je, aby se sjednotili a bojovali proti Ďáblovi, využili svých sil, které během této doby pozbyli.

Obvesničané si konečně uvědomili pravdu a rozhodli se k akci. Šli k Ďáblovi a postavili se mu. Požadovali, aby opustil jejich vesnici a už se nikdy nevracel. Jednotně stáli tváří tvář a vůbec nebyli sobečtí jako předtím. Ďábel byl překvapen silou jejich ducha a souhlasil s tím, že je nechá na pokoji.

Vesničané se poučili cenné lekci; že bohatství a prosperita mohou mít velkou cenu. Zdůraznily význam komunity, laskavosti a pokoře. Měli na paměti, že skutečné bohatství spočívá ne v hmotném majetku, ale v lásce k druhým.

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