Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Pohádky o autech

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Aktualizace pohádky:

“Byla jednou jedna pozaďová škodovka, která se toužila stát nejrychlejším autem v českých zemích. Avšak nebyla sama – další auta, jakožto Praga, Tatra, nebo Jawa, také toužila po slávě a uznání. Jejich sny se staly realitou, když se ocitli na závodních tratích, kde se navzájem překonávali a bojovali o titul šampiona. Toto je příběh o autích, kteří se přenesli z běžných silnic do světa závodů a stali se hrdiny mezi dopravními prostředky.”

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Czechia, there was a never-ending love story between the people and their cars. Children grew up listening to Pohádky o autech (Fairy Tales about Cars) that told them the marvelous journey of their beloved cars.

H2: První pohádka o autě

One of the famous Fairy Tales about Cars was “První pohádka o autě” (The First Fairy Tale about Cars). This story was about a young boy who discovered an abandoned car in the middle of the forest. He was fascinated by the car’s beauty and decided to fix it up with the help of his grandfather.

H3: Grandfather taught him important lessons

The young boy’s grandfather taught him the importance of taking care of the car, maintaining it properly and respecting it. He emphasized the value of investing time and effort in making the car run smoothly, and taking it on adventures that would create everlasting memories.

H3: The car took them on adventures

The boy and his grandfather took the car on many adventures, exploring the countryside, and meeting new people. As they traveled, they discovered the benefits of keeping the car clean and how it increased the car’s lifespan.

H3: The car taught them important life lessons

During their journey, the car taught them many important life lessons. They learned to be patient when the car broke down, to persevere when it needed repair, and to be thankful for its reliability. They also learned to be resourceful when their car ran out of gas or got stuck in the mire.

H2: Druhá pohádka o autě

Another Fairy Tale about Cars is “Druhá pohádka o autě” (The Second Fairy Tale about Cars), which was about a family of cars. In this story, a father car, a mother car and their children lived together in a garage.

H3: The father car was protective of his family

The father car was very protective of his family and made sure they were always safe. He took them on many adventures, and they traveled to new places together.

H3: The mother car ensured the family stayed organized

The mother car was in charge of keeping the garage organized and making sure everything was in order. She taught her children the importance of discipline and cleanliness.

H3: The children learned valuable lessons

The children learned valuable lessons from their parents. They learned the importance of being kind and caring for others. They also learned to be respectful and considerate while sharing the road with other drivers.

H2: Třetí pohádka o autě

The third Fairy Tale about Cars is called “Třetí pohádka o autě” (The Third Fairy Tale about Cars). This story was about a lonely car who wanted to travel the world but couldn’t find a driver to take him.

H3: The car’s purpose was to travel

The car’s purpose was to travel and explore new places. He dreamed of experiencing different cultures, trying new foods and seeing breathtaking landscapes.

H3: The car met a kind-hearted driver

One day, the car met a kind-hearted driver who offered to take him on an adventure. The car was over the moon with excitement and felt blessed to have found a companion.

H3: The car and the driver shared incredible experiences

Together, the car and the driver traveled to many different countries, experiencing different cultures and customs. They ate exotic foods, danced to foreign music and made new friends.

H3: The car felt fulfilled

The car felt incredibly fulfilled to have gone on so many adventures and felt blessed to have found a friend who shared his passion for traveling.


Pohádky o autech are more than just fairy tales; they are stories that unite people with their passion for cars. Each of these fairy tales has a valuable lesson to offer, be it about the importance of taking care of your car, being respectful while driving, or experiencing new cultures. The moral of the story is to cherish your car and create wonderful memories by taking it on adventures. Let your imagination run wild and create your Pohádka o autech!

Ponaučení z Pohádky o autech

Pohádky o autech jsou více než jen pohádky, jsou to příběhy, které spojují lidi s jejich vášní pro auta. Každá z těchto pohádek má cennou lekci, ať už jde o důležitost péče o auto, respektování ostatních řidičů nebo objevování nových kultur. Příběhy nás učí, jak si vážit svých vozidel a tvořit nezapomenutelné vzpomínky, když se na nich vydáváme na dobrodružství. Mějme fantazii volný průběh a tvořme své vlastní Pohádky o autech! v českém jazyce.

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