Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

The Devil’s Brother-in-Law: A Tale of Perseverance

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Jednou za starých dob, v horském městečku, žil čertův švagr. Nikdo nevěděl, jak se dostal na svět, ale všichni věděli, že patří k nejnebezpečnějším bytostem, které kdy žily. Jeho jméno bylo uváděno pouze šeptem a každý, kdo ho jen spatřil, byl uzamčen v děsivých nočních můrách. Přesto se mezi lidmi rozšířily zvěsti o tom, že jeho bratr je slavný pastýř a on sám touží po klidném životě na venkově. Tato pohádka vypráví o jeho cestě za štěstím a o tom, že větší překážky vás mohou vést k největším odměnám.

Once upon a time, in the land of the Czechs, there lived a young man named Jan. Jan was poor but had a heart full of determination and a will to succeed. He dreamed of something bigger, something grander than his life as a humble farmer.

One day, Jan heard a rumor that the devil himself had a brother-in-law who was even richer than the devil. Jan’s mind was made up. He would find this brother-in-law and ask for his help.

Heading 2: Jan Meets the Devil’s Brother-in-Law

Jan set out on his journey to find the devil’s brother-in-law. He traveled for many days, crossing mountains and rivers, facing harsh weather and wild beasts. Finally, he arrived at a small village where the rumors told him the brother-in-law lived.

Heading 3: Jan and the Devil’s Brother-in-Law Strike a Deal

Jan asked around in the village for the brother-in-law, and eventually, he found him. The brother-in-law was impressed by Jan’s determination and offered to help him in any way he could.

„I can offer you a deal,“ said the brother-in-law. „I will give you seven magic beans. Plant them in your field, and they will grow into a crop that will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams. But beware, there is a catch. You must not tell anyone about the beans, not even your closest friends and family. If you do, the magic will be broken, and your fortune will vanish.“

Jan eagerly agreed to the deal and took the seven magic beans. He went back home and planted them in his field. Over the next few days, he watched as the beans sprouted into a bountiful crop. He was overjoyed and felt that his luck had finally changed.

Heading 2: The Rumors Spread

But soon, the rumors about Jan’s good fortune started to spread throughout the village. People that had never spoken to him before now wanted to be his friend. They asked him how he had become so wealthy so quickly. Jan forgot about the devil’s brother-in-law’s warning and bragged about the magic beans to anyone who would listen.

Heading 3: The Magic is Broken

The next day, Jan went to his field, only to find that his crop had withered and died. The magic was broken, and he was back to being a poor farmer. He was devastated, both by his loss and his realization that his own foolishness had caused it.

Heading 2: Jan’s Perseverance Pays Off

But Jan did not give up. He went back to the devil’s brother-in-law and begged for another chance. The brother-in-law was impressed by Jan’s determination and gave him a second set of magic beans with the same warning.

This time, Jan listened to the devil’s brother-in-law’s warning and kept the magic a secret. He tended to his crop with care and grew it into an empire, becoming the richest man in the village.

Heading 3: Jan Learns a Lesson

Jan learned a valuable lesson through his journey. He realized that true success comes not from riches and fame but from perseverance and hard work. He lived the rest of his life as a kind and humble man, respected by all in his village.

The end.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

V pohádce o Janovi se můžeme naučit, že úspěch nezávisí na bohatství a zbohatnutí, ale na odhodlání a tvrdé práci. Jan byl chudý farmář s velkým snem stát se bohatým mužem. Uslyšel o bratrovi ďábla, který byl ještě bohatší než ďábel sám, a rozhodl se ho najít a požádat o pomoc. Bratr ďábla mu nabídl sedm kouzelných fazolí, které Jan měl zasadit do svého pole a vzejde z nich úroda, která ho zbohatne. Ale varoval ho před tím, že makovinu smí zradit nikomu, jinak veškeré bohatství zmizí. Zpočátku Janovi kouzelné fazole opravdu zbohatly, ale protože se pochlubil s nimi ostatním, staly se bezcennými. Nakonec se mu podařilo získat druhou šanci a pouvažoval nad svou předchozí chybou. Tuto šanci už zvládl a použitím si dovolil být moudřejší. S tvrdou prací a pečlivostí se Jan stal nejbohatším mužem ve vsi. Ukázalo se, že Janovo odhodlání a tvrdá práce vedly k úspěchu víc než jeho krátkodobé zbohatnutí.

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