Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Zlatý prsten Andvarova

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Dávno před dávnými časy, když se ještě naši předkové vysídlili v lesích, žil v zemi skrytém klenotu kouzelnický trpaslík. Jeho jméno bylo Andvar a byl to mistr kouzel, jenž měl pod svou kontrolou všechno zlato, které se vzaly v srdci hor. Své tajemství ukrýval u pramenů zarostlých mechy a vodní trávou. Jeho záhadný zlatý prsten byl jeho největším tajemstvím. A co se stalo, když si ho někdo nezván odnesl a použil k špatným účelům? Toto je příběh o Zlatém prstenu Andvarova.

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, there lived a young and brave prince named Jan. He was the rightful heir to the throne, but he was not interested in ruling the land. Instead, he spent his days exploring the forests and mountains that surrounded the kingdom.

One day, while he was wandering through the woods, Prince Jan stumbled upon an enchanted creature. It was a talking bird, and it told him of a magical ring called Zlatý prsten Andvarova. The bird said that whoever possessed the ring would have untold riches and power. But the ring had cursed many before who had owned it without pure intentions.

Prince Jan was intrigued by the bird’s tale, and he asked where he could find the ring. The bird told him that he must venture deep into the mountains, where a dwarf named Andvari lived. Andvari was the keeper of the precious ring, and he guarded it with all his might.

The prince was determined to find the ring, and so he set off on his journey. He traveled through the winding roads and treacherous paths of the mountains, facing many dangers along the way.

Finally, the prince reached the dwarf’s lair. Andvari was a surly fellow, and he refused to part with the ring when Prince Jan asked for it. The prince saw that Andvari was a greedy and ill-tempered dwarf, so he decided to trick him. He offered to trade Andvari for the ring, and he gave him a bag of shiny gold coins. But the bag actually contained only sand.

Andvari was furious when he realized that he had been tricked. He summoned all his dark powers and cursed the ring, saying that whoever possessed it would suffer greatly. Prince Jan took the ring and put it on his finger, and he immediately felt the curse start to take hold.

The prince realized that he must find a way to break the curse. He sought the help of a wise old sorceress who lived on the edge of the kingdom. The sorceress said that the only way to break the curse was to perform an act of selflessness and kindness.

Prince Jan listened carefully to the sorceress’s words. He knew that he had been selfish in his quest for the ring, and he had only thought of his own desires. So he set out to perform good deeds and help those in need.

As he traveled through the kingdom, Prince Jan helped farmers plow their fields, repaired broken carts, and shared his wealth with the poor. He even saved a group of travellers from a pack of wolves.

When he returned to the sorceress’s cottage, she saw that the prince had truly changed. She took the ring and chanted a spell, and the curse was lifted.

The prince learned a valuable lesson on his journey for Zlatý prsten Andvarova. He realized that true wealth and power come not from material possessions, but from acts of kindness and selflessness. And so, he dedicated himself to serving his people and ruling justly, becoming the beloved king of his kingdom. The ring remained in his possession as a reminder of his past mistakes, but he never again put it on his finger.

And so, the tale of Zlatý prsten Andvarova became a story of redemption and the power of selflessness. The end.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Byl jednou jeden statečný princ Jan, kterého nezajímalo vládnutí říši, ale procházení okolními lesy a horami. Jednoho dne narazil na kouzelného ptáka, který mu vyprávěl o kouzelném prstenu Zlatý prsten Andvarova. Ten, kdo by ho vlastnil, měl by nezměrné bohatství a moc, ale prsten už předtím proklel mnoho lidí.

Prince Jan byl zvědavý a chtěl prsten najít. Pták ho poslal za trpaslíkem, který prsten hlídal. Trpaslík ho nechtěl dát, tak ho princ oklamal a vyměnil prsten za pytel písku. Bohužel prsten byl prokletý a kletba se na něj ihned spustila.

Prince se tedy snažil najít způsob, jak kletbu zrušit. Našel moudrou kouzelnici, která mu řekla, že jediným způsobem, jak kletbu zrušit, je praktikovat dobré skutky. Postupně pomohl rolníkům zasejat pole, opravil rozbité vozíky, pomohl uvězněným lidem a zachránil skupinu cestovatelů.

Když se vrátil k moudré kouzelnici, odhalila, že se princezna opravdu změnil. Praštila prsten a kletba se rozptýlila. Princezna si uvědomil, že skutečné bohatství a moc pocházejí ne z materiálních vlastností ale ze slušnosti a nesebičnosti. Rozhodl se pomáhat lidem a vládnout správně jako oblíbený král. Prsten zůstal mu jako připomínka minulých chyb, ale už ho nikdy nedal na prst. Příběh Zlatého prstenu Andvarů skončil moudrostí a sílou nesebičnosti.

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